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Everything posted by BSAChaplain

  1. I used to be an Owl, and a Good Ol' Owl too. But now I'm finished Owling, and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, and I can't Owl no more, So I'm going to Work my ticket if I can.... Back to Gilwell, Happy Land, I'm going to work my ticket if I can Karl W4-43-05 WE4-49-2-06 Staff
  2. Our council has a DE who is the staff partner to the Council Venturing Committee and the Teen Leader's Council. His job is to help the program flow. However, the crews in the districts are the responsibility of their own DE's, like the packs and troops. However, we keep LFL in its own group with two DE's just assigned to that. -BSAChaplain
  3. I agree that we need to maintain Wood Badge order going back about six posts, to when an Eagle flew in after a Buffalo (silly Eagle, you'll go after the Bobwhites, you'll never get a good grip on the Buffalo, let alone lift it in the air). Of course, leaving room for patrols like the Ravens - is anyone else surprised to see a Raven patrol in 2008 - after the Antelopes. And understanding that on rare occasions no one from a patrol may be there to represent, so after proper pauses, you move on. However, as John-in-KC's post came after three Owls in a row, I'd like to point out something about this thread. As someone who has waited and waited for his patrol to come back up only to have someone else jump in before he can post, sometimes by people who have already done several rounds on the list, I personally think that if your patrol is still up (in other words the next patrol has not begun singing) it is fine to chime in with your fellow patrol mates. That will maintain Wood Badge order, but not exclude as many people. Congratulations Rick, keep working your ticket. Karl An Owl who will, out of deference, wait his turn, but really appreciates the enthusiastic nature of his fellow Owls. www.powayventuring.com
  4. I have attended many retirements. I heard a military parent/Scout tell the entire camporee that the BSA was one of the four non-military groups permitted. That night everyone was trying to figure out who else might make the list. I was certain it was erronous, but what can you do. I prefer to think of the "burning" as a cremation. It is a fitting end for one who has served well over the years. -Karl http://www.powayventuring.com
  5. Okay, so you touched on one of my hot buttons. I know that there are many successful troop splinters into crews. I personally support creating an independent crew. Find an affinity group of youth. They can be connected through almost anything. Mountain Biking, Hiking, Climbing, LAN Parties, Robotics, Aviation, Coin Collecting, Bible Studies, Community Service, Gourmet Cooking, etc. They may already know each other or they may resond to a call for people who want to do... Help them to connect and present some of the benefits of being a crew, like BSA resources/facilities, college applications, reconition. offer to be an adult resource in their life. Not someone who will provide a program, but someone who will be there for them as they develop their own program. Someone who will encourage them, not criticize them. Then connect them with a Charter Org, even one that already exists. In our area, this is rarely a problem. If there is a group of adults with similar affinities, all the better. So many Scoutmasters think that Venturing Crews are simply Scout stealers. Taking the mature scouts. Yes, it is a great way to re-engage a disconnected Scout, but for the most part, let's find new people. http://www.powayventuring.com
  6. We started a crew two years ago, it has been great. I wouldn't consider myself an expert, but I've picked up a few things. I constantly remind myself that it is not a Scout Troop. I work even more behind the scenes empowering the crew president and other leaders. Sometimes I will teach them the basics of a life skill they need to plan an activity, like creating a travel budget for a group, then let them apply it. I point out possible resources, but back off and let them do what they want. Make sure that they think about time to just hang out, even right in the middle of a meeting. They are super social animals and this builds community. With 16 youth, I would not over stress recruiting for your own unit. Our crew of 18 youth has decided that future growth should be slow and mostly by invite. That said, later this month they are actually going to be running a snack booth and promoting the other crews in our district to help them grow. I have literally shown up for our SuperActivity knowing basically where we were going, but trusting that they had made all of the necessary arrangements. They had done what was necessary and continued to adjust throughout the week. Everyone had fun, and they loved the trip. It was truly a vacation for me. I didn't really worry about anything the whole trip from reservations to food camping. It wasn't my job. And definitely....have fun. http://www.powayventuring.com
  7. I know the feeling. I just received word that I will be the recipient of the D.A.M. as well. I wasn't really surprised, because of my role in the district, but I feel like there were definitely others more deserving - including one I nominated who was not selected. My concern is that there are people who are doing AMAZING behind the scenes work that slip between the cracks and people like me who have the high profile roles, like me, get selected. As for my nominee, perhaps we'll just have to skip straight to Silver Beaver and maybe next year I'll be on the D.A.M. selection committee. -Keep America Green, Join Venturing.
