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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. I hemmed my oldest son's pants high when he became a Webelos I and sold his old uniform to his brother. I've had to hem them thrice in the past 3 years. And they need hemming again! Kid isn't even 12 yet.
  2. I remember sitting on BORs as aScout way back in the day. We didn't the word about the no youth on BORs until about 1992, three years after the switch. Fred, Don't know why national changed the policy. In my troop PLs and membes of the Leadership Corps sat on them up to First Class. After that adults only. I personally thinkit was a good idea because as a PL, I got ideas to improve and what not to do. As an LC member, I got to here where the problems were, and get ideas from the Scouts to improve. Stosh, Me personally I disagree with the PL sitting in, or even the SM, sitting on BORs. But I'm use to other PLs and/or LC members being the chairman of the BORs. Just as it can sometimes be an issue to criticise the SM with him in the room, it can be uncomfortable with the PL inthe room. Then again, I knowof one Eagle who told off his SM at the SM Conference, then told his EBOR how the SM is causing the troop to implode with the SM in the room. Wish the BOR would have listened.
  3. Fehler, That's how Tigers initially started in August 1982. It was suppose to be a separate program for 2nd Graders that did their own meetings and Go-See-Its. Tigers initially had their own promise and motto,uniform, and when you completed the program you first wore a square "Tiger Cub Graduate" patch as temp insignia, and later a Tiger Cub Graduate strip. Heck you can still see an occasional Scouter with an service star with an orange backing for their one year in Tigers. No matter what you try to do, it will end up with a Den-Pack meeting focus.
  4. Thank you for the info. To use an infamous quoe in the Star Wars universe, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Why do I have a feeling that national is going to unveil Lions next month or August 1, 2015 when they traditionally come out with new programs. In regards to burn out, as most know I'm a Scouting addict with 32 years in as both youth and adult. After 6 years of Cub Scouts (3 years with oldest, 2 years with middle, and 1 year with youngest sons) I AM BURNT OUT ON CUB SCOUTS! I've already sent in my notice that May 25th will be my last event as a DL, and I'm switching over to pack committee. June 8th will be my first troop meeting as an ASM, adn I cannot wait!
  5. William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt said it best about Scouting with the two following quotes: "OUTING is three-fourths of ScOUTING." 3rd ed. hanbook ( emphasis is mine. Ever sicne the current HB misqouted GBB, I Bold OUTING to show the math.) "ScOUTING IS OUTING!" New Orlean Area Council Scout Show, circa 1990 ( memory is getting to me and can't remember exact yearand emphasis is in original speech.) My son's troop a has tripled in size in the past 16 months. Why? I would like to think we are a "Hiking and Camping Troop." We are far from perfect, heck we "killed" one patient when doing last first aid scenarios last campout among other "challenges." And "Organized Chaos" is describing the troop very politely. A "Charley Foxtrot" would be a better description. But we go camping every month save January. Because of we traditionally get the bulk of our new Scouts in December Cross overs, we have a lock in instead to get the new guys up to spead with gear needed for cold weather camping. We do rock climbing at a wall, and either first aid or ILST during the lock in. We've had transfers from another troop that, by JTE standards, is a better troop than us. We don't focus on advancement, we focus on the outdoors and FUN. That is what the Scouts want, and that is what we try to give them. Have we lost Scouts, yep. I know two Scouts who were in my son's patrol on the first camp out left shortly thereafter because they didn't like having to do the work at camp, i.e. cooking, cleaning, etc. But we've gotten more who do want to camp, than those 2.
  6. Sorry I can't help, but I do have questions. 1) How is Lions working out for you? 2) What is the program like? 3) What are they allowed to do? Not Do? 4) How is retention?
  7. Parents, especialy the helicopter variety, ARE part of the problem. I've encountered too many parents who only want their sons to Eagle as soon as possible so that is checked off the list of to do things. One year we had a MB weekend instead of a camporee. All of the scouts I talked to hated it, but a lot of the parents loved it. Thankfully we never had a second weekend 'cause word got back to the PTB that the Scouts wanted competition, not classes. And I also put some of the blame on MBCs who aren't trained, and do not know what is actually expected of them. I admit I've done 2 merit badge colleges, and a daylong Indian Lore MB Seminar as a fundraiser. In both cases unless work was done prior to the event, you got a partial.
