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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Folks, As most of you know, I have been around a long time, and have served in a variety of volunteer and professional roles. As an OA chapter advisor, I have organized day and weekend trips. I have assisted in organizing and supervising my pack and troops in activities over the years. So this is not my first rodeo in Scouting. But since I took over as SM, almost every weekend trip, I have been anxious and nervous. Are my Scouts going to have fun? Are they ready for the weekend? Will they be any problems? Is this anxiety normal for all new SMs? For example, back in January I was worried some of the Scouts would not have the proper cold weather and rain gear. Yep, some didn't and lucky for them I brought some extra stuff. When we were staffing an event, I was nervous about them running an event that they have run in the past and knew hand s down. For camporee, I was worried that they were not prepared for all the events, and focused on the mantra "Train 'em. Trust 'em. LET THEM LEAD!" The did excellent. We went backpacking, and I was worried about their preparedness and if things happened. And while things did happen: storm, hail, lighting, horses in the camp, etc, they did everything like they were suppose to. We got a whitewater trip this weekend. Class 2 and 3s. Company we hired alllows 8 year olds, and the section is advertised for beginners. We have been going over SSD and SA. We have gone over the basics of white water and will do more tonight. But I am anxious once again. Is this normal? I want my scouts to have great memories and fun, as well as being safe.
  2. Bank accounts and anything that requires registration, i.e. trailers, boats, vans, buses, etc, will need to be transferred to the council's name. Existing equipment, tents, stoves, etc, can theoretically be unreported. But you can bet your DO peach cobbler recipe council will want to know what you are spending money on. And since most units I know store their camping gear in the trailer, but you a DO pizza recipe council will take it when they take the trailer.
  3. That is one of my concerns with the new model as I have seen councils take OA money earmarked for paying for camp improvements being put into the general fund and spent, as well as council moving an OA chapter's equipment from one camp to another without telling anyone. Lodge didn't find out about the money until bills came due and were unpaid. Chapter didn't find out about equipment until a workday.
  4. Been a while since I worked for BSA, but I believe councils contributed to the national pension plan to cover their employees. Just as councils paid insurance money to National.
  5. Technically CORs are already members of both. In actuality, they don't attend. Don't know. Some UMC churches are phenomenal in their chartering responsibilities. My concern too. I stated in another thread what happened with the OA. I know how one unit handled a greedy IH that provided 0 support to the unit over the years, then when they found out they owned gear and money in the bank decided to shut the unit down, and keep everything. The unit payed all expenses for their Scouts for several council and national events, sold the gear for pennies on the dollar to units their scouts were transferring to, and left a balance of $100 as a thank you for letting use the place. IH was ticked, but the CO's treasurer, who was an ASM in another troop, had no issues with it.
  6. Most Cub Scouters have a hard time transitioning. Why many troops i have been with wantba year or more on the commitee first.
  7. My main worry as well. I have seen this done with OA funds and property. I remember an SE appropriated "excess funds" from the OA account as a donation to the council's FOS campaign. Those funds were earmarked for camp improvements for the upcoming conclave at the camp. And when all the bills came due, OA had no money to pay the bills. Then the SE was complaining about "The lodge supports the council, not the other way around." when council was asked to pay the bills since they took the money. One local chapter spent thousands of dollars over the years buying and getting donated equipment to a local camp. They were the ones that maintained the camp, not the council, over the years. Especially when the caretaker died, the OA chapter was doing it all: maintaining and repairing the camp, providing a campmaster, etc. Camp ranger from the main camp came to the local camp one day and took the the zero turn mower, a bunch of hand tools and the storage rack made for the hand tools, AND one volunteer's flair mower! This was done with one one knowing it was going to happen. I know the OA is owned by the council, and that any property and money is really owned by the council. But if they are willing to do this, what will they do with units?
  8. Regarding snacks and food, they can serve a purpose. I have seen cooking demos and cook offs during meetings, especially for backpacking instruction. As a Cub Scout DL, the last meeting of the year was a party with me making cookies in a cardboard box oven.
  9. You are correct, the program should support a motivated Scout to get First Class in a year, and it doesn't mean they have to get there. Lord Baden-Powell said it best, "Advancement is like a suntan, it just happens in the outdoors." The reality is that EVERYTHING (major emphasis), that BSA has put out since August 1989: handbooks, training syllabi, roundtable topics, ad nauseum, has promoted First Class, First Year. Heck even the 1989 report on why National implemented "Operation First Class" as it was then called, ignored program, and focused on advancement. I believe I have lost potential transfer Scouts because when I talked to them, their parents, and their Scouters, I talk about how we are focused on fun and adventure, and not advancement. They seem to be advancement focused, and I blame National for this.
  10. FYI, Family camping does not count toward Tenderfoot through First Class. Tenderfoot 1b states, with bold for emphasis "Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch." Second Class 1a states "Since joining Scouts BSA, participate in five separate troop/patrol activities, at least three of which must be held outdoors. Of the outdoor activities, at least two must include overnight camping. These activities do not include troop or patrol meetings. On campouts, spend the night in a tent that you pitch or other structure that you help erect, such as a lean-to, snow cave, or tepee." And First Class 1a states "10 separate troop/patrol activities, at least six of which must be held outdoors. Of the outdoor activities, at least three must include overnight camping. " Camping Merit Badge gets tricky as some requirements must be done in the patrol setting. National Outdoor Award is not a problem. But in my area, the award is not a big deal. Most units are camping 9-12 times each year.
