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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Growing up, we did elections every 6 months. We allowed folks to run for reelection, so the PLs and SPL could have multiple terms of office. I was PL for a year straight. Friend of mine was PL for 2.5 years straight. As long as you were doing your job and kept getting elected, you were good to go. SPL was trickier. Usually the SPL wanted a break after his 6 months. Plus sports and extracurriculars played into it as well. We had two guys essentially "switch off" as SPL and ASPL over a 2 year period. I say that because when one was elected SPL, the other was ASPL, then vice versa. They were elected, although if I remember the last election of the 2 correctly, the ASPL running for SPL was unopposed. He did a great job as SPL the first time. Current troop use to do 6 month terms of office with no possibility of running for reelection. You had to take a 6 month "vacation" from the position, then run for it. But our last SPL did such a poor job, and some adults were complaining the same people kept getting elected over and over again, that it was changed. Now the election cycle is 4 months. PLs are elected and still cannot run for reelection. They need to take 4 months off now before running again. ASPL is now elected for a 4 month term of office. During that time he is trained by an ASM and the SPL. At the end of the 4 months, he becomes SPL. Why four months? gives more people an opportunity to hold office, and can be done to avoid sports seasons.
  2. Here is the requirement. Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old. (emphasis added) So if he turned 10 in April, he could cross over in October. Personally I'd talk to teh dad to see if he would wait so that son coul;d get some more time to prepare for Boy Scouts.
  3. Former Star Wars Addict here. Belief in the Force is considered a religion in the Star Wars Universe.While Jedi, Sith, and Nightwitches can can manipularte the Force, people can believe in it and try to live their lives by the precepts, even if they are not force sensitive. Grand Moff Tarkin and Han Solo both refer to belief in the Force as a religion ( or in Han's case 'a hokey religion.") The books, both the Expanded Universe, aka "Legends," and the Disneyverse have non Force sensitive folks as adherents to the religion. And of course Force Awakens, and Rouge One show folks who are believers.
  4. While every troop is different, and yes I think Webelos do need to look for the one that fits them, the process of getting the parents to back away NEEDS to start at the Webelos level AT THE LATEST! I'll use the two packs than feed my troop. Both packs do similar activities and have similar outlooks as Pack B split off of Pack A. Both do camping, outdoor activites, etc. But the biggest difference is Webelos. Pack A begins putting responsibility on them as soon as they cross over. DLs and CM remind parents to start letting the Webelos do their own thing. In other words, they are transitioning. Pack B however continues to treat their Webelos as Cub Scouts; the parents still do everythign for them When Pack A's Webelos cross over they tend to stay around. Out of the 11 Webelos from that pack since 2014, all 11 are still active. Pack B has had at least 18 cross over, and only 7 remain. There was a discussion about the retention problem around the campfire a few months back. SM stated that the new Webelos program is not preparing them for Boy Scouts. I said the issue was not the program but implementation. That a crossed over Webelos with the Arrow of Light should be able to get his Scout rank the same nite as he crosses over as the all the requirements of the Scout Rank, except the SM conference, are required for AOL. We bet a Dutch oven Cake on it. At first he showed the AOL requirements, and said I owed him a cake. I pointed out that he needs to read the Scouting Adventure Badge requirements since that badge is required for AOL. 85.71% identicval
  5. Tell me about it. My troop is stuck in a rut. There is a way to fix it, but being boy led takes too long, and is time consuming. "Don't need PLC meetings." "SM tells SPL what he wants done and SPL tells the troop what to do." It is far easier and faster to be adult led, and have a mediocre, repetitive program, than let the Scouts run with it.
  6. Challenge is that people complain about training being to long as it is. Yet compard to previous trainings, it's a cakewalk. Then you got those who think they know it all.
  7. You can tell I'm a historian by training as I like primary documents. For Scouting in the US, William Hillcourt IS the primary source. His 3rd edition SM Handbok, 2 vols, is a wealth of information. His later SM Hanbooks are condensed and updated, i.e. policies, uniforms, etc, versions of that one. Also read his PL handbooks and anything else written by him, i.e. training syllabi, other books, etc. The Dump has a lot of info on Patrol Method as well as inquiry.net. The last one has a lot of old school info as well. Clark Green also has some good info, and I wish my fellow Scouters in my troop would read him as well.