  8. I am the Advisor of a Crew shich is independent of a Troop. Some of our members are Boy Scouts and some are Girl Scouts, but most are not. Like all Venturers we use High Adventure as one of our "Venturing's emphasis on high adventure helps provide team-building opportunities, new meaningful experiences, practical leadership application, and lifelong memories to young adults." But that does not mean climbing tall mountains or hiking across the Sahara, which seems to be the misconception so many in Scouting seem to think it is. I believe that this keeps Venturing from growing in so many other affinity groups. Do you have similar experiences in your District/Council? What, if anything, are you doing to change peoples understanding?
  9. I agree that the simple act of wearing the uniform, particularly the FULL uniform is the single most respect inspiring thing. When I see a shirt with several knots, I think, "This is a person who has longevity in the program. I should see what I can glean from them." Often this is true, sometimes I am seriously disappointed. Of course, there is something to be gleaned from everyone. Awards which require nomination are all noteworthy, but the Advisor's Award of Merit is one which requires the youth that the leader works with week in and week out, to nominate. To me, that says something extra. Awards which can be earned are also all good, but the WD Boyce New Unit Organizer Knot, is someone who is clearly helping the program to grow. Awards earned as a youth, Eagle, Silver, Quartermaster, AoL & Religious Award (extra points for a religious award with multiple devices in it) tell me that they have a unique insight on the program, which can be very valuable. Now you mix those knots with Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, or Advisor patches, with a trained strip and signs of wear, now we're talking respect. All that said, when I see spoof knots on a uniform, someone who needs to pump up their left pocket resume, I am immediately skeptical about every other patch on the uniform.
  10. I did it for the right reasons and maybe the wrong reasons, and I'm glad I've done it and doing it. 1. Wayne Steinmetz the greatest Scoutmaster to don a Smokey, went to Wood Badge. He made sure all of his key leaders went to Wood Badge. So 25+ years later when I became a Scouter working with the youth. What else would I do? I went to Wood Badge. 2. I like training. I believe that consistent training for all leaders helps us to speak more effectively to one another and helps us to run a better program. I wanted to have all the tools possible. 3. I figured that training for Scouts would help me in my career as a Youth Pastor. Big surprise, it did. But it will help any one. 4. A week of camping and being one of the Scouts again rather than the leader, who could turn that down. Sometimes I get tired of being the adult. :-) 5. I am an achievement oriented person. I tend to believe that the standards for awards are put in place as a model of keys to being efective. So, if you hit quality unit every year, you are on the way to having a truly quality unit. Taking the prerequisites for Wood Badge and then Wood Badge would help me to be a better Scouter. 6. I was in Nepal 2 years ago where I met a "Scout Teacher" (unit leader) there who had all of the WB regalia. That was before I knew it was a worldwide program. I figured if it was there too it must be good. 7. Where else can you spend the week hanging out with other people who think Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell is a hero! 8. The guy at Scout Fair said I should go. 9. I needed a $235 tax deduction. (not really) 10. Everyone that I knew who was having the influence in Scouting that I wanted to have had been. 11. I like having things on my uniform. It's part of what drove me to advance in Scouting. That's not a bad thing, I learned much and am a better person for the process of becoming an Eagle and holding many leadership positions. I still like working towards awards, earning post-graduate degrees, certifications etc. So yes I wanted the beads, the woggle and the neckerchief. Hey Cajuncody - congrats on finishing you ticket. Have them presented either in a place where it will inspire youth or adults or both. I personally chose Roundtable.
  11. SWScouter, (Calling out to wherever you are hiding, and chuckling at your own wit.) I will always be an Eagle, but I used to be an Owl. She used to be an Eagle, but to my Eagle eyes, she'll always be a fox. (Is that that a convoluted enough answer? It actually makes sense in my head.)
  12. Thanks for the responses. The reason that I started thinking about this was in my other Scouting Forum - MySpace.com - there is a thread running about the Duct Tape Merit Badge http://www.dtmb.gobot.com/custom2.html. It's kinda funny, but again, it got me to thinking. Oak Tree - I think your dad and mine had the same handbook, 1948??? Sue, my council office has the books in. We bought one and mailed it to my brother in law with an application to be a Counselor along with the address of his local council.
  13. Back in the old days...okay not really the old days, just 25 years ago. Our council sold blank MB patches and I was told (but have no documentation) that if there was a MB that someone wanted to earn, but was not in existence, a Scoutmaster had the right to develop requirements, even select a counselor and the Scout could earn the _________ merit badge. Of course it would never substitue for an Eagle required badge, but it was still a valid MB for advancment. Do any of you, who have sat around the fire a little longer that I, have any recollection of that? Can you fill in the details or dispell the myth? Do you know if such an opportunity still exists? If not, how does a MB become a MB?
