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Everything posted by KenD500

  1. 3) If he gives back the Bugler role, I argue that he starts over in his position of responsibility for Star. Is that correct or should he be able to count his time as a non-bugling Bugler? This is between him & the Scoutmaster. If the Scoutmaster or SPL didn't communicate that his performance in the position was unsatisfactory, the time should count. A Scout can have more than 1 position of responsibility to count for the time. Example: QM for 2 months & PL for 2 months.
  2. 15. Light snow. Change into clean, dry sleep clothes before going to bed. Put tomorrow's new clothes in the bottom of the sleeping bag.
  3. Yep, Circle 10 Council did it in our district. ScoutReach is the name of the program. Set up 3 units that meet after school.
  4. Around here there's a few orienteering events. The Scouts always enjoy them.
  5. I'm just curious as to where everyone stands on the matter. I thought a poll would give everyone the chance to vote without getting nasty about it. Please limit your comments on this thread. Just vote; no need to justify or defend your position.
  6. Just returned from week 6 of Camp Rockefeller summer camp. Quapaw Council, Damascus, Arkansas. This place rocks! Great staff, excellent facilities, older Scout activities; it had it all. The "ROCKS" (trail to first class) program included swimming & first aid merit badge. The material was presented well & the Scouts were active during the class - doing not just sitting & listening. Meals were good. Trading post shutdown the soda machine during heat advisory days (2). I had 1 16 yr old Life Scout go just to participate in the Buffalo National River canoe trip. Right on the edge (~10 miles) of the Ozark National Forest, the camp shares the same type of terrain. This one is going on the list of places to go back to.
  7. Are you for or against the decision to allow openly gay adults to join the BSA? >For future reference, this thread went 'down' fairly quickly after this initial post. It became personal and offensive to other forum members. In short it crossed the line of decorum. I took it 'off line' and 'hid' it for a couple of days in the hope that things would settle down (see the following post). I was wrong. After opening the thread again, it only took a couple of hours and the rediscovery by forum members for it to reach the point that the person who created it, asked me to kill it. Which I did. This 'remnant' of that thread is left for future reference as to the fate of discussions that do not conform to the standards of decorum that most of us actually DO follow most of the time. I hope this thread will serve as an object lesson for the future. KenD500, I am sincerely apologetic for having to offer the 'kill switch' option. My sorrow is even greater that, a very short time after I gave them a second chance, you had to choose that option. Please do not think that you, KenD500, were in any way responsible for the way this ended. You weren't.<
  8. Assumption - you are a Committee Member. Make sure the Scoutmaster is aware of how he represented himself. Let the Scoutmaster & his ASMs deal with it.
  9. About half of the units in our district are LDS. I have seen some really good unit leaders. I have seen some really bad unit leaders. Kinda fits with what I've seen in the non-LDS units.
  10. The old Troop tried to use them. I refused. The new Troop uses the Scout Oath & Law. No contract needed. But clear communications have to take place between everyone.
  11. Wooden walking stick with a bead or trinket tied to it signifying this year's camp.
  12. We've had success by running an aid station at a race. The race director then makes a donation directly to the Troop. The race director we work with has a list of donations based on the particular aid station & their requirements. Some of the stations require more people/time and therefore get a larger donation.
  13. I would guess either your SM or your CC has the charter & the membership cards and just never distributed them.
  14. In general, when a transfer Scout visits another Troop (Troop 2), the SM of Troop 2 will contact the SM from Troop 1 for any information that he/she is willing to share. It sounds like you and your Scout haven't visited yet. Before the visit, I would talk with the SM of the potential new trip.
  15. With the membership card, I can find my BSA # without a computer.
  16. The one use I have found for them - I can easily find my BSA #. Besides that, it's more of a symbolic gesture. I'm an official, card-carrying, BSA member.
  17. We're obliged to follow the program that they offer. We're investigating running our own next summer. I think the hard part will be convincing some of the parents that the lack of merit badge classes will be a good thing.
  18. We use the BSA Troop Meeting plan mentioned above. Example- last month's theme was fire. Camp out at the end of the month was focused on fire - fireman chit for 1 patrol; teaching the fireman chit & running the camp fire program for the other patrol. Each Troop meeting for the month went something like this: -Flag ceremony -Skills instruction - Ghosty Goat Patrol - ignition source (matches, lighters, flint/steel, steel wool/battery); Merlin Patrol - plan out fireman chit instruction -Patrol meeting - figure out Patrol yell / logo for flag -Game time - beach ball elbow relay -SM moment -Closing flag ceremony As mentioned in previous posts, don't be afraid to have your Scout visit other Troops and transfer. The Scout should be having fun as well as learning something. Every Troop does it a little bit different.
  19. I've heard of a few Troops that put on their own week long Summer Camp. Does your Troop? Care to share your thoughts on this?
  20. Training on how to "out" your leader? Hmmm.
  21. 4 Aims & 7 Methods? Shouldn't that be 3 Aims & 8 Methods? Or are you referring to a different version?
  22. I used jungle boots with wool socks. Some days there's too many portages to take time changing shoes. The boot/sock combo kept me comfortable and gave me support. Once at the campsite for the night, the first thing I did was change into my camp shoes - a light weight, packable shoe. Since my foot has stopped growing (long ago) I bought Wellco Jungle boot Gen II. ~$100 if I remember. For my son, we got the jungle boots from Academy. They lasted, were comfortable and ~$30.
  23. I agree @. I live in North Texas. We are often camping in Oklahoma. The entire area is known for spring storms & tornadoes. Maybe they're putting it on the website to encourage others to get trained, or to start conversations like this.
  24. Reading this article, I see this quote, "We had no idea a severe storm was approaching". I was amazed. Before my Troop goes on a camp out, I'm checking the weather web sites for the upcoming weather conditions. Once we're on the camp out, I carry a weather radio Link. What do you do to prepare for weather?
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