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  1. [h=1]Council to divest Camp Tadma, Invest in Active Camps[/h] On September 23, the Executive Board of the Connecticut Rivers Council voted to sell the Mark Greer scout reservation in Bozrah. The proceeds of the sale will be reinvested in the Council’s active camps for the benefit of scouts across the state of Connecticut. This decision was made based on the recommendation of the Camp Tadma Property Review committee. This committee, consisting of volunteers from the board and assisted by professional realtors and real estate assessors completed their task of reviewing the options of retaining or selling all or part of this camp property. The committee recommendation was to invest in future Scouts by maintaining and developing our active Scout camps and to use the proceeds of the sale of Camp Tadma as the catalyst for this investment. Before coming to that recommendation the committee considered a variety of options including the sale of part of the camp to fund the maintenance and improvements needed at the camp and the sale of conservation easements. Based on the information gathered and considered by the committee none of these options were feasible. The Executive Board reviewed the report and acted based on the needs of the Scouts in the council. Key to the Board’s deliberations was the need to continue to incorporate new programs and maintain our active summer camps as well as the feedback expressed by our membership during the two prior feedback periods. We are fortunate to have had the use of Camp Tadma for so many years. We are confident that the investments we plan to make in our active camps will enable us to provide those memories for scouts for years to come. A question and answer document can be found here.
  2. Check out - June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation, Connecticut Rivers Council https://www.facebook.com/pages/June-Norcross-Webster-Scout-Reservation/181019855272060
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