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Everything posted by phughes2202

  1. Hi All, I am doing a presentation at my September Roundtable about the NOA, when I saw in Scouting magazine about the changes. I needed to know more about the changes as I don't want to give a presentation that is not up to date. I know some blogs that I looked at mentioned that females would never be able to achieve these awards, as the consistent requirement for ALL awards is to "achieve First Class". To achieve First Class, you must be in a Boy Scout program.... So I reached out to National..and the Scouter who was quoted in the article, Keith Christopher. He wrote "I am still waiting for Venturing and Sea Scouts to make the requirements fit their programs. Your female comment is exactly why we were pushing for the criteria to change for them to allow them to earn the award. The intent was to have this all done but timing has not made it so." That being said, I don't know why the article was published when the requirements have not been formalized with Venturing and Sea Scouts, and the information is not on scouting.org
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