  14. Well I can't really fault you for being a land animal. You have no say so in your birth, and the best Scoutmaster I ever knew was a Fox as well so it is a handicap you can overcome. Tha being said. Congratulations on finishing your first weekend. I really appreciate your comment on letting your wife and son know how much you appreciate them letting you attend. May I suggest ideas on how to do it. 1. Flowers (for your wife) - Not always the route to apology but it never fails for appreciation. 2. Apply the things you've learned to your family. It will make even an already good home better. 3. Send your wife. This may sound weird, but my wife trained as a troop committee member and had very little other Scouting or even camping experience. Then she heard me talk about my course (in generalities) and decided, of her own accord, to attend our council's spring course. She came home from her first weekend (2 weeks ago) just soaring with enthusiasm. Now with 2 people aplying the priciples it makes things all the better. I used to be an Owl and a good old Owl too.
  15. Having waited for any of the other Patrols such as Ravens, Bobcats or Wolves to appear and sing, and as noone else has taken the opportunity, I'll take the liberty of singing twice this round. And Sue, if you have been selected for staff and begun staff development you're a staffer. I used to be a STAFFER and a good old STAFFER too. But now I'm finished STAFFing and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble (I sure hope I spelled that right) and I can STAFF no more. So I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Back to Gilwell, Happy Land. I'm going to work my ticket if I can.
  16. Well, it has been five days since the Beaver first sang and the Eagle soared in after. Not a Bobwhite or a Fox to be seen. So I am going to just assume that none showed up to this reunion and it is time to move on. So, Fellow Owls I know you're there. Sing with me in as close to internet harmony as possible, and post right after me. I used to be an Owl and a Good old Owl too. But now I'm finished Owling, and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble and I can't Owl no more. So I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Back to Gilwell Happy Land, I'm going to work my ticket if I can.
  17. Well, I have learned that although the program is the same everywhere, the determination of what makes a good ticket item will differ from course to course a little. Basically you will be asked to think about a major goal or vision for you in your current position. Then you select five items that will help you accomplish that goal. So as Troop Chaplain might vision might be to increase youth participation in religious awards. Then my items might be attend Philmont Chaplain course, give a presenation to our parents and to our youth on the religious awards, meet with 10 religious leaders in our community outside of my own faith and educate them on the religious awards for their own faith, write a How to be a Unit Chaplain booklet, and arrange to run a religious award program class in my own church. They should probably be a mixture of personal development and projects for others. As we are preparing to start a Venturing Crew, my wife's ticket items will all be focused around preparing for a new unit, like attending Powder Horn. The ticket items will really help you to be more successful in your own position in Scouting. Enjoy
  18. I've been circling all night, no sign of a Bobwhite or a Fox. This Owl is calling it a night, just before the morning.
  19. Experienced Uniforms are the way to go. Ebay is great. Try http://www.euxnetwork.net it si a group of people who have uniform banks and some even sell new stuff as well.
  20. Well with all of these Owls hovering they probably won't even be out at night either. Karl Owl W4-43-05 Staff WE4-49-06
  21. I love this forum because even when I don't know where to look, one of you does. Plus I learn new stuff about Scouting all the time. I read this post when it first went up and took out my Eagle medal the very next week and wore it for the first time in 21 years to an Eagle COH. It felt good. Now I am helping a Scoutmaster in another troop schedule the COH for his troop's first Eagle. The very question of adults wearing the medal came up. I couldn't tell him exactly where BSA publishes that statement, but with a quick search of the forums, I found it thanks to you. (Eamonn: I think you are using an older Insignia guide, my 2005 has it on page 25, rather than 22) I insisted that he could wear his medal (he is also an Eagle, earned in days gone by) he insisted that it was not allowed. Now, if I can just tell him this without sounding like "I told you so." I'll toss in my two cents on the Blue and Gold Dinner(B&G)question. I think that while a B&G is a very special event, unless there is for some reason an Eagle focus it does not constitute what the book describes as "a formal Eagle occasion." I would consider an Eagle Court of Honor or an Eagle recognition dinner as the two regular events in our council. Maybe a Council Dinner, especially if a Distinguished Eagle is to be recognized. However, I'm not going to tell the Den Leader who has put in week in and week out of service to take it off at a B&G. (I sure wouldn't correct someone who wore it on their suit or uniform to Scout Sunday services either.) So, I think this is intentionally ambiguous and left to some small degree to the individual's own decision. Well thanks again to all of you for your wealth of of Scouting knowledge, and your willingness to share it. Tonight I have the privlege of sitting on two more Eagle Boards of Review and hearing about the difference Scouting and Scouters like you has made in a young man's life. Keep on Scouting
