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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1
First Camp Out With the New Troop
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagle94-A1's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I hear ya. Writing the letter was closure for me It got things off my chest, and made me realize that transferring was the best decision, and I should have made it sooner, when I first realized things were going to get worse. And yes I am having second thoughts on sending it to her. Not because I am worried about relations with her, but because I don't think she will even read through the entire thing. It is rather long at 4.5 pages. I did share it with the Scouters remaining in the troop. When I posted it to them, I wanted to make sure I got facts straight. I also wanted to let them know that in trying to work with these families instead of nipping problems as soon as they arose, WE (emphasis) failed our Scouts. Even though I pushed, prodded, discussed, etc the situation, when I realized no improvement would happen, I should have taken care of my sons and left. The SM has posted on a FB page about how the parents wanting to go camping. He left out some details, l;Ike the constant interfering, threatening to leave early on campouts, and the numerous meetings we have had to work with them. Troop has already lost 1/3 of their Scouts due to aging out, moving out of the area, transfers, and disinterest by the older Scouts. 1/2 the families are threatening to leave if they do not reinstate family camping, ( and that policy was the reason given why the Webelos did not join the troop in December). And the other half od the families are tired of the drama, and are considering leaving if they go back to family camping. -
What merit badges should a first-year scout do at summer camp?
Eagle94-A1 replied to mrkstvns's topic in Summer Camp
What MBs does the first year Scout want to take? And does he have a "free period" scheduled so there is time to just goof off? -
First Camp Out With the New Troop
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagle94-A1's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I say missive because she asked for the full reason why I left. So I am going to tell her how she, her husband, and their friends have affected the Scout, Scouters, my sons, myself, and my wife. I am going to state how 5 years of work, 5 years of the troop going through its ups, downs, and ups again, have all been negated by their interference and drama. The troop, despite it's problems, had been slowly making progress and growing. Because of them, a Webelos den we had been trying to recruit went elsewhere. 1/2 the families are so tired of their drama, they are contemplating leaving. And these are not new families. Some have been in the troop 5 and 6 years. As for drama, I know that is joking. But in all seriousness it is killing me. -
First Camp Out With the New Troop
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagle94-A1's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Don't be to sure about that. The stupid continues. 😣 My old troop asked me to help with First Aid MB since A) I am a FA MBC and B ) I had, stressing the HAD, access to CPR mannequins and training AEDs. One of the Scouts of the troublemaking parents didn't show up when I did have access to the mannequins and missed out. Now momma is ticked off that her son doesn't have First Aid MB like everyone else and wants to know how her son can get it and how everyone else got theirs. Long story short, she starts going off on me and the adults still in the troop on Facebook. One of the other parents ended up letting the cat out the bag that she and her husband were one of the reasons why I left. Now my friends and I are getting texts from her about if it was true or not. They are not responding to her. I told her I will contact her tomorrow as I am slammed at work. Will begin my missive tonite. 😁 -
Yes it does count towards membership goals for professionals. And some pros will do some "creative" recruiting. 😠
First Camp Out With the New Troop
Eagle94-A1 replied to Eagle94-A1's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Thanks everyone. -
Recruiting for council training committee
Eagle94-A1 replied to WisconsinMomma's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Sadly the last time I taught ITOLS and SM Specific, so much info was left out of the syllabus, I had to pull resources from older training. Best example is wood tools. So much has been left out. -
Recruiting for council training committee
Eagle94-A1 replied to WisconsinMomma's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Would the council ask me again should be the question. Seriously though, it depends on a lot of factors. Others have mentioned who else is on it and expectations, and those are valid. Another factor would be how would it affect my district? As ssd one may know, we have lost almost all of our district committee due to membership changes and/or treatment by council pros. Heck being treated rudely by my DE, and my overreaction got me to realize I was burning out. A third factor includes how will these additional duties affect my troop? You've read about the challenges I've had with trying to get a Scout-run troop. A fourth factor to consider is your job. Will it allow you the time off to do things for the job. last but most important, how will it affect your family. and I am probably forgetting ssd one dtuff. -
We missed the backpacking trip back in November due to a family trip, and December they didn't camp due to scheduling. We were able to do a service project one weekend, and a museum visit the next weekend. So we have been busy.But this weekend was the first camping trip and it was awesome. SM is a cooking MBC, and that was the primary emphasis. having fun was the second. I developed some bad habits in my old troop because I had a hard time just sitting in my chair, drinking coffee, and staying out of the Scouts' way. Everyone had a good time. But what made it awesome is that my boys were looking forward to it. They got their gear out of the attic and started packing on their own. Usually I have to get on their case to get their gear and start packing. Youngest did a great job too. He's so ready to cross over, he wants to quit Cub Scouts now instead of waiting until next month.
