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Elemeno P

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Everything posted by Elemeno P

  1. UPDATE: Kids had a great time. Some of my takeaways FWIW- - Pack the kitchen sink. I was waiting for a full shake down securiity check. Didn't happen. Other packs were rolling in wagons and huge bags. - The people running the show were good. A little bossy, but it's their house. - Earplugs were a must (super tight sleeping arraingements). - Hard floor is hard floor. All in all, kids had fun and parents survived. Would do again with no problems.
  2. Thanks for all the tips on our "Sleep-Over". USS Lexington is probably next.
  3. Thanks MM! You answered my question perfectly. I was thinking about getting one of those egg crate things, but the self inflating sounds like a better idea. Might run into Academy to see if they have any. Didn't expect to sleep much.
  4. http://spacecenter.org/education-programs/scout-camp-ins/webelos/
  5. Checking if anyone has done the NASA camp-in's? We got a Bears/Webelos camp-in this weekend, and wondering if anyone has some tips and info on things we can/cannot take. They're website is pretty specific on what we can bring, just checking if they are as strict as the FAQs sound. Thanks in advance. JO
  6. I would think they would use every resource available to try to help / keep adult leaders. Stumbled onto this site.
  7. http://www.boyscouttrail.com/ Sorry if this has been discussed as my search-fu didn't pop anything up. Anyone else use this site? Found so much information. Wonder why our Council never brings it up? Really like how its organized.
  8. Second year as CM and just found this site. Small pack from a small town in Texas. Looking for ideas. Thanks to all in advance!
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