  8. That is part of the problem, WDL, heck all Cub Scout Leader Training, has been watered down over the past 15+ years, that a lot of information that use to be taught is no more. I know my WDL back in the day took a step back and let the Den Chief (DC) do a lot of the work. As for current BSA materials, they are non-existant. To get a true understanding of the Patrol Method, you need to go back to pre-1972, William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt materials to get a glimpse of what Scouting is suppose to be like.
  9. No as it is "a unit matter." If we had a commissioner corps, all of them save two left when the membership policies changed, that might be able to give some help. But professionally it is a unit responsibility. Only person who can fix the situation is the IH.
  10. CC is largely hand off. I know there is some history for it, but do not it. A MC and ASM who know the history want to keep it that way. While I have looked at other troops, my sons are not interested at the moment in changing. Oldest is seeing the challenges of dealing with the adults and situation as a learning experience. However he did say if the situation gets to a point he cannot stand, he will transfer. Middle son just got elected PL, so he is being optimistic and trying to change from within. But he too said if he starts getting bored, he will go. Wife commented that she hopes they transfer before youngest crosses over in Dec- Jan.
  11. Old fogey here. Tigers came out the year I became a Wolf. So I did the old 3 year Cub Program, Eagle, Vigil, Sea Scout Ordinary (more on my ship in a bit), ASM multiple times in multiple councils, OA Lodge committee, OA chapter adviser 3x,, Exploring and Venturing Associate advisor, Sea Scout mate, district committee member, RT Commissioner, and former DE. I personally got mixed emotions on this, and as National come out wiht more and more, I am leaning against.Why do I have mixed emotions? On one hand, I staffed camps in the UK, and saw how coed Scouting can work. Were there challenges, a few. But overall it worked. On the other hand I have my experiences in a Sea Scout ship and with Explorer posts and Venturing Crews. With my ship, the guys did the work and the dirty jobs, while the girls did nothing. I still remember having to transfer gear from ship to shore with the other guys, while the girls were on the beach goofing off. Heck I remember them complaining about their gear getting wet because they didn't waterproof their gear , after I taught a class on waterproofing gear. I also remember some of the guys having to carry the ship's head ( latrine) out of the ship to the island, and then having to set up a GP tent for the girls to have a bathroom. Oh and the guys couldn't use it. Because of the double standards in the ship, I didn't stay long,just long enough to earn Ordinary. Then there are some of the "nocturnal activities" that we had to prevent with the post/crew. One Explorer had a plan: he had an airbed, candles, and oils hidden away. Thankfully we busted him before anything happened as her dad was a high level pro! But I am also concerned about how it will affect the boys. How disruptive will the girls be as boys do act differently, i.e. afraid to take risks, showing off, etc. Also what happens if we cannot find enough females to attend meetings and activities; do we cancel meetings and activities just for the girls or for everyone? We are already seeing changes to the program as a result of girls coming aboard, i.e. double standards in YP, no more independant patrol meetings and activities, 18 year olds do not count towards YP, etc, what other changes will be made to accommodate girls that will adversly affect the boys? And as someone mentioned in another thread, the influx of new Scouters will be a major problem. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are two completely separate programs, with separate methods. Cub Scout Leaders must "unlearn what you have learned" because they are not in charge anymore, the Scouts are. For the last 3 years, I have seen parents push and push to make Boy Scouts more like Cub Scouts. I see it happening with my troop right now.
  12. UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As some may recall, my troop is dealing with some major helicopter parents whose only experience in Scouting is being a Cub Scout Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Committee Member. They have are exerting a lot of pressure to change, and in some instances are in fact winning because some of the other adults do not see a problem. They have caused the troop to change 2 scheduled camp outs to fundraisers, one of which was cancelled. They are bringing their Cub age children on camp outs, which is disruptive although they do not see it because they are not paying full attention ot their children, they are allowing their Scouts to sleep with them at nite instead of their patrols, and they have turned one camp out into a "family camp out." And because they do not want to follow BSA Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat, they keep emphasizing it is a family camp out, a parent/guardian must be in attendance, and it has nothing to do with Scouting. (an aside, any lawyers out there can PM me if they also consider this a major liability issue if an accident happens on this family trip). Now that BSA is prototing "Family Scouting, they see no problems with going full blown family camping, and see them further eroding the program. My sons have told me their breaking point: "linked troop" with girls at every meeting and on every camp out..