  22. Okay, so I just wanted to share this with some people who would appreciate it. I have a tendency to write too much background so forgive the long windedness. I attended Wood Badge this past summer with Old Baldy Council. I finished my ticket rather quickly, at least compared to others in our class, six months almost to the day. Not to be first (which I wasn't), but just because I was able to do the work in a timely manner. I will be getting my beads May 11th at our District Roundtable. During and after the course, I was thinking how great it would be to be on staff, but how with my schedule as a pastor it would be very unlikely that I could take all of the time necessary to do the staff development, the critical time being Sundays. Plus having gone to WB outside of the council, I might not have the connections that can help. So earning my third bead went on my list of things I hope to do someday, but need to "let go of" for now. Two weeks ago, I was chatting with one of the DE's in our council and he told me about a recent LDS Scouter training event here in San Diego, they called it Mini-Philmont, where, if I understand it correctly, the Church leadership AND Scouting leadership (which, of course, blends in many places) met and it was apparently decided I wasn't there so this is just what I heard - that San Diego's LDS units will have longer callings for Scouters and encourage better training. HURRAY! (On a side note the one criticism I have heard, not experienced, about the LDS units in general through all of my Scouting forums, from LDS and non-LDS Scouters, is this very issue - short callings and lack of training for adult leadership. HUGH kudos or maybe as Wood Badgers we should say Kudus to the LDS units in our council for taking this matter seriously and striving to change things. It can have nothing but positive effect for all of Scouting in San Diego and beyond. I hope that more units will follow their lead and take the time to assess their weakness which is so often training and tenure related - and then move on them so decisively. Anyway) As a major action point they determined that there would be a non-Sunday Wood Badge course, ASAP. After meeting with the council powers that be, it was determined that it will be this fall, our council's second course of the year. Like you probably have to this proposition, I had mixed feelings. This would be circumventing some of the traditional staff succession, and I am sure that some feelings will be hurt. ON THE OTHER HAND, this offers training previously unavailable to those who held to their faith convictions, which extends beyond the LDS leaders to people like me. Made even more noticeable in the general move to weekend courses, which would take up 2 Sundays. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was less mixed in my feelings and more supportive, and decided that I hoped it would not be an LDS only kind of thing. Then it dawned on me, that if the course was being developed with no Sunday program as a core value, I might be able to be a part of it. So I shot off an e-mail to the DE, who in turn passed it on to the course director. It is, of course, not an LDS only thing and I was graciously asked to apply. When I lined my calendar up with the course schedule it was almost a perfect fit. So I sent him a copy of my Scouting resume Long story shortwell not very short but at least shorter than it could be. I am the new Scribe for the non-Sunday Wood Badge course this fall, WE4-49-2-06! I am almost giddy. Thanks for listening (or reading), sharing in my excitement and being a Scouting friend. Yours in Scouting I used to be a (can I say Staffer yet, well lets stick with Owl for now,) Owl and a good old Owl too, but now Im finished Owling
  23. Akela in Ny wrote: Thanks for the help here. I'm now Catholic. I went through the RCIA program a few years ago. I recently went to a local Den Leaders Pow Wow and there were a bunch of guys there who had a ton of knots on their uniform and I'm trying to figure out how I can do that to.... That's all.... Akela, You've received lots of good information on the religous knot, but it sounds like you just don't want a bare uniform. So if you want knots, we've got lots of them, Some can come quickly others take years. Some you earn, other you are nominated for. Some were earned as a youth and worn since Cubs, others can't be sewn on until you become an adult. One you can even buy (but at that price you've earned it too.) There are even unofficial knots issued by several groups in Scouting. Here is one of many great sites http://www.usscouts.org/awards/knots1.html on the adult knots.
  24. Jill, I don't see whether you are in a pack or a troop. If you are in a pack I generally agree with Eamonn, but in a troop there's someting else to consider. Boy Socuts and Venturers should be learning to pay their way. So no magic number for the parents, rather for the boys. Whether they sell popcorn with the unit, or mow lawns for the neighbors (does anyone do that anymore). My one disagreement with Eamonn's assement is that if you do not teach the basics of that priciple to Cubs (even with a token amount of popcorn or other sales) they will not have a basis on which to build in Scouts.
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