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Everything posted by PenPilot

  1. I am currently the "web master" for my sons Troop, and I've long hunted for a message board, or discussion board like the one this site uses. We are using "Ipage" http://www.ipage.com to host our site. Does anyone know if something like this and iPage are compatible? Thanks in Advance.
  2. Good evening, thanks for having me. I have been involved in scouting off and on my entire life, beginning as a Cub Scout, working as a Staff member at a camp and most recently (leaping ahead a few decades) I was the committee chair at my son's scout troop. I now serve as the troops webmaster. (Next stop over: to your Web discussion to pick up pointers there.) I am also a Merit badge counselor. Aforementioned boy (18) has had his Eagle Board of review but not yet his court of honor. (Yet another topic to read up on.) You'll excuse me if I rush off now but I want to see what information can be gleaned here... PenPilot
  3. I'm definitely grateful for everyone's input here. If I did not make it very, very clear the odds that the money was actually stolen from this home are about one in one million. One of the parents used the money for something else... There will be no police report. Although I saw some great suggestions for what to do should this happen again, I'm still looking for answers about what to do now (and carefully weighing the suggestions given here). Thank you again and in advance for your help.
  4. Hello. This is my first foray into this form forgive me if I'm overlooking etiquette that I have not yet discovered, butI have come here looking for advice. One of the boys in our troop sold $250 worth of popcorn. His mother came in and turned in $10 in cash and a check for $10 and told us that the rest was missing. She also has a son in the local cub pack. That boy sold about $150 worth of product and when the time came for her to turn in the money. Mom reported that those funds were stolen from the home. Two units two different stories. (does she think we don't talk to each other?) Having never experienced this in our troop I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. I know that the scout in question is blameless in this... If you have experienced this problem in your troop could you please tell me how you proceeded. Thank you.
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