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  1. Thank you, all! I appreciate the good advice. We have taken some of the steps, and our church is the Charter organization - our Minister is leading the effort. I was put in charge of organizing signup and wanted to make sure that I had the proper forms and information on hand for that first gathering. This is a wonderful forum with very knowledgeable and caring Scouters! Thank you again.
  2. Hueymungus, scoutergipper - Thanks! Appreciate the good info. So for our first get-together, or kickoff, I should have Youth Applications and Adult Applications on hand (I found those forms), a calendar of our planned events (we have proposed one for 6 months out), and something interesting or colorful for the kids & adults to gravitate to. Question: since this is a new Cub pack with no history yet, could the colorful items be drawn from the activities of our Boy Scout troop? It has existed for about four years. I have lots of photos of our Boy Scouts doing fun stuff, and we could tell the prospective new Cubs that that's where they'll end up if they join Cubs now, and stick to it. (We started our Boy Scout troop - 2819, same as the proposed Cub pack - with only 7 boys, and now have two patrols and several boys on track for Eagle.) Or is referring to the Boy Scout troop out of line at this point? Sorry to pose so many questions - thanks for taking time to help us out. After seeing what the Boy Scout troop has accomplished in the last few years, we are excited to get started with Cubs and involve the younger boys, too. Thanks, Reid
  3. I've read lots of "step-by-step" lists for starting a Cub pack, but they all seem to refer to "registration" as if it's self-evident - but it isn't to me! I've looked on the Council website, but haven't seen a good outline for how to sign up cubs and parents and leaders - meaning what specific forms are needed, where to get them, and how to file them. We are having our Kickoff at a cookout at church soon, and want to sign up as many boys and parents that night as possible. So I want to have the appropriate forms on hand and know that we've completed them all and what to do with them. Can anyone give me any guidance? Thanks, Reid
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