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Everything posted by ShootingSports

  1. Meritbadge.com is not functioning and has been that way for some time. Meritbadge.org and Meritbadge.net are working
  2. Email me at glaacshootingsports@gmail.com with your questions about anything for Venturing Scouts or Adult Advisors.
  3. Week 7 July 21-27 at Philmont Training Center For both Youth and Adults. Sign up now!! These tracks will cover more than just paper targets. One track will follow Venturing Scouts–try your hand at shooting large bore rifles, sporting clays, cowboy action, three-gun, competition, and black powder rifles. Venturers even have the chance to get into Philmont’s backcountry! The second track allows Venturing Advisors to earn the NRA Instructors Certificate in pistol and shotgun! https://www.philmontscoutranch.org/PTC/conferencesO/VenturingShootingSportsSpectacular/
  4. Fehler see Page 33 of the Cub scout shooting manual for the listing of the procedures "If you find a gun". Probably lifted from Eddie Eagle program, but is part of material presented in the training for Rangemasters. See BSA Shooting sports manual for training materials utilized by a National Camp School Shooting Sports Director. NRA Rifle Instructor can also teach the BB gun section and a USA Level I can teach the archery section. Cant speak to use of the other organizations material for other subjects. But, yes the NRA and BSA have a very healthy and respectful relationship for education.
  5. If for: Cub scouts, https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/shooting-sports/ and look for the Cub Scout shooting manual. Boy Scout merit badge, read the pamphlet for the particular award. or see the Shooting Sports Manual and updates. Venturing, read either the handbook or see the above link for Venturing Outstanding Achievement
  6. The beneficiary is hosting the site. The scout is doing the fundraiser.
  7. Mattosaurus, The fundraising application is generally forwarded to the Council office and checked against known donors to the Council. They dont want individuals, units, etc asking Council level donors for donations that would then potentially cut back their $. The Council also wants to make sure the application does not run afoul of a offensive or restricted activity (think firework sales). Bottom line is from your description, fill out the app and send it in with your correct dates. Note in your Eagle book the "change in plans", in that you missed sending the app in the proper time frame. The most important part of your Eagle process is demonstrating and applying the leadership you have learned. Others may nash their teeth and howl about the paperwork. At the end of the day, the paperwork will never define your Eagle. Enjoy your project......
  8. Alex, For the scoring, they look for an ability to hold good groups. The requirement is for five of the target faces to have the five shots within the minimum scoring ring. So, if one of the groups has a "flyer" outside the minimum level ring. It must be shot again, until you have five groups completed. Absolutely yes, on scopes, lazer sights, aperture sights, open sights, etc. There are no written rules that exclude any time of sights. (for Boy Scout merit badge (Venture does have some restrictions) Same with sand bags, rests, etc. There are no written rules excluding these. Hope you have fun shooting. More importantly, as you progress with the sport: look to challenge yourself by changing shooting positions and trying different sighting systems.
  9. Bring your own battery box and solar panels would be a reasonable alternative........
  10. Eph, if it motivates you (or others) to get more training and makes others aware of the course.....Go for it! Patches are made for UofS, Camporee, etc. and all sorts of other reasons.
  11. Must be 14 to use a shotgun No motorcycles allowed on scout property No running allowed in camp No open toed shoes allowed at events
  12. My understanding is unlike BSA, the GSA owns the unit. So, they technically can control the unit. However, you are a volunteer. So..........
  13. Awesome ideas. We will hopefully be working with VOA, leaders and professionals to reach these levels. Love the idea of training, BWCA, make your own adventures, and shorter schedules. I will post; if this goes beyond initial planning idea. But again, thanks to everyone for the input.
  14. Have you asked the Oldest to raise the issue with the patrol leader? Having the youth ask to solve the problem might lead them to an interesting patrol meeting.
  15. Thanks for input. I have contacted and I am using VOA at both the local and region level. Held discussion groups with youth within council and outside council. All of them express interest in "unique experiences" Really looking for input on idea of program within the council camp setting. Any other suggestions for program?
  16. What would it include with regards to program??? Looking to advise council on how to put together a successful week long program at summer camp exclusive to Venturing. Two one week sessions. Location is scout camp with the following available facilities: Mountain settings in Pines Large lake within 5 minute drive Tent platform camping Rifle ranges, shotgun range, archery range Climbing wall Horses Pool Thinking outside the box. What would the Worlds Best Venturing Summer camp have for the daily Programs?
  17. Interesting read on replies and I get the points. What to do if one or two of the scouts in the Patrol want to go to Philmont or Jamboree?
  18. Plan out the next three den meetings with great detail. In every situation that you can have an adult step up and lead the section/activity mark it and give it a "name" ie. "game time" Have 14 of these. Next meeting have all the parents attend. Don't let them dump and run! Announce that "Scouting is a Family Run Organization". Welcome to the Family" Having all 14 of your activities/sections explained/laid out on a sheet of paper. Ask each parent to take/sign up to manage/run that section. Have a clip board to pass around. Let them know you as the leader are there to help if they have questions. Also, if they have a better idea for activities, you are open to change. Open the book and see together how it can fit with the program. Cream will rise to the top. Other parents will also appreciate the work of the leaders
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