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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1
potentially the stupidest GTSS rule?
Eagle94-A1 replied to mashmaster's topic in Open Discussion - Program
No, this is from Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Sports Manual page 99, found here https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/Outdoor Program/pdf/30931_WB.pdf "• Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn...." The above rule came out while I was CSDC PD. My DE flipped his lid when he saw this as it is extremely hot where we are. First year my oldest was at day camp, we were averaging 5 kids coming down with heat exhaustion/day and leaving early. And that was with using water guns, kiddie pools, hoses, etc to keep cool. We considerd the ban on water guns a health and safety issue. But we obeyed. We do allow personal water soaking devices though. As for the G2SS rules, yeah my Bear den thought I was joking when I told them they could no longer use their little red wagons for a service project. They were laughing until i told them I was serious. A lot of the G2SS rules are based upon DOL and OSHA laws. They have been around at least 5 years, if not longer. Told my SE I don't think my troop will sell popcorn since door to door sells by under 18 are prohibited by OSHA, and since the BSA is following those rules.... -
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
I am betting that the "outside of Scouting" is to reign in those units that violate BSA policies by saying it is a "bunch of families camping" and "it's a bunch of friends playing paintball." -
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
One of my concerns about being a "linked troop" was the female leadership issue. If we could not get a registered female leader to attend a meeting, or do an activity, what would we do? Do we cancel for the girls only or both boys and girls? And from reading the G2SS and how it now applies outside of Scouting, BSA may be looking at how some troops plan to get around BSA policies by calling things "family camping." -
Business Insider interview - Sylvia Acevedo, CEO GUSA
Eagle94-A1 replied to RememberSchiff's topic in Girl Scouting
David, As Ben Kenobi once said, "from a certain point of view...." Ms. Avecdo may firmly beleive that the GSUSA does have a "huge emphasis on the outdoors" since 15-20% of their membership will go on at least one overnight camping trip per year according to a GSUSA statement on the topic. So she may feel that 1 weekend a year is a huge outdoor emphasis. I know that one of the reasons why girls quit GSUSA in my areas is the lack of camping. What I found hilarious was the statement where they said they are experts on the outdoors, then hired The North Face company to create a bunch of new outdoor MBs for them. -
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
Don't you think a male over 21 needs to be with hte boys? -
HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! Sea Scouts are Scouts too and will camp. My Long Cruise consisted of camping out on an island. Resource that may help get you two started. https://seascout.org/
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
What about this inconsistancy from the G2SS "Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader over 21 in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader over 21cmust be present for any activity involving female youth." So two females over 21 is OK to be alone with boys, but 2 males over 21 cannot be alone with the girls. Sorry this discrimination needs to end. -
Another Committee Chair Resignation...
Eagle94-A1 replied to FaithfulScouter's topic in Issues & Politics
The other reason I have not left is "my Scouts." Members of two of my old Cub Scout dens are in the troop. And I have Scouts who I was the CSDC PD and/or Shooting sports director for. I do not want to abandon them. Finally I do not want to destroy the troop. I hate to say it, but I think if my boys leave, 1/2 the troop will follow. And these are the 1/2 that are into Scouting, not being forced by their parents to be Scouts. -
Another Committee Chair Resignation...
Eagle94-A1 replied to FaithfulScouter's topic in Issues & Politics
Reason I have not left yet are first and foremost my sons do not want to transfer. Their friends are in the troop, and they do not want to leave them behind. But they know the option to transfer is there. -
If he decides to transfer to the ship, and is not Eagle yet, he can work on it still, as well as the Sea Scout ranks. Just cannot "double dip" on requirements, i.e. Tenure as a ship's officer cannot count for both Eagle and Quartermaster. Me personally, I think QM is harder to earn than Eagle.
Another Committee Chair Resignation...
Eagle94-A1 replied to FaithfulScouter's topic in Issues & Politics
We turned one camp out into a fundraising camp out. The entire troop was suppose to stay overnight 2 nights, but since it was in town, folks came and went. I was burned out by the camporee nightmare, and skipped it. Last months camp out was cancelled for the funrdaiser, then cancelled altogether -
With the right ship, SEA SCOUTS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got burned out/bored with Boy Scouts after earning Eagle. I joined Sea Scouts for a while and had a blast. But the ship I was in has some issues, and I rediscovered the OA. Now if I would have went to a neighboring ship, which would have included a 90 minute roundtrip drive, I probably would have stayed with it. They had a very active program, had several Quartermasters come out of them, and one National Boatswain. The second ship I joined as a "volunteer" was great. had an active program and did a lot.
Another Committee Chair Resignation...
