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  1. Thank you RichardB! Printed to take to the Committee meeting tonight. This will answer the questions and keep our Rocket program on schedule. Much appreciated!
  2. EAGLE 1993, just saw your reply as I was typing. What you say makes sense as far as it being a shooting sport. I agree with that. This actually brings the whole story into light. We (myslef and the CM) started this discussion because neither of our range masters were available to be at our rocket launch meeting. I asked if we "specifically need a trained rangemaster for the event". She said she would try to find it in writing and that is how we got here, she looked in the shooting sports manual. So, if this is not a shooting sport, and if we apply common safety sense, do we need a certified range master, or could a responsible parent act as the safety officer for this event?
  3. I think we need clarification. What is a "Bottle Rocket" then? The firework? I think water rockets would be OK, but my Cubmaster (I am the Den Leader) has interpreted it as a no they are no. I told her I would try to dig in further to make sure. Not sitting on the wing of An RV-8, although I have been helping a friend with an RV-7A. That is the wing of Strega, the 13 time Unlimited Champion at the Reno National Air Races:)
  4. Hello, For the past several years our pack has done a spring pack meeting where the boys make very simple water powered rockets from soda bottles. We have used three launching stations, each staffed by a parent that used a bicycle pump to pressurize the bottle to a safe pressure. The entire area was managed by a certified rangemaster. In reviewing this past document it seems that this activity may not conform to the "Shooting Sports Manual", as referenced here: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/05/06/water-guns-ok-for-target-shooting-not-for-firing-at-other-scouts/ I take it the activity listed above is what is meant by "Bottle Rocket"? I always considered bottle rockets to be the firework type, but I have to assume that their definition is what we are doing above, as fireworks would pretty obviously not be allowed. If we wanted to swap for a different rocket activity, where can I find out if Stomp Rockets are banned? What about shooting off actual model rockets in conjunction with a local rocketry club? It is rather disappointing as I have been able to stir the interest of the boys by showing them the recent Falcon Heavy launch and impressive recovery system. I was looking forward to bridging the interest in what the private space sector is doing with a talk to my Webelo den about developing a parachute recovery system for their rockets in our Engineer It Adventure. I may need to change strategy if rockets of all type are banned.
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