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Everything posted by klemery67

  1. Thanks, everyone!! You've given me some great ideas! Has anyone ever sold wreaths through Sherwood Farms? That also sounded interesting.
  2. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know as now they're talking about doing popcorn again and i need to come up with some alternatives quickly. Thanks!
  3. Hi, thanks! No, I'm not even sure what camp cards are! Have you had good luck with them?
  4. Hi, even though we had a smashing success with popcorn the past few years, our Pack has decided to take a break from it as parents were burned out on it, and we were getting complaints about the price. Our leaders decided to try something else -something that would be useful to families, so we decided on doing a first-aid kit fundraiser (or earthquake kits, as we live in So Cal). There are so many options, it's overwhelming. If you've done a first aid kit fundraiser, can you tell me what company you used (that you like), or which companies to perhaps avoid? I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
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