  8. Maybe it's the the fact that my son's troop is old school, but he got 18 days of camping in 1 year. Grant you 6 of those was summer camp. And he would have had 21 days if he hadn't of missed 2 camp outs. So 20 days is not tough IMHO. But then again, when only 4 camp outs are needed for Journey to Excellence, I think more OUTING in ScOUTING is needed.
  9. Peri, Youth can also serve as staff for NYLT. You you would need a total of 10 areas. Male Youth Participant <18 Female Youth Participant <18 Male Youth Staff <18 Femail Youth Staff <18 Male Adult Participant 18-20 Female Adult Participant 18-20 Male Adult Staff 18-20 Female Adult Staff 18-20 Male Adult Staff 21+ Female Adult Staff 21+ Me personally, I'd recommend the 18-20 year olds to take Wood Badge as I am told the courses are almost identical. Only difference is the ticket for WB.
  10. Understand completely. "ScOUTING IS OUTING!" Going to play Devil's Advocate on the waterfront MBs. Betcha b/c it's a council level event, they need a n NCS certified aquatics director to run the show. Had our council commissioner approcah me about how many CS packs are using the brand new boating facility at the local camp. He was surprised when I said "None because the Guide to Safe Scouting doesn't let allow boating except at council events with a aquatics director."
  11. After what heppened with my son and one MB he took at a local MBC, I understand why some SMs want to be "gate keepers" and make sure the Scouts are getting quality MB counselors. Son took a MB at a MBC that the MB Counselor not only used out of date requirements, try about 10 years out of date, but the Scouts didn't do all of the old requirements even. As a Scouter, I could do nothing about it, he "earned" the MB because it was signed off as completed. But as his dad, I talked to him, and made him realize why it's important to do all of the requirements. Maybe I was wrong in letting work on the old requirements, but officially he had already earned it. Besides he had fun doing the rest of the requirements anyway.
  12. Under 18 Male, Under 18 Female, 18-20 Male, 18-20 Female, 21+ male, 21+female for sleeping. Hopefully your camp has individiual bathrooms.
  13. DO NOT GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've seen troops in the past, and am seeing one now, that does not use the Patrol Method. This despite the fact that multiple folks tried to smack the SM upside the head [figuratively, not literally (unfortunately ] with the importance of using the Patrol Method.
  14. Lt.Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller and Gen. James N. "Mad Dog" Mattis come to mind as examples of the former. I cannot think of any well known examples of the later.
  15. I said it then, and I'll say it again. Switching the loops from red to green as well as the unit numbers was the most idiotic thing. And to make it worse, saying Cub Scout Leaders and Webelos wearing weaing the tan and green still need to wear red numbers is pure stupidity. At least the powers that be decided that anyone can wear the tan and green or tan and red trained strip. Although I love how the G2AI has that as the last sentance of the sentance regarding trained strips. FYI, According to the info on the Centennial Uniforms that came out, all uniform items of the ODLs are compatible with the CUs. So red loops and numbers with the CUs is acceptable. As for me, Only CU shirt I got is my CS leader one. So I still have red loops.
  16. I said before, switching districts may be feasible. I just remembered how two little towns got absorbed by my district 30 years ago. The 6 units in the two towns had to go through my district in order to get to the rest of their district, It was just how the road infrastructure was built up. But rarely will councils give up units or territory. Even when it geographically makes sense. The Lake Pontchatrain northshore in LA is more aligned to New Orleans than it is Baton Rouge. But it is in Istrouma, not New Orleans Area Council. And there is a part of New Orleans Area Council that, in order to get to the council office, they have to drive through the other council in order to use the bridge that crosses the Mississippi River.
