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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. When I first became an ASM at 18, it was no problem as I was in the troop I gre up in. After a stint as a DE, I went ot work for national supply. I got involved with a unit as I am a Scouting addict. It was interesting at first, but as the leadership got to know me, especially since I was a member of the CO, it got a lot better. Second move with the wife's job and me with supply had the same result: interesting and some apprehension at first. But got better the longer I stayed. 3rd time around was extremely interesting as my church didn't have a troop, and I wanted to serve on the district level again instead of a troop. Feeling was that I was going to stay for a while, didn't want to get tied down to one particular CO since I had a son now. HAHAHAHA . I was there only 5 months as the Mom-in-law's health deteiorated even more since we moved closer to her. So I was back in the district as a volunteer that I was a DE for. Then I had no problems with folks trying to recruit me as a leader.
  2. You could give them the "Quest for the Holy Grail." Give them hints or actual bearings to reach "The Grail." They have to make their map while doing the course. We did it as a "treasure hunt" for the Pirates theme and had Capri Suns or other beverage in a cooler as the treasure.
  3. Does anyone remember the story of the brand new Tiger who was suspended because of the plastic spork that had a cutting edge, so it was classified as a knife? Or about the HS senior, who was slated to be the valedictorian, had a West Point appointment, Eagle scout who left his camp axe with his camping gear in the trunk of his car? Or the story of the story of the girl who broughty a paring knife to cut her apple? Common sense isn't common.
  4. I modified some of BP's artwork to make it American instead of British. We used triangular pennants instead of flags in the areasw with each area director responsible for their flags. It started with Archery in Robin Hood Field, and went all over camp. When the Cubs met what ever designation, i.e. archery and BB guns were bulls eyes, Fishing was catching a fish, etc, the Cubs signed their name to the pennant. SWMBO came out in period garb and did storytelling One day camp in the council had the CD and her husband come out in their SCA regalia, full armour, and they did a demo of melee combat. Another day camp had a licensed falconer do a demo. Pauls Supplies had a crossbow kit, as well as a Knight slide. Son still wears his with his Boy Scout uniform.
  5. Please dont' tell me they use a podium with the script on it? The last logde I was in prior to my current one did just that. Very sad state of affairs. I admit when I did ceremonies I used props to help me out with the lines. I borrowed a beaded sash with a legend once to help me with that part. I also admit we used and earpiece and a radio once. District level AOL ceremony and we had so many names at the last minute, we decided to go the earpiece and radio route for the names. Now for the standard ceremonies, Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood, etc, memorization is VITAL ( emphasis) to the success of the ceremony.
  6. Page 105 of the G2SS. One part of the page says that open platforms above4 feet with proper fall protection requires someone to be 18 or older to do, but the NOTE states pionering projects, such as monkey bridges, have a maximum height of 6 feet. Some have read that signal towers are A OK with anyone going on them and without the protective gear, and others say protective gear is required and only adults can go on them..
  7. While cast iron is virtually indesructable if cared for, My wife's skillet and pan have a lot of memories for her. So for sentamental reasons she wants them home. And always remember, when momma aint happy nobody is happy!.
  8. I remember when those not classified as a Swimmer had to ride with a certified lifeguard. I remember not going to summer camp, hence not taking the annual swim test, one year. The troop had a canoe trip planned and I had to ride in teh canoe with a 16 or 17 year old Scout that I certified as a YMCA lifeguard. Me personally, if I had a non-swimmer or beginner swimmer, I rather have them with a 16 or 17 year old certified lifeguard than an adult who can barely pass the swim test.
  9. I like how my SPL told me when I will know when to sign off on something. In this case first aid. "[Eagle94-A1], when you would trust Owl to do first aid on you if something happened to you, then you can sign off on it." Never know when the skills they learn in Scouting, will be needed for real.
  10. It's a national standard to have an NCS trained CD and PD. I only know of one exception, and that was due to death of the CD about 2 weeks before day camp. That district filled out some type of waiver process to be accreditied. Now my first year staffing, we did not have a volunteer PD as no one wanted to work with the CD. Our DE at the time was not only NCS certified as a day camp director/program director, but also a multiyear NCS staffer. So he had to spend the entire week at camp as the PD. He did a great job, and got folks thinking outside of the box for day camp as we were stuck in a rut.