Eagle94-A1 replied to FaithfulScouter's topic in Issues & Politics
I just wish my CC/COR would get involved. All he is interested in is BORs. Since I've been in the troop, outside of BORs, Scout Sunday, and the late SM's funeral, I've seen him twice at Scouting functions. And they were not even the parents/committee meetings. I do know one ASM is glad for the situation as he does not like the CC/COR. He says he likes things without the interference. But without a CC and active committee, we are having issues. Our fundraising efforts have either been hijacked by the new parents. They wanted every patrol to have all new equipment, when we still have serviceable equipment, instead of using funds for sending Scouts to summer camp. And the fundraising attempts to send Scouts to camp have been horrible. One had so many issues, that it has taken 2.5 months to resolve. Another fundraiser was given 2 weeks notice, and then it was a night 1/2 the troop was not in attendance due to Easter Break. A camp out was cancelled for this last minute fundraiser, and it was cancelled a few days before due to low ticket sales. Kinda glad because the folks organizing it did not coordinate with the CO. They had their fundraiser, which was the same thing we were going to do, the same weekend and location! And a 3rd fundraiser, one that had great participation AND made some money last year, was not even organized. We are now scrambling to find camperships for at least 3 Scouts. Summer camp paperwork is in shambles. No one on the committee took on that responsibility. No one knows how much they owe, what paperwork is needed, when things are due, etc. We have advancement record keeping issues. Stuff is not getting recorded by the council, and they have lost paperwork. If I had not called the council on another issue, and then asked about the status of our Eagle application, we would not have known that the "never received the paperwork [Troop's Eagle]." talking to the district advancement chairman, he sent the application and 2 others all at the same time. -
What Qwazse and ValleyBoy posted. Does he have the photos, and an electronic copy of the book at least? One thing I recommend is to make and ask for copies of everything prior to turning in. My council lost one Scout's completed Eagle application, which included the EBOR signatures. Thankfully the EBOR chairman gave him a copy of the completed application, and we were able to submit it electronically. But it was 2 months after the EBOR
Article- The male crisis thats ruining our boys
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Mixed emotions on the paper pushing MBs as I called them. On one hand, this is stuff that SHOULD (emphasis) be taught in school. However after doing a Citizenship in the Nation MB session while in DC and on the way home, I had a rude awakening on what is actually being done in the schools. The could not tell me what the 3 branches of government are, what checks and balances mean, etc. And these were HS age Scouts who had taken US History and Civics! I felt embarrassed for them when my then Webelos 2 middle son was answering the questions. -
Article- The male crisis thats ruining our boys
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I prefer to think of myself more on the lines of those working the Underground Railroad, or maybe the Rightous Gentiles of WWII. -
Don't know about first pregnant Venturer, but wasn't the Chicago council the first to be sued in the early to mid 1970s when Exploring went coed, and this happened.
Article- The male crisis thats ruining our boys
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
No, following Kenny Roger's advice: " know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run." I can be more effective, do more good, and not deal with all the crap by working with my sons and their friends. -
Article- The male crisis thats ruining our boys
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Agreed 100%. You make any comments promoting boys, and you are decried and vilified as being against girls. Book's author is also female. And she cites plenty of examples where not only men, but women are vilified for trying to do something for boys. -
Article- The male crisis thats ruining our boys
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It's has already happened with Early Adopter Packs that have "joint den meetings.," aka "coed dens." One DL posted a link to an article on FB. In the article he commented how the girls more focused and attentive and not as disruptive as the boys in his den. My youngest, who is into baseball, has told me yesterday that he is not interested in being in a "linked troop" He will stick to baseball if the older two's troop becomes "linked." Older two are already into gaming. Thankfully we limit their time, and they have jobs, both around the hours and with the lawnmowing business they started. Agree. sadly the local parochial school closed its doors before oldest was in kindergarten. Heavy anti-Catholic bias in my neck of the woods. And the private schools are out of our budget. Thankfully we are doing a Classical Conversations, which includes a one day a week tutoring with trained tutors. More expensive than the parochial school, but a heck of a lot cheaper than the private schools. -
With one set of parents making a veiled threat at a parents' meeting to sue all the volunteers if anything happens to their Scout on one of out trips, I am in the process of getting it.
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
That question came up at my last roundtable, Where will they sleep? From going through Youth on Youth Protection training, it seems as if putting someone who is a biologicall female in a tent with biological males is asking for trouble. Apparently one of the troops may have this issue in the near future. -
Can a girl who gender identifies as a boy join a Scout troop now?
Eagle94-A1 replied to cchoat's topic in Issues & Politics
December 2020 is the date I saw on one BSA document for the first female Eagle. Although doing the math, 3 months T-2-1, 4 months Star, 6 months Life, 6 months Eagle, September 2020 is the actual earliest. -
Does your patrols do their own hikes whenever they want, or they do they have to wait for adults to get off work? Do they do their own patrol meetings, outside of troop meetings, whenever they want, or do they have to schedule them around around adults? Regarding your baseball analogy, have players gotten together to practice on their own, without any adults around? Heck have they ever played a pick up game without adults around? Having a patrol do things on their own is the same thing.
The problem is that it appears that National no longer trusts our Scouts, and wants to make BSA to mean Baby Sitters of America IMHO. From 1910 to 2012, National trusted Scout patrols to do ANY activity, including patrol over night camping with the SM's permission. And from 1910 to October 1, 2018, Patrols could, and continue to do until October 1, 2018, have patrol day activities without adults present. Some of the things I have done as a Scout, or have seen done, that will be forbidden after October 1, 2018 are the following: Patrol day hikes without adults Patrol meetings without adults Patrol service projects without adults Patrol shopping trips without adults Patrol practices for camporee without adults Patrol fishing trips without adults. Seems like BSA doesn't trust Scouts, nor us Scouters as far as I am concerned.