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Everything posted by Prepared4

  1. I was an Explorer Scout in the 1968-69 time-frame in the Columbia Pacific Council. Does any one remember what the rules were for wearing the Order of the Arrow Lodge Specific Neckerchief? Were explorers allowed to wear it at Order of the Arrow functions or only Boy Scouts?
  2. After looking at the posts on this thread, I am not happy with most of the solutions. I believe that except for temporary patches that can be hung from a pocket flap, all other patches should be properly sewn on. All pockets should be functional. Patches need to be replaceable. If you can find a very small curved needle, it would help considerably. Do not throw away replaced patches, save them for your boy or girl. 1. Slip something in pockets so you don't sew through to the uniform underneath. 2. Pin the patch in place and measure for accurate placement. 3. The stitching I most often use is to start the stitch on the backside of the fabric of the pocket material with the needle coming up on the edge of the patch border stitching, then the needle goes down and picks up the pocket fabric directly across from where the thread comes out of the border, the needle is directed back and up through the patch border again maybe an eighth of an inch further along, keep repeating all the way around the patch, finish off threads by three short wraps through the backside of the material. (The effect is that all stitching runs in the same direction of the edge stitching of the patch). Make sure that your finishing thread does not need to be made in the bottom of the pocket since you can not reach that far down in the pocket to retrieve the needle. There is a problem that I do have problems with, and this is with segment patches around the council patch. They are too small to pin in place accurately. If you are slightly off or sloppy in positioning them, the last patch will not fit and you will have to start all over again. A very fine curved needle is a necessity to handle these. I have a suggestion below. It is too bad someone does not make a kit for this. 1. Determine the diameter needed to handle your council patch with the ring segment patches around it and cut a piece of fabric that you will sew your council patch and segment patches onto. 3. Machine stitch the edge of the fabric to prevent it from unraveling. 2. Use a temporary fabric adhesive to position and lay down the patches on the cut fabric. 3. Sew the patches to the fabric by only going through the borders with matching color thread, using a stitch the goes completely from patch side to backside of the fabric, not edge-wrapping as discussed above. 4. When the patches are sewn on, then the cut fabric with patches can be centered on the pocket and sewn in place as one large patch, using the edge-wrapping method first discussed. A few stitches in the interior area will also give it some stability. You need to remember that patches will not do well with laundering. You should hand wash shirts in a sink. Do not use harsh detergents. I could use help with two items here. 1. If you are a pro and know where to find small curved needles for this kind of work please recommend a source. 2. If you are familiar with a temporary glue that easily washes out please recommend it here also. It is possible to make your own cornstarch glue but I have not tried it to make sure it is suitable.
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