  11. Sorry I'm back. #5 Both. We've done casseroles, pizzas, etc as well as stews and skillet stuff. Also we have used just the top as a griddle by inverting it. #6 1 of the new leaders has an aluminum one we takes on canoe trips. he said he will bring to play with next time he's in the country and can camp. #7 Me and the other "old" leaders are a no. New leader has taken his new one canoeing. #8 Ditto what 2Cub said about parchment paperliners. I LOVE THEM! #9 Oil. #10 I personally have access to a cast iron pan and skillet that I use regularly at home. SWMBO would inflict a slow painful death upon me if I even tried to take them out of the house as they are her grandmothers, or maybe great-granmothers. Now the leaders won a cast iron skillet last year for a DO cook off. But we haven't used it yet.
  12. You are going to laugh, but we incorporate them into the Wolf den. We don't get a lot of Tigers because A) we don't do Kindergarten round ups and B) usually the parents can't take off. most we ever had was 2 Tigers and partners, and 1 was the BS RT commissioner, and the other was the CS RT commissioner, among my other positions.
  13. 1) Yes we use them. Adults mostly, but one patrol has a a cook who loves his DOs, so he has used his personal one. 2) Depends. If I have access to wood, i do use it. But I mostly use charcoal. 3) Patrols. Only time we ever "troop" cooked was demonstrating liquid fuel backpacking stoves. 4) #10 More later
  14. Still use the three pot method: one Hot soapy container for cleaning, one Medium for rinsing, and one Cold with bleach for sterilizing. One patrol at least may be changing to the Philmont method of cleaning since they are going next year. I beleive they using boiling water to sterlize before using, cook, eat, clean in hot and sterlize a 2nd time before drying an putting away. Someone recommended buying professional grade sanitizing tablets that food industry uses. May try and go that route. For Mozartbrau, 10th is cool. I'm more of a "Dandy" fan with the "Hobo" a close 2nd. I wonder how much ad libbing went into Pertwee's performance since he worked with MI6 in WWII.
  15. I sure hope that he didn't hear that at the SM Specific I taught because I sure didn't say that. What is in the literature is that the SM is the final authority on who can and cannot sign off on requirements, and that he can delegate the ability to sign off that to anyone he choses, Scout or Scouter. If he doesn't want a Scouter or Scouter to sign off on requirements, that is the SM's perogative. But I hope he has a darn good reason to no allow the Scout to sign off if his peers can. For me that is a good time for a SMC, but I digress. In the past I've been invovled in troops that are like Stosh's in which the PLs can sign off on requirements up to their rank or a non-PL with the approval of the SPL. I remember being a regular patrol member teaching First Aid Skill Award with the SPL's approval so I could meet that FA MB requirement back in the day. And as Stosh mentioned, first time I taught withthe ability to sign off, I asked the SPL for advice. Our older scouts, called the Leadership Corps at the time, could sign off on all the requirements up to First Class. They were Star and higher, served a at least 6 months, usually longer, as a PL, and served as troop level officers: Scribe, instructor, QM, etc. Most of the troops I've been in do not allow Scouts to sign off on Star and above becuase the skills learned are MB skills requiring a MBC. The other requirements involve leadership, Scout Spirit, etc, usually the SM's domain
  16. DO BELEIVE HIM AS I SECOND IT! ( and yes that is me screaming at the top of my lungs saying don't do more than one job.) I was a DL and CSDC PD (doig both the PD and CD work) and it is a PITA! did it for the first 2 summers 3rd summer I was a TCDL, but then when the CSDC director got fired, I got recrutied to be PD again. And I was a DL and CSRTC. burnt out was an understatement.
  17. As 2cub said, you will have a blast. I concur with his recomendations. My day camp had some issues. My day camp director didn't share anything, and kept doing the same olf thing over and over and over without ever updating it. Program was poor and needed revamping. Since I have prior day camp and summer camp staff expereince, including a NCS for COPE. i essentially came up with a rough outline of what I wanted to do. The staffer assigned to my den was PHENOMINAL and looked over what I put together and changed at nite after the day's sessions. in another post, you aid you are doing Knights theme. PM me as we did that theme and I beleive I still have that information on my computer.
  18. Lodge growing up had ceremonies after dark. "Dinner" for everyone was crackers and cheese. After the Ordeal Ceremony, all Ordeal members left and had a true dinner. Brotherhood and Vigils stayed until after the Brotherhood Ceremony was completed before we had a true dinner.
