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Everything posted by tyke

  1. interesting article asks some good questions. Could the BSA give up the ban on the 3 G''s ? https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/05/19/opinion/the-boy-scouts-can-do-a-good-turn-finally.html?_r=0&referer=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2F
  2. Just seen this article , it looks like there might be a big hole in the BSA finances in a few years if nothing else. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865679711/Mormons-drop-Scout-programs-for-older-teens.html
  3. If this is to be believed coed us scouting may be getting nearer http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boy-scout-leaders-discuss-offering-more-opportunities-girls-n754541
  4. out of interest, whats wrong with kids having Soda ? its only the same as juice, just carbonated ?
  5. we only have one venomous snake in the UK, and your very unlikely to see one, and no bears apart from zoo's but we still have fun and adventure
  6. All this talk of poisonous snakes makes me glad that we only camp in the UK
  7. In the UK your also allowed to have a beer on camp, some of the bigger camps even have bars. The only rule is that you can't drink in front of the kids, and you don't get plastered and there are some leaders that don't. There is nothing nice than a nice beer or glass of wine by the fire once all the kids are all tucked up in bed, and you can relax and chat with the other leaders.
  8. thats well random. it seems a little intrusive of the BSA to dictate who you can and can't share your tent with, as its not really a child protection issue as even if you got up to something it'd be away from the kids.
  9. so you could live your other half with for years, have a couple of kids, mortgage etc but on camp you have to sleep apart ?
  10. so if you have a couple who arn't married, then under the BSA rules are they allowed to sleep in the same tent ?
  11. yep in the UK you can pretty much share a tent with whoever you want as long as its adults, no one really cares as its generally none of there business. I share with my scout leader who is also my other half, we are not married, the kids know we are a gay couple, as do most of there parents, and the parents are more interested in us providing a safe and fun camp than who and were we sleep.
  12. It's a bar, not an opium den, so as long as the kids arn't helping themselves does it matter? Loads of scout camps in the UK have bars on site, and lots of scout events take place in sports clubs with bars
  13. this is from the UK scouting fact sheets if people are worried about someone having a period (having had a kid break a leg on camp, a period would be easy to deal with) There should be sufficient toilet and washing facilities to ensure the privacy of the young people. Facilities for the disposal of sanitary towels and tampons should be provided, and Leaders should arrange a supply of spares in case of unexpected emergencies. There might be occasions when a girl starts her period on camp, or is caught unexpectedly. Leaders should be prepared to support her discreetly and sensitively, as they would with any personal difficulty that a young person encounters on camp
  14. Out of interested why did a few 'scouting' babies cost the BSA dearly ?
  15. separate tents for a married couple thats well mad. Would I be able to share a tent with my scout leader as we're a couple, but not married ?
  16. Why? What do you think would happen?
  17. yay to the BSA. Reading posts on here sometimes make me face palm lots. Lots of the fears / concerns are so alarmist. I run a coed scout group as they all are in the UK and have been for 35 years. I have got girls in my troop, both scouts and cubs, we do not have any female ladies, do I worry about them getting pregnant, having a period on camp, separate tents, showers etc, no, as all of these are easily solved by being pragmatic and sensible and its nothing to worry about. If I had a trans kid, then nothing would change as generally the kids don't really care, its usually the adults that get all out of sorts about these things.
  18. A 'bloke down the pub'is a phrase it doesn't literally mean you spoke to bloke in a pub (you can go to pubs and not drink or smoke). If you have this extensive knowledge you could share the papers that state that trans is a hoax, something in pubmed would be nice
  19. So you believe a whole load of people to be a hoax, based on what ? Your deep knowledge of the subject from years or study or did some bloke tell you down the pub so it mus be true.
  20. All this talk of 8 year olds having surgery is nonsense. The kids have to go through lots of phycological assessment and live for a few years as there new gender before evening going on hormone thearpy let alone surgery. And this would usually happen when the kid is over 16, as the most that is usually done before then is hormones that delay puberty so the kid and family have more time. Reading some of the comments above saddens me as it's so easy for some people to dismiss as a phase or just a tom boy, it's no wonder trans people have a very high rate of suicide
  21. An 8 year old will know a great deal about there desired gender and to say that they are a'tom boy' shows a very immature understanding. Have you ever met a trans kid or adult ? I think before you comment you should educate yourself
  22. GSUSA do accept trans girls as all that they require is that the girl identifies as a girl.
  23. Yet again the BSA come across not overly well. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2016/12/27/8-year-old-transgender-boy-barred-cub-scouts/95518824/ He'd be welcomed into my troop anytime
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