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Everything posted by 109876

  1. The old troop made a copy of all sales in case any scout lost their list. (At least that is the reason they gave us when we were in the troop). They have kept these all over the years so I am assuming that is how they got our list and began to use it. These lists were developed on our own. My eldest son was highly motivated to earn his way for his own activities and we have continued to use it with our youngest. Thank you for all your responses. It really helps us with a proper response.
  2. Thank you for your responses. Sorry about the confusion with the pronouns. The "we" was referring to my family. The old troop feels that the list is their property even though my family developed the list. Although the old troop has copies of my family's past lists and have obviously called some of the customer's on the list, the old troop is now asking for all of our past information. The old troop's sales were complete for this year when my son began calling. We did this to avoid any issues and to not "poach" on the old troop's territory. Since the old troop's sales were done, we felt that we weren't infringing on anyone. It simply gave us an idea of who to call and who to not call in the future, but it has evolved into something ugly. In response to evmori-Since my family developed the list making contacts over the years, how can the troop claim ownership?
  3. My family, who are very active scouts, was asked to leave one troop under very difficult circumstances. We have joined a different troop in the area and continued on. That was two years ago. While in the old troop we had developed quite an extensive list of customers, selling thousands of dollars of greens. The new troop has started selling greens this year. We began calling our old customers, many of whom had already bought greens already (presumably from someone calling off our old customer list). I have no problem with this. However, the old troop found out that we were calling our old customers and insists that the list is their property and we need to hand over our list. The same one that my children spent many, many hours over many years developing. My question is this-does anyone own the list? If so, who-the scout that developed the list or the troop?
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