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    Smog Capital
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    Tell ya what its worth......
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    Advanced Rock Throwing

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  1. Best cub and family camping. Wood Badge there also.
  2. Is there a source online to see historical adult registration? Started leading Tigers in 20xx? Looking to fill out my 25 (maybe 30?) Veteran Application TIA w
  3. One of the best quotes I have provided any volunteer in our organization. "If your not happy, pick up your toys and play in another area". I have told youth, leaders and professionals this. Discouragement is tough to deal with, not matter where in BSA. I try to tell myself, all scouting happens only at the unit level (and all units are run by volunteers)
  4. Organization run by volunteers or professionals? .........Failure at "council" is failure of volunteers........ just my 2 cents.
  5. What has happen to Volunteer run and Professionally advised?
  6. Nothing Better Why Not? Why Asking? Devine Revelations Character Development What's Better? Prepared Life Is there a limit?
  7. Pure speculation on rationale : 2 nights require a lot of resources that a number of packs would not be prepared to host. Cost of the events increase significantly for the 2nd night (putting a strain on CS parents). 2 nights is an exhausting pace and fatigue leads to accidents. Dont want competition with our own camps. National might have seen pattern in reported injuries and correlated to two night stays. Our program is "progressive" in advancement ( 1 night for CS and more for BS). NCAP kicks in and requires significant planning to comply (Units not prepared whereas Camps are (or at least should be). Seven potential reasons......
  8. The difference seems to be in Unit camping on their own and not on council property - limited to one night. Council camp with program provided then 2 nights is ok.
  9. Cause you can camp at a Council camp with their provided program covered under NCAP
  10. I have done research, but my conjectures in the past have been based on speculation. However, I still looking for the pot of gold, someone else has mined. I was truly taken aback that our National organization does not have this data readily available.
  11. So, in our area we have a 0.9% market share of total available youth. That leaves 99.1% not in scouting. Does anyone have survey data on what this 99% are doing with their time and their kids? Not looking for personal stories, I am looking for true survey data that has demographics, economic, social, and interests data. Anyone???? (Yes I asked at National)
  12. Completed it with fake email......Ya its a donation pitch
  13. Same here for getting info. Better hear than my BOD. and thank you Eagle94-A1 for your work on this here.
  14. Heard somewhere "Change Happens" and you need to roll with the flow. My favorite is "Do you want the windows of the Church broken from the inside or the outside?" Our personal uniforming can be a reflection of the ideal. However, I want "them" at the meeting, so at least the see the ideal. Just a thought.
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