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  1. Thank you all for the comments, we are going to Quivera Scout Ranch and as far as I know there is not big tents provided. I do sleep in an eno double nest hammock with a Yukon fly over it, don't get me wrong I love it but sometimes it sucks getting in and out of it.
  2. I have always tried to avoid tents and instead am used to sleeping on the ground or recently in hammocks. But my back is getting worse and summer camp is fast approaching so I am thinking of purchasing a tent.....so my question is what are some of the good tents out there (looking to stay under $200 if possible) Mainly lookly for rainproof, durability, able to stand up in and put a cot.
  3. I just wished, like many that they still sold the Trail chef Cook set. I sure would get a couple.
  4. I think I am going to make me a family patrol box that will double as a adult patrol box, instead though my frying pans will be cast iron, a cast iron griddle, but buy these pots on Amazon (Open Country 2 qt, 4 qt, and 10 qt) My family and I camp quite a bit. As far as the boys though, they will finish deciding on their gear this week coming up.
  5. Great points STOSH i agree completely and thanks for the wording i will work on getting better at it.
  6. @ Stosh and blw2 I don't know why you even commented, you two might want to read my original post instead of assuming anything. I never said I said I was deciding anything......feel free to come to a meeting and see boy led working. The boys made the decision but unlike you guys a good SM will do some research as we are suppose to advise and mentor.
  7. Hedgehog I looked up those pots you suggested and they have some low ratings........do they hold up well to the abuse
  8. So I finally got our boys to buy into the Patrol method but one thing we seem to keep doing is going to Troop cooking or more specifically all cooking in the same area. We are going to be building new Patrol Boxes (long overdue) and we need to buy some new cook wear. The stuff we have is very old and beat up so my question is what does everyone else use for their patrol cooking. We do require our scouts to bring their own mess kits, cups and utensils......what size pans and pots do you all have that nest together?
  9. Is there any place to order maps like the military use, the 1:50,000 with grid lines? Are the maps you can download at (USGS) good enough for use for an orienteering course? I would think the detail and size would be a factor.
  10. So I have been asked to put together the Fall Camporee, we want to include Tomahawks. Budget is tight anyone have ideas on best place to get these.
  11. So we are in the process of reorganizing into new patrols, condensing from three to two, and the boys would like to have new patrol emblems. SInce I am new and been searching where is the best place to get approved BSA patrol emblems. The boys have made a list of their favorite patrol names but I think some of them are not authorized. Thank for any help.
  12. Thanks for all the communication, basically the boys have not been allowed to say or make changes they want to do. I plan on making it clear it's whatever they want to do. We have work to do in our Troop that is for sure and it all begins tonight as I and the other leaders begin to open their eyes to how a Boy-led troop works.
  13. Ever since I have been with this Troop we have done the same opening each Troop Meeting, they bring the flags forward, post them and then recite the Scout Oath and Law. I am now the new Scout master and it is time for some variety, what do you do to change it up? Tonight I was thinking of pre-posting the flags and then recommend to the SPL to do something different like the Pledge Of Allegiance, have any of you pre-posted the flags?
  14. Thank you all so much I will continue to read and research. It seems like every camp out I went on the boys had no focus and just did spur of the moment stuff with the boys while out there. i want them to look forward to going...
  15. I put in all the paperwork to become a MBC, however know it looks like I might become the Scoutmaster as ours is moving. My question is this; when the boys do their overnight camp outs can we work on merit badge requirement without any MBC on the trip. When we get back from the trip the kids turn in their cards based on whatever we might have done on the trip to an approved merit badge counselor for that badge? Thanks for any help
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