  13. I'd be calling Philmont ASAP! Under these current guidelines, they can't go. Heck what about the troop with two 21+ year olds SPLITTING UP THE WEEK, and the only one there the entire week is the 20 YO ASM. Yep happened to me. Again whether Philmont or summercamp, I'd be making calls ASAP!
  14. Sadly, TRUSTWORTHY on behalf of some pros has been long gone. I know. I worked with some professionals, who did some un-Scoutlike things. Some of them got promoted to regional and national staff. And let's face it, National has not been very TRUSTWORTHY of late. Maybe I am getting cynical with my old age, but I doubt it.
  15. Still do not know the overall breaking point, but now know my sons' breaking point regarding the troop: becoming a "linked troop." They do not want to do anything with girls. They want their own time to be with the guys.. CO currently says separate troops, but they will revisit the issue if there are problems with getting a girls' troop set up. And we got a few Scouters and parents who do want to be "linked" from the get go. I have a felling that we will become "linked" within the next 18 months. As to why I use quotation marks regarding "linked," EVERYONE I have talked to says that if they become "linked troops" they will be so on paper only. They will operate as a coed troop with gender-based patrols. As for other troops and COS, only 1 states they will not form a girls' troop. Other troops in the area want to remain male only, but they are trying to reform their packs, which will be coed. So I do not think male only troops will last.
  16. Sorrty to see you leave. Good luck whatever you decide.
  17. BALOO focuses on Cub Scout Camping, which includes Webelos since they did away with Outdoor Webelos Leader training, and IOLS is basic Scoutcraft. baloo focuses on the very basics of camping and showing new families how to camp on a budget and using stuff they already have. IOLS get yo up to speed so you are not a burden on your Scouts and other adults. While the courses are different, someone imaginative could come up with a combined 3 day course that covers both courses. I know some districts combined OWL training and IOLS into one weekend because they were so similar. Plus by showing Cub Adults what is expected at Scouts BSA level, I hope it would improve the Webelos program and start weening the kids form their parents on camp outs when they become Webelos.
  18. Extremely large one, more than 18%-19% that is their percentage of total membership. That's because there is intense pressure to earn Eagle from the LDS units I've seen, and heard about from LDS Scouters. Just look how Utah, which has 80+% of its membership in LDS units always leads the country in most Eagles produced.
  19. Actually Youth Protection does affect program. Up until May 2018, a patrol could do day activities on their own without any adults. I remember doing patrol meetings, patrol shopping, and patrol hiking without any adults around. That is not more. Oh and not to mention no more patrol camping without adults, but that happened in 2012. Those are some of the YOP changes that have affected Scouts since my day. Oh and let's not forget, you must have TWO 21+ year olds who are registered, a parent or 18 year old Scouter no longer counts. I know of units that will affect, and it would have affected my troop growing up, especially in regards to summer camp.
  20. Understood. I know how sensitive that question is. I have family and friends who are not capable of having children. It is something I would not ask, in any situation nor something that can be legally asked when interviewing someone for a job. BUT, when someone brings it up themselves, and makes a point to show how they can dedicate themselves completely to a job because they do not have kids; then I consider it a legitimate concern.
  21. Yes, please share your vision with us. Maybe others who are supportive of girls in the program. @WisconsinMomma, what do you see in the future?
  22. While Surbaugh has risen through the ranks, that is part of his problem. He has not been a volunteer in a very long time, assuming he was a Scouter in college. And the bulk of his professional experience has been with Exploring and Learning for Life, and not traditional Scouting. From an interview somewhere, he deliberately had no children in order to focus on his career. That's another negative in my opinion because A) how can you relate to parents if you are not one and B) How can you relate to modern youth when you have no kids of your own?
  23. Problem is, there are fewer and fewer old school Scouters left. Heck some of the Scouters I know are ISP survivors, and see nothing wrong with camping only when it's nice, doing indoor activities, and "one and done."
  24. I cannot put aside the doom and gloom because a Scout is TRUSTWORTHY.(emphasis) National has not done anything correct since 1972, EXCEPT bring back Green Bar Bill. Everything has further deteriorated Scouting in the US. And I do not believe these current changes have been well thought out. I do not think we are headed in a good direction. I see a smaller BSA with less resources for serving Scouts.
  25. Especially when they declare a camp does not meet NCAP standards, and they can no longer use it, thus removing any revenue.
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