And these AOL Scouts took advantage of prior year's AOL Scouts who raised funds for the Pack.
Is some parent concerned that Little Johnny isn't getting his mom's perceived "fair share" of the Pack's bank account?
Depending on your lawyer's interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, if the Landscaping Co. is having the Scouts do work for free that the company normally pays employees to do, those Scouts will be considered employees and are due a wage.
I'm taking 500' of various colors of paracord. Found a cool weave pattern I want to try on the handle of a bullwhip. I figure 6 days 'ought to be enough time to plait a 4-belly whip.
Spock: I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, Doctor. As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create.
Anything run by your District has to be authorized by your Council since the District is an administrative sub-unit of the Council. I cannot see how a District event would not count.
That sounds similar to the Quantum Mechanics merit badge, which appears as all possible patches until someone actually DOES look at it, thus collapsing its wavefunction.