Very glad to hear you have been discharged and are on the road to full recovery. Good luck.
Someone on FB commented that the girls' book will have the 2018 requirements in them. MacScouter.com has not posted anything about 2019 requirements.
Did anyone catch the "updated requirements for 2019?" Has anyone heard they changed requirements yet again ( 2015, 2016, 2018.)? Interested because my oldest is 2 Eagle required MBs away, and a project. don't want any last minute changes affecting him. He's already been through enough with the old troop. Doesn't need any more garbage
Correct, he was not registered. But he may try to submit the application directly to the council. I know that applications missing signatures will sometimes slip by. And I know of a case where the signatures were forged.
I strongly recommend you inform council,. That way they can get off your charter ASAP, and can have their access to SCOUTBOOK, and unit related online sources terminated. Grant you, the "CM" is not even registered,but it is a good idea. The DL that was removed has access to the pack's Be.A.Scout.org info, Internet Advancement. and other stuff. It got really crazy.
We had a DL who tried to take over. It got bad fast. Long story short we got the DE, COR, CC, CM, and the SM ( this DL also started on the SM as well) involved. A letter was written to her and the council registrar, with a cc to the Scout Exec, stating A) that her services as a DL were no longer needed with the pack, and B) she was no longer allowed on on the church's property. I believe a restraining order barring her from the church was done as well. This was her 2nd pack in my district. From dealing with the problem above, and dealing with parents trying to take over a Scout troop, if you do not nip it in the bud now, the problem will get worse. People will leave because of him. Problem above was nipped in the bud, and nobody left. The parents problem was left to fester for over a year, and families have left or are considering leaving.
I had a similar problem, but it involved adults. My sons expressed their opinions on the problem adults to me, the SM, and the oldest to his BOR ( middle son had both problem makers on his BORs) Other Scouts complained about the behavior.. Problems got worse and worse. I finally had enough, and left the troop. BEST. DECISION.I. MADE! ( caps, underline, and bold for major emphasis). I admit, I miss my Scouts and my Scouter friends in the other troop, but the decision to leave was the best one. The attitudes my sons have towards the new trrop are a 180 degree turn around. Instead of dreading camp outs, they are now looking forward to them.
In my troop growing up, it was done as soon as they completed the paperwork and earned Scout rank,which was usually about 3-4 weeks after their first visit to the troop. Sometimes it was faster. I transferred into the troop as a Tenderfoot, and as soon as I turned in the paperwork, I was invested in the troop. Troop I just left did it at the first Court of Honor after they earned Scout. They made a big deal out of it in front of the families. Like I mentioned, IMHO the Cross Over Ceremony seems to have replaced the Investiture Ceremony. I don't have a problem with Cross Over Ceremonies, heck I use to do them as a youth with the OA, But lately I see kids going though the Cross Over Ceremony with a troop, then never showing up again. Troop I just left had 4 Webelos Cross Over in December. 1 out of the 4 showed up at the first meeting of the year, 2 of the 4 were visiting other troops, and 1 is MIA.
Actually the Skill Awards came out before teh the Cub Scout belt loops. But yyes, I think folks hate the SAs because of the ISP. but I liked them when I was in Socuts in the mid to late 80s.
I know it is moot, but would you please provide some links to your stats? I have combed BSA pubs and websites and all I can find are the non-member results. I do realize the surveys were manipulated. First, National announced the town halls right before jamboree, when most of the council key threes were going. Second they limited the time frame the surveys would be conducted, with 2 or 3 of the weeks to do them in being Jamboree weeks. Third National limited those who could take the survey to those who went to a town hall. I was one of about 15 people who could make the first town hall in my council as they announced it on 3 days notice. I do not know how many attended the second one, but a large group attended the third, most ly against the change. However that town hall was done after the deadline, and they were unable to take the poll. Lastly, the questions were so biased towards allowing girls in, it was over the top obvious that National wanted this decision. And then you got the June 2017 applications with gender neutral language for the Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop sections. Go back even further, you have an Exploring Program exec head of strategy who becomes CSE. I believe the decision was already made, and the surveys were an attempt to give it legitimacy.
Would you please post where you got those results? I have been looking everywhere, and cannot find the results of the membership poll BSA took after teh town halls in 2017. All the stats I have seen comes from non-member surveys. I know in my neck of the woods, it is no where close to 75% for the membership change. Maybe 35-40 overall, and youth is more like 5% for.
The Spirit of Scouting candle is the one candle that lights all the rest. In the cermeony above, that candle is held by the PL to lead the new Scout into the room. Handed off to the SPL who then lights the 15 candles onthe logs.