  17. Yep had to use the HB to fix records. We had an SE in my old council that had enough of the complaints. he made it his goal to get the records correct. While he wasn't 100% successful, the records problem did abate alot.
  18. I hear ya. Worse part of Scouting is the paperwork.
  19. Having worked for national supply, all stores are suppose to collect paperwork for "restricted items." Part of it is an attempt to control the "rank black market." Part of it is to make sure the Council's records are correct. You don't want to know how many times I've seen the council records messed up. And that is with me hand delivering the paperwork! Someone said it goes into the "circular file" I am betting that is only the CS stuff as Boy Scout, Sea Scout, and Venturing advancement has to get verified whereas the CS ranks don't.
  20. My troop hasn't focused on advancement. We've been trying to get the troop up and running. That's why we still have folks who have been in the troop 2-3 years and still Tenderfoot. However, those guys are now getting motiviated to work on rank. With Philmont requiring First Class to go for Boy Scouts, they now have an incentive.
  21. Moose, Unless things change, when districts get realigned, the stats are reset to incorporate the change. For example, when I was a DE in 1998 and we got an Exploring/Venturing DE, I lost my Explorer Posts/ Venturing Crews to that "district" and my stats and all the other districts that lost Posts and Crews were reset to include previous history without the lost units. And the Exploring/Venturing DE has previous year's stats on all the Explorer Posts from 1997, incuding those that dropped. But losing youth to another council is a whole other ball of wax.
  22. With my troop, my advice is more of the lines, " You scheduled 2 MB at the smae time, you need to pick one," "Sure you don't want a free period for free swimming," or "Livesaving is an extremely hard one. You sure you want to take it? if you get a partial, we have folks to help with after camp." Now with my son, I did lay down the law with him. I told him point blank, "No paperpushing MBs, I want you to have fun." And with the excpetion of one suggestion, he came up with his own schedule. Since he was taking Geocaching, I suggested he also do Orienteering since it's 'Old School Geocaching." In fact, I think he's only taking 1 eagle required MB at camp: Cooking. Everything else is fun stuff. In refernce to 'Get Eagle or no License" we had a Scout in my troop growing up whose parents did that. He was well on his way to Eagle with 60+ MBs and he decided to rebel. Never did get Eagle, but he did eventually get his license. As for the folks with the young troop. Somewhat same situation. Remember I have the 11Year old SPL. Has he been perfect, nope. Has ne needed coaching, mentoring, and advising, yep. But he's getting the job done, and has done a better job than the previous SPL. And that's not only me as Dad saying it but the other leaders. "The Patrol [Method] is not one one way to run a Boy Scout troop, it is the only way." Give the boys the responsibility,and they will amaze you. "Train 'em. Trust 'em. LET THEM LEAD!" William Hillcourt
  23. I believe sheath knives do have roles to play in Scouting. While I have one sheath knife, it's my "OA Knife" that the ceremomy team uses, I'm looking for a sheath knife that I can use for wilderness survival and other bushcrafts. Debating on getting either a Schrade or a Condor kukri.
  24. So true. I also paid for college, ok I'm still repaying the loans. I did work study, had a part time job or 2, and worked every summer except one to pay for college. That one summer was the European Camp Staff Program, a trip of a lifetime. I worry about my kids paying for college. Nowadays, it is darn near impossible for teens to get jobs.In my neck of the woods, you have adults fighting for them. Heckone ASM we have has 3 part time jobs trying to make ends meet. I told my wife that summer camp staff, while not paying alot, would gain them alot of expereince. She has been hesitant to do this, but as they get older and the job situation gets worse, she's starting to consider it.
  25. I do think there should be more than 2 required Eagle MBs, but less than the current number of required.First Aid, Camping, Swimming and Citizenshipin the Nation are definates. I like Cooking, but you can throw those requirements into Camping. Since this did take a turn into college, I mave some mixed emotions on this one. On one hand, I firmly beleive that the students need to take responsibility. So mommy and daddy don't need to be hovering around on every little thing. On the other hand, the ones who are footing the bill, should have access to the records. If there are problems, then it should be discussed with the child, not the school.
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