  11. Patrol emblem. Here is the source https://www.boyscouttrail.com/docs/uniform_male.pdf
  12. Outside of the plan. Back in the day when I was a DE, I was told as part of my training that BSA's liability insurance covered both the LCs and COs. The reason for coverage was that the charter fee they paid covered the liability insurance for them. Thank you. And Mods, if these posts are out of place, mea culpa.
  13. But aren't the LCs and COs covered by BSA's insurance, at least sine 1976? I know I was told that BSA insurance covered both when I was a DE.
  14. Training helps get them get an idea of what to do without whispering in their ear. Letting them make mistakes or fail is a way to learn. If you do it for them, they never learn and grow. Worse they will lose interest 4th method: Socratic Ask them questions that make them think and come up with solutions.
  15. No, but thanks for the assist. The document was a list of council properties, including non camp properties, by name and/or location.
  16. On one of these Chapter 11 Threads, there is a link to a court document that lists 2 to 3 appraisal prices, if memory serves. Be advised that it does include camps with restrictions on them, so even that is not 100% accurate. I know one council camp on the list has a high value price on it and noted that it is restricted. What the document does not state is the restriction: that when the Scouts no longer use the camp, it will revert back to the trust. So while the council operates it and allows units to build structures on it and make improvements to the property, they cannot sell it for money. Another restricted camp, with a high value, will not get the valuation price listed as the family that sold the camp to the Council has right of first refusal at the actual cost the council bought it for. And believe me the price is SIGNIFICANTLY lass than what the council bought it for.
  17. Concur with @Eagledad. While it is easier to start a Venturing Crew within a Scouts BSA Troop, in the long term they fold. The initial group of Venturers leave, Scouters get burned out, or the troop starts suffering and all hands are needed to support the troop.
  18. So that is what the Baden-Powell Service Association is calling themselves these days. No experience with them whatsoever. Nearest group is over 3 hours away.
  19. First warning sign that this is not a good troop is that they stop meeting for the summer. Summer is the absolute best time to do stuff because you don't have school and extracurriculars to deal with. Second, Agree with @MattR. Talking to another adult may help. If that doesn't work, another troop.
  20. Don't I know it. In 1994 I was a YMCA Lifeguard Instructor, who also worked and trained with ARC Lifeguards, and a 3rd national organization's lifeguards that I cannot remember, at the college pool. I took BSA Lifegaurd in 1994, and it was the hardest, most demanding lifeguard course because it not only covered pools, but also lakes , rivers, and open water. It started before 2013. One reason why I never went for BSA Lifeguard as a youth was because A) I did not have Rowing MB, which was a prerequisite along with Swimming, Lifesaving, and Canoeing MBs and B) I was working summers as a YMCA Lifeguard and needed to earn money. When I first became a BSA Lifeguard in 1994, those merit badges were no longer perquisites, although you still had to demonstrate the skills in the requirements.
  21. As a former BSA Lifeguard, I can tell you it is 99.98% ARC to the point that the books and videos used in the class was ARC. In fact if you were willing to pay an extra $20 and take the ARC exam, you would be dual certified. the .02% difference was BSA's Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat. So BSA Lifeguard is not a good example of BSA going their own way.
  22. BSA is to blame. I remember as a 18-20 year old ASM, I was treated as an adult by my troop, and most other adults on the district/council level. Yes, some folks looked at my age and lack of Wood Badge and ignored me, denigrated me, etc. But for the most part I was treated as an equal. I maintained friends in the troop, and hung out with them at school and outside of Scouting. But at Scouting activities, I was treated like any other adult by them. I was able to do Swimming and Lifesaving MB sessions at the pool I worked at with just a parent present. I was even the acting SM one summer since no other adults could attend the entire week. The CC and a MC switched off until Friday when the SM showed up. It was me and one other adult. Flash forward to today. I have an Eagle who if he was to be an ASM would have to give up friends in Scouting who are under 18. Another Eagle, if he was an ASM, would be unable to do school work with several classmates because he is 18, and they are under 18. The 18-20 year olds no longer count towards 2 deep leadership. So if they are a MB counselor, they need 2 registered adults over 21, or one registered adult over 21 and a parent, to be at their MB sessions. As for summer camp, there is no reason for them to be there since A. they are not counting towards YP, and B. Taking tenting space, an C. costing money. Until I see the raw data to support this decision, it it the stupidest one ever.
  23. Tell me about it. I remember the first time I was eligible, and I didn't vote for myself because the other three candidates were better Scouts than me, AND I HAD A DIFFICULT TIME PICKING THE 2 I DID! It was rough. Under the old rules, it was possible to get everyone elected under the right circumstances, i.e. odd number of eligible Scouts. I had a SM tell his Scouts how to vote so that the three scouts had 2/3s of the ballots each. Found this out after the fact and it infuriated me. Now it is common.
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