  19. No really standardized way to do it. You got to know you SM, and have support when you talk to him about steppign down. I do not suggest doing what my CC wanted to do with my son's SM: tell point blank he's fired and now on the troop committee. I know, CC can't do that, but COR is SM's son, and although he knows it time for dad to step down, he doesn't have the heart.CC said he would handle it as he and dad are good friends. June 1 aint coming soon enough for the SM elect ( he's still CM), and June 6th ain't coming soon enough for me ( when I change from MC to ASM with the troop and DL to MC with the pack.)
  20. IMHO, only time this shuld be allowed is Webelos looking at troops. I also do think that the Webelos should be buddied up with a Boy Scout and involved. otherwise no.
  21. Were the Philmont Staff in the green Explorer/Venturing uniform shirts or the tan and green shirts? I ask because Explorers/Venturers were able to wear the Eagle patch on the pocket until 21. It was "interesting" when one of my national supply coworkers and I wore our green and grey Venturing uniforms when we worked summer camp staff. As a 19 year old Eagle, He was was legitimately allowed to wear his badge on his green shirt. Boss had a coniption fit as we MUST follow the Insignia Guide, or whatever they call it these days, and though that he MUST wear the knot. Had to show her in the IG that yes he could wear the Eagle and his AOL until age 21 in the green shirt. She even had a conniption fit about my jambo insignia, until I showed her pics of the CSE with Jambo insignia on. But when we were inthe standard khaki and green BSA uniform, we both wore our knots.
  22. Eagle92 and Eagle94-a1 are the same person. If you remember the last time Scouter.com had trouble, I stopped coming here and forgot my original password. Was suppose to be Eagle92-a1, but I hit the wrong digit by mistake. Please feel free to end EAGLE92 active status.
  23. In my honest opinion, I am walking a very fine line between "poaching" and being loyal to the individual Scouts and Scouting movement. Hopefully I am on the individual Scouts side of the line. You all know my situation. I got 2 Cubs Scouts in one CO's pack, but oldest is in another CO's troop. I let my oldest son make the decision where he wanted to go. I admit I guided him some, I knew what he wanted, a "hiking and camping troop" and knew what we could afford. So I took him to troops that met that criteria. The troop that is chartered by the Cub Scout pack I am in has major issues as I have discussed in various posts. Against my better judgement, I did recruit for them at a Boy Scout Round Up, encouraged my old den to visit them, etc. Heck I advised my son to not mention where he was going until the last possible moment because I did not want it influence my den. I've mentioned the results of that decision: the 3 boys I recruited at Round Up quit within 3 months and out of the 5 Cubs from my old den that went to them, 2 quit altogether and 2 transferred within 11 months. I try my best to be impartial. But it can be hard. We had a Webelos event this past weekend. We had several troop staff the even, and of course the troop with issues was not there. The folks in my pack know I am in another troop and since their boys will start looking at troop soon, wanted to know why my oldest went to the troop he did as well what is the issue with the CO's troop. I am not going to lie about the issues. While I hope and pray that the troop does another 180 and get back on course, it's been 4 years of issues. I honestly don't think a course correction is possible. But I also still encourage them to visit not only the CO's troop, but all troops in the district. I tell the parents that their sons needs to find the best fit because while all troops use the same program, each troop is unique. And they may not like one troop for whatever reason, but another troop may fit them like a glove. Now this is the part that may be the "poaching," but I try to talk about all aspects of the troop my son is in. Yes I talk about the 10 camp outs, week of summer camp, and the lock in we do. I talk about how we are not as "advancment oriented" but rather focus on giving the youth as many opportunities as possible. I also talk about some of the "negatives:" young troop with that is still growing into their own older Scouts ( this is the troop with an 11 year old SPL) , growing faster than expected, equipment issues, etc. But I also talk about the potential I see with the troop. The "older" guys wanted to do HA, and they got a spot for Philmont next year. Not only do I think that expereince will benefit them personally, I think it will benefit the troop as a whole. But again I talk about all of the troops in the district and encourage Webelos to visit any and all of them, and if possible camp with them Camping with a troop will make, or break as in my son's case with the CO's troop, the desire to join a troop.
  24. Peri, Actually if what I was told is correct, SM decided to appoint leadership positions when son couldn't get elected PL. Now that he appoints all the PORs, Son has been a PL, TG, ASPL, and I think he is currently SPL.
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