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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1
IMHO a good Den Chief is worth their weight in gold. In fact I think they are more important than the SPL. DCs can mold and inspire Cubs. They are a natural recruiting tool. Sadly I've seen troops go uner because the Den Chiefs they provided were not up to the job. Scouts did not want to go to that troop. SM and SPLs I had as a Scout had a similar idea. "Just because you no longer wear the green bars, doesn't mean you are not a leader."
Religous observeance
Eagle94-A1 replied to 818scoutmaster's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
If you are Catholic, talk to your priest. If you are not, talk to your minister. Growing up this was not a problem. Usually we got home in time for me to take a nap and attend 5:00 Mass. If I over slept, I could go to a neighboring parish's later Masses. That was New Orleans. Heavily Catholic. Now I am in an area where being Catholic will cause people to look at you crossed eyed at best, cursed out at worst. Next parish is approx 40 minutes away, and I do not think the Mass is offered anywhere in the evenings in my diocese. So I had a chat with my priest about it. I recommend you do the same. -
Simple, they do not earn the Den Chief Service Award. DCSA requires more than just showing up and meeting with the den. Requirements are here: http://usscouts.org/advance/boyscout/denchief.asp Serve the pack faithfully for 1 full year. Complete online Den Chief Training (or in person conducted by the council or district). Know and understand the purposes of Cub Scouting. Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting. Be the activities assistant in den meetings. (lead five songs, five stunts or skits, five games, five sports activities) Set a good example by attitude and uniforming.(for a minimum of six months) Be a friend to the boys in the den. Take part in weekly meetings. (for a minimum of six months) Assist the den at the monthly pack program.(at least three times) Meet as needed with the adult members of the den, pack, troop, team, or crew. Complete FOUR of these projects: Serve as a staff member of a special Cub Scouting event, such as a Scouting show, bicycle rodeo, etc. Serve as a staff member of a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp. Advance one rank. Assist in recruiting three new Cub Scouts. Assist three Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts. Assist three Webelos Scouts to join a troop. Help to plan and carry out a joint pack-troop activity. Recommend to your Scoutmaster, Skipper, or Venturing Adviser another Boy Scout, Sea Scout, or Venturer to be a den chief. The information in MAROON is not in the requirements as listed in Boy Scout Requirements, but is in the details in the Den Chief Handbo
Technicality derails Eagle rank, prompts public appeal
Eagle94-A1 replied to Jameson76's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Sadly been that way for a little while. When I was a DE, one of my coworkers had his entire district advancement committee quit in protest. They denied a Scout Eagle, wrote up a plan for him to rectify the deficiencies, etc. He had plenty of time since he was 13 or 14 years olds. Grandfather (SM) Dad ( ASM) and Mom (COR/CC), blew a gasket and appealed to council. Council held up the decision, and it moved to national National rescinded the decision and gave him Eagle. I met the kid in question a few months later. From my conversation with him, I can see why he didn't receive Eagle initially. He could not tell me anything about any of his MBs. Another Eagle I know so screwed up his service project the benefiting organization, which had a long history of working with a BSA, kicked him off the property mid project, and has banned the Scouts from ever doing projects there again! The project was scheduled to be completed days before his 18th birthday. Long story short, mom threatened to sue the council over the matter, and they caved in. Sad thing is he never learned personal responsibility. I see his post of FB and he is always blaming someone else for his problems threatening legal action at times. -
Technicality derails Eagle rank, prompts public appeal
Eagle94-A1 replied to Jameson76's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I am dealing with a Scout in a Similar situation. He has exactly 12 months 2 weeks to earn both Life and Eagle. He knew about this all along. And has had multiple opportunities to advance. He knows it is HIS RESPONSIBILITY to meet the requirements and deadlines, not the adults. -
Not only as a former lifeguard and lifeguard instructor, but also as a drowning survivor, I AM APPALLED BY THE WAY THIS TROOP IS HANDLING THE SITUATION! I drowned as a kid and had was resuscitated. I was terrified of swimming for years after that. Scouting is what forced me to face my fears, and overcome them. I was 12 years old before I was finally able to pass a swim test and earn First Class. And I am so glad I did. Not only was I able to advance, I was able to do some great adventures. All three of my 50 milers have been afloat, either canoe or sailboat. I developed a love of the water that led me to get a job as a lifeguard and eventually instructor. And I find it insulting to those who follow the requirements to the letter. Forget me for a moment. I had a scout who mastered basic Scouting skills while a Webelos. This guy had a shelter built, fire going, and chilling out cooking his lunch before I even had my shelter 1/2 way completed when working on Castaway. I would take him anywhere except for one thing; he could not swim. He has been in the troop 20 months, and has been Tenderfoot for 17 of those months. He's taken Instructional Swim the past two summer at camp, and I just completed 3 weeks of working with him. He finally passed Beginner test and earned Second Class last month. He just passed the Swimmer test last week, and is now ready for a First Class BOR. Once he passes that, it's 4 months in a POR for Star. As other stated, Swimming is a life skill, and an extremely important one. Sadly, you are correct. BSA has removed the term "Master the skill...." that was in previous handbooks, guides, and training literature that many of us old fogeys grew up under and were first Scouters under. They also removed the replacement phrase, 'The badge represents what a Scout can do, not what he has done." from guides and training materials.