Scout Investiture- PL, SPL, and SM Lights go out and the room is illuminated by a single candle, the Spirit of Scouting, on a table at the front of the room. Also on the table are two log candelabras, one holding three candles, and the other twelve. The Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster are behind the table. The candidate(s) for membership wait in the back along with their Patrol Leader(s). When all is ready, the patrol leader(s) lead the candidate(s) down the aisle to the table where the candle is burning.) Halfway to the front, the SPL stops the New Scout and PL. SPL: HALT. Who are you bringing into our troop PL: I bring (SCOUT'S NAME(S) 0 who wants to join Troop xx and has earned his Scout Rank SPL: Bring him forward. PL brings the new Scout forward and stands beside them. SPL picks up the lighted candle: SPL: “This candle represents the spirit of Scouting. As we welcome you into the fellowship of Troop XX we want you to stop and think about what it means to be a Scout. Besides going on outings and camping trips, it’s doing you best to live up to the Scout Oath and Law. Please make the Scout Sign and repeat after your Patrol Leader the Scout Oath and Law.” PL will say the Scout Oath in sections. The SPL will light the three candles of the Scout Oath candelabra when the new Scout(s) say “To God and My Country” “To Help Other People” and “To Keep Myself….” PL: “On my Honor… …I will do my best… …to do my duty… …TO GOD AND MY COUNTRY… …to obey the Scout Law… …TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL TIMES… …TO KEEP MYSELF… …physically strong… …mentally awake… …and morally straight.” PL will now slowly say the Scout Law. The SPL will light each candle when the new Scout repeat each point. PL: “A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY... … LOYAL… …HELPFUL… …FRIENDLY… …COURTEOUS… …KIND… …OBEDIENT… …CHEERFUL… …THRIFTY… …BRAVE… …CLEAN… … and REVERENT.” SPL now places the Spirit of Scouting candle on the table. SM: “When you entered the room, the only light was a single candle representing the Spirit of Scouting, the fun and adventure of your program. It didn’t provide a lot of light, and you could see very little. Then your Patrol Leader led you into the room, The Senior Patrol Leader, the chief scout of Troop XX stopped you and asked if you were ready to join the troop. When your patrol Leader answered for you, and brought you to the front. Your Patrol Leader then had you repeat the Scout Oath and Law, making you a Boy Scout. As you said the Oath, the Senior Patrol Leader lit a candle representing the three points of the Scout Oath: Duty to God and Country, Duty to Others, and Duty to Self. Then the Senior Patrol Leader lit the 12 candles representing the 12 points of the Scout Law. With the 15 candles lit, the room became brighter, a beacon for all to see. By living the Scout Oath and Law in your lives, you will become a beacon for others. Now that you are Boy Scout, you will receive three items tonight.” SPL: “The first item you will receive tonight is your troop neckerchief. It is one of the original Scout uniform items still in use, and that is because it is the most useful. On it you will see our troop number, XX and our hometown so all will know who you are. It is worn under an open collar. I give you this charge, DO NOT BE THE FIRST TO DISGRACE IT.” PL raises the collar and SPL places the neckerchief on the Scout. SPL: The second item you will receive is your troop woggle. A Scout Woggle is made of cord and it has three braided strands. The three strands stand for the three principals of the Scout Oath: Duty to God and Country, Duty to Self, Duty to Others. The woggle is tied in a circular manner to resemble a neverending knot to symbolize the unity of Scouting. The color red was chosen because it represents our charter organization, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Methodist Church. SPL hands woggle(s) to PL(s) and the PL places the woggle on the neckerchief SM: The last item you will receive tonight is you Scout Rank. The shape of the Scout Rank is the arrowhead or Fleur-de Lis used as the North Point on mariners’ compasses. It represents that Scouting points you the right way in your life just like a compass in the field. It is the basic shape that all Scout badges build upon, and it is the international symbol of Scouting worldwide. Let’s welcome our newest Scout with a round of applause. Pause SPL TO PL AND NEW SCOUT. You two may now be seated pAUSE. SPL: I now declare this Court of Honor open for business.
Agree completely. Heck I even told the then national Venturing director in May 1998 that having a new program with a similar name to an existing one AND using the same unit designation for the new program that is in use for the existing program is a major mistake.
Actually the older kids are VENTURERS, not Venture Scouts. Venture Scouts was the term used for members of the older Scout patrol, called a venture crew from August 1, 1989 to July 31, 1998, and venture patrol from August 1, 1998 until some time in the mid to late 2000s. Designations for youth are the following: CUB SCOUTS and their subsets LIONS, TIGERS, WOLVES, BEARS, WEBELOS and some say ARROW OF LIGHTS SCOUTS both males and females SEA SCOUTS VENTURERS and if Exploring is now under traditional Scouting, then EXPLORERS. Do STEM Scouts still exist?
No, not unique to GSUSA, just supplanted by the Cross Over Ceremony.