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Everything posted by numbersnerd

  1. Our Pack had instituted RR as some summertime event where boys got the balsa wood kit the day of the event and went at it right there and then. By the time we got around, it was usually 4-6 boys participating. If you even knew it was happening. Very dispiriting. I changed it to the first Pack-wide event after recruiting was done. A way for new and old to meet and introduce people. But the kits were problematic. So we did away with them. Donated pool noodles cut in half length wise, approx 10" long serve as hulls. Bendy Straws and foam sheets are masts and sails. Pencils and dowels make the holes in the materials. Stickers and markers personalize the craft. And they all fit in the actual gutters we use. Multiple revisions ensue throughout the day. No organized races, no trophies, no awards. Just boys building, experimenting, competing against one another. They make up the agreed upon "rules" of the day. They decide who and how they race. Nobody walks away unhappy. The thrill in crafting a boat that floats and can be propelled down the raceway is the goal. Learning from and comparing to other boys adds to the fun. It's a great start to the program year and involves none of the hassle and officialdom that dominates PWD.
  2. Confusion on some part exists due to the program name and the rank name being the same. Ranks are ranks and requirements need to be met to receive them, it's not a participation patch. Wolf program year is not a guarantee that the Wolf rank will be completed. Likewise, crossing over into the next program year is NOT contingent upon completion of the current program rank. Our Pack does it this way: B&G is an event, not a deadline. I have spent several years dispelling the myth of rank completion by this event. Yet every year there are a few (especially new families that Google stuff) that go from 30% done to complete in the two weeks prior to B&G. Aside from the obvious pencil whipping, how much has the Scout gotten from the experience? Very frustrating. AoL can and usually is complete by B&G, helping perpetuate the "ranks by B&G" myth. An AoL ceremony and bridging ceremony at B&G bores the pants off of everyone and drags the night out. I have had AoL dens finish and bridge in December or January. This moves a lot of the ceremonial agony to a smaller group. We attempt to have ranks completed by spring camp out. This gives us the opportunity to do an outdoor ceremony around the campfire, making it more memorable. Those that complete it well ahead of that time have the choice of receiving it at a regular Pack meeting or waiting for the campfire. None yet have opted for the Pack meeting awarding. The last month of the program year is either electives or recovering material helping boys complete their rank requirements. Gives boys that have covered material a chance to help/lead/tutor others as we go through the activities. The teamwork, pride, accomplishments, and relief(!) are very gratifying for everyone. Crossover is done at the end of the school year. Merely acknowledging the passage of time, the end of the year, and the beginning of a new one. They shed their neckerchiefs and receive new ones. It IS confusing for some as we DO have a ceremonial bridge that they walk across. Is it bridging or crossover? We say crossover and save bridging for Webelos to Scout. For record-keeping purposes we advance all Scouts to the next program year around June 1. If you haven't completed it by then, it's unlikely you will anyway. Summer activities, if any (such as day/resident camp) count for the next program year.
  3. Must have been mine as it was deleted. I asked if someone was willing to have their son sell popcorn outside the gentleman's club. Why it was deleted is beyond me as long as we are dealing in hypotheticals and trying to determine just where the line of acceptability is going to be drawn. Heavy-handed moderators at their best.
  4. The first thing you need to do is have a discussion with your CO and find out if they support inclusion of girls in their unit. Any activity before that is potentially a waste of effort.
  5. Ditto. Went to the school one day for something and it was lunch time. I got waves and high fives all down the hallway.
  6. Most AOL ceremonies at B&G tend to drag on and bore the audience outside of the families of the boys receiving it. Candle after candle. Then add on the bridging. Removing neckerchiefs, walking, pausing for photos, putting on new neckerchiefs...ugh. Now, AOL and bridging combined together in itself is not a bad idea IF the logistics of Packs and Troops works out. Watched a simple night outdoor AOL ceremony (5 min) with symbolic arrows and the AOL sign. Just the Webelos and their families and some Troop leaders. Then it was time for bridging. The boys walked across a land bridge (~100 yds) between ponds with torches on alternating sides. 12 of them. Can you guess the next part?. Next to each was a Scout holding a sign of each point of the law, announcing it as they passed. The parents watched their sons disappear into the night one by one as the Scout Law was repeated for each one. Very symbolic and touching. And yes, there were a few parental tears, but the right kind. When they joined their sons on the other side, it was to see them being congratulated by the Scouts and already wearing huge smiles.
  7. You make it sound as if those who DO volunteer have ample time on their hands and few outside interests and lives of their own.
  8. So popcorn sales outside a liquor store, smoke shop, or adult book/movie store would be good in your book? Legal commercial activity? Yes. Fitting with the program? No.
  9. We have done items like this in the past. Having other leaders and scouts sign it on the back adds a special touch. Plaque ideas
  10. As simple as that sounds. it is evidently not.
  11. It is one thing to disagree. It is entirely another to be purposely obtuse merely to further one side of an argument. As leaders I expect a bit higher standard than I have seen on display from some here. If this is the future of Scouting, I am deeply saddened.
  12. Are they doing a wholesale replacement of management at National?
  13. Maybe it's just curious timing, but I thought that things weren't going to change once girls came aboard?
  14. Someone needs to turn on their sarcasm detector...
  15. This might carry weight if none of the rumors ever came true. But they continually do. So to say those who hear and pass along rumors are not trustworthy is a non sequitur.
  16. It's also possible that it is a long-running game between the two other Scouts. Who wants to stop down their grudge match?! More tact could have been used in their response if that was the case, but it's still a possibility.
  17. "Congratulations on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Check, cash, or charge?"
  18. We thought all the same things and got the same education. Seems that the COE didn't give them a choice. Property to be closed in 24 hrs. Get out ASAP and they locked the gates. Is it any surprise it was difficult to find anyone willing to commit to that afterward? Then again, this was when they barricaded areas that were normally open 24 hrs anyway, so nothing should really be a surprise.
  19. We've had some join in 4th, but none lately join in 5th grade. Actually, the largest group for the last few years has been 2nd grade. Modestly sized Tiger dens blow up into big Wolf dens. Then the conundrum is do we split into separate dens, and if so, how? I can see related issues with the membership requirements changing, influx of me scouts, dissatisfaction with it all, and lots of swizzling and requests to combine girls and boys when numbers bounce around. What a mess. And of course many solutions will be reactive instead of being planned in advance. So much for promoting a strong program and plan...
  20. I forgot to mention that the caretakers are not paid. Basically volunteers that trade labor for camping slots. They set their RV up at reserved areas close to the office and handle admission, stocking paper products in the restrooms, etc. I think they do it on 6 or 12 month stints. Not that it makes any difference to park visitors. Closed is closed, no matter the reason.
  21. Or any park run by the Army Corps of Engineers. You just don't realize how far those Federal tentacles reach... We've been hit with it before. Sad part is that the shutdown had been over for months. But the caretakers weren't there to run park operations because they were told to leave when the shutdown started. They didn't have anyone else come in after things were supposed to be open again, so the park remained closed.
  22. 90 days and counting, still waiting on the details. And the broad points.
  23. The end justifies the means, the victims are of no consequence. “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” Walter Duranty, New York Times reporter, on Stalin's genocide and forced collectivism.
  24. Temperature varies depending on which part you're in. But overall I don't think heat would be an issue. Slightly thinner air would probably require operator adjustment. I would think the wind in a mountain range would be the most problematic.
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