UPDATE: Guideline has been rescinded. BB Guns memo from A. Lambert 8-11-18.pdf Text is following August 11, 2018 Colleagues, It has come to our attention that a recent program change is causing some distress in the field. You are aware that this past May, a joint group of well-meaning volunteers and professionals recommended a change to the age-appropriate guidelines for shooting sports related to Tigers in Cub Scouts. Prior to this change, the use of BB guns was approved for use by councils or districts at their discretion, starting with Tigers. The change shifted the guidelines to allow the use of BB guns to begin with the Wolves and Bears. While we appreciate the spirit that brought this team to their recommendation, we are withdrawing the change effective immediately. The safe use of BB guns will remain at the discretion of the Council and for use in council and district program for Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos. We encourage Councils to work with parents, staff, partners and Scouts to ensure that these programs are safe for our Scouts and that they have the necessary help and support to make our shooting sports programs successful and fun. You’ll see further information in next week’s Scout Executive packet. Please let me know if you have any questions. The program teams at the National Service Center stand ready to help. Al Lambert Assistant Chief Scout Executive National Director of Outdoor Adventures Boy Scouts of America
Only six months till girls in Scouts BSA.
Eagle94-A1 replied to Treflienne's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Clueless is am understatement. 16 for Venturing? 10 months to earn Eagle? Segregated patrols instead of troops (oops I forgot "Linked Troops"). And if members were so for it, WHY DON'T THEY PUBLISH THE ACTUAL TOWN HALL MEMBERSHIP SURVEY RESULTS? (emphasis) -
That's the funny thing, IT IS NOT STATED IN THE G2SS! (emphasis, not shouting). Check the online version and the pdf version. It is not there. Only the Age Appropriate Guidelines document has this rule. And for whatever reason, that document can only be found on the shooting sports page of the BSA Website.
FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL! May want lawyers involved. As I stated once blacklisted, permanently blacklisted, even if proven innocent later. EDITED: Demand a copy of everything the council on why to blacklist and what they are doing to get him blacklisted. And Definitely get a lawyer PRIOR to the name's submission. Once on the black list, it will be 100 times harder to get off of it. In fact I know of only 1 case where the person blacklisted was reinstated. Case involved SM in a bar with a uniform on a scout trip. Long story short, bar was the closest place with a phone to call EMS that involved an accident he Scouts were doing first aid on. Took 9+ months to get reinstated if memory serves.
Don't count on them being allowed to return if proven innocent. We had one very active Scouter who was removed based upon an accusation. Criminal investigation cleared her but she was not allowed to be reinstated. She was extremely active on the district and council level.
He's out of the country at the moment. Someone on FB posted a letter from their council stating that it is a mistake and an updated form will be coming shortly. I think it is also the same person who posted the toll free number to national to tell them how you feel about the new rule.
Interesting! Wonder when that changed because we had one guy in my Ship who was working on both Eagle and Quartermaster. Policy then was no double dipping. But that was 20+ years ago. Specialist would cover it. It was a catch all POR with folks focusing on special skills or assignments. I was a specialist for my ship, focusing on drill and naval customs. But event chair could fall under assigned leadership project for Star and Life.
Only six months till girls in Scouts BSA.
