Thanks to everyone for your comments and thought on this issue. You've given me some things to think about, having a few different views on the issue. I got more out of this than I thought I would. Just a couple of my thoughts after looking these over. First I'm a firm believer in the Boy Led Troop, and to the greatest extent possible I let the Scouts plan and carry out the troop program, providing suggestions and guidance as needed and to the best of my ability. (I'm not perfect, but I try... ) So with this, in the past we have just looked at the technical requirements for eligibility, rank & camping, and relied on the scouts to elect those that are deserving. I asked the question this year, because I have been less than satisfied with the results of some of our previous elections. I have had more deserving scouts, that less popular not get elected and the less deserving yet more popular scouts are elected. And when I say more deserving, I'm referring to the ones that are actually trying to do the best they can, that do live by the Oath and Law. The less deserving, are those that don't always live up to the Oath and Law or even try to put forth their best effort. Yes, I try to encourage them, and have talked with them and on some occasions the parents about their lack of enthusiasm. Some of the parents act concerned, and some obviously really don't care. And if the parents don't care, it can be hard to get the Scout to care.... At least that's been my experience.
On a side note, relatively new to this site, but I think I may come back more often. I did get more than I expected out of this, and want to thank you all again for your thoughts.