Eagle94-A1 replied to Treflienne's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Program has already changed. After October 1, 2018 the patrol method will be replaced with the den method. If that is not a reversal, I do not know what is. 18- 20 year old SCOUTERS (emphasis) will no longer county towards Youth Protection requirements. IMO that is a reversal. We spend 7 years to "Train 'em. Trust 'em. LET THEM LEAD!" then when they become adults, say sorry, we don't trust ya. Heck National no longer trusts them, as seen by the Den Method removing the last bit of INDEPENDENT Patrols ( again emphasis). Forgot to add, Tigers can no longer do BB Guns. That is a reversal of policy. -
If memory serves, just no 'double dippin" i.e. using the same POR for both Boy Scout and Sea Scout rank advancement, service project counts towards one rank or the other, etc. Glad he found his happy place and good luck and fair winds to him. Not only do I hope he earns Eagle, but Quartermaster as well.
No DE to night. But I went searching online. Daisy model 1938 is what we use for some of the rifles. We never have trouble with Tigers shooting because an adult partner is suppose to be with them at all times. I have always seen Tiger partners with their Tigers, and accompanied my sons when they were Tigers to shoot. Whenever I ran a course with Tigers, I always had their adult partner helping them. Only time I ever had trouble was with twins. We had to have them shoot one at a time, and not together.
But it is not listed on the online version, which according to the print versions IS the most current version.Nor is it listed in the online PDF. I will talk to my DE tonight, if he shows up to RT, and get the info today. THIS https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/multigun.pdf Accoding to the manual, you need council approval to do the activity. But according to the new guidlines you do not.
No typo. Shooting Sports Awards book was not updated when this policy came out. It is now in the process of being updated. On a different note, it appears that troops, ships, and crews will no longer need council approval for the Multigun Airsoft Expereince. It is no longer showing it is no longer showing that approval is needed with the new guidelines.
Only six months till girls in Scouts BSA.
Eagle94-A1 replied to Treflienne's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Pack will be accepting girls. CO is trying for form a separate, non-linked troop for the girls. This is actually falling upon the Scouters who have daughters though. Troop took a poll on the topic and while accepting that girls will be in Scouting, they do not want to be a "linked" troop. If we become a "linked" troop, aka coed troop, over 50% of the Scouts will transfer or quit. -
It will be a problem for my area. We have several major events during the year that include Tigers, and now Lions, that have BB gun ranges.Because it is a free flow type event with no set times, just wait in line for your turn. Because of the numbers, we cannot tell who is what level unless they are wearing their neckers. I already see problems with this rule being enforced. On a different note, I am glad my youngest will be Crossing Over soon.
Heads up, as of May 2018, Tuigers are no longer allowed to do BB Guns. Here si the document link https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-685.pdf Note this is not in the G2SS, but in a separate, 2 page document. Just found out today. Ticked off about this rule.
New Kayak and Boating Requirements?
Eagle94-A1 replied to VolcanoDunker's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Sadly, not every council has a list of approved camp grounds for Cubs. Some councils still have folks who believe "Cubs don't need to camp" on their camping committees. That's my council. My pack only goes to places listed in the OA's Where to Go Camping book since that is the closest thing to council approved locations. I've been told some councils only approved their own camps for packs to camp in. FYI prior to May 2015, Cub Scout packs and dens were not allowed to do boating activities. Cubs were only allowed to do boating at district/council run events. I had a discussion with my SE about why Packs could not take advantage of the boat rentals at the local Scout camp. Also commented how the new boating adventures could only be done at the district/council level. Thankfully that policy changed. It's only 3 years old, not 80. -
Black robes won't work in my area as we tried once before. Got complaints about the black robes being satanic as well as too reminiscent of the KKK robes.
Thankfully that new policy only affects the OA, not individual packs and/or troops.
Regarding knots and professionals. unless things have changed in the 20 years since I was a pro, professionals are barred from earning knots with a few exceptions, i.e. Professional Training (aka Darth vader knot), Heroism Award, West, etc. So Pros cannot earn the Keys, Training Awards, District Awards of Merit, etc. And they are ineligible for those recognition for 5 years after leaving the profession. We had a guy who was a pro, and retired. He was from the area and continued to volunteer, and served in multiple positions. Every new DE tried to put his name in for both DAM and SB because he was that helpful, and all three DEs were told he is ineligible because of the 5 year rule. 4 DE was successful, because it was the 6th year after retirement. Another former pro I know was put in for the DAM and rejected because of the 5 year rule.