Brand new to this forum but didn't know where else to go.
I am a Troop Committee member and after the Troop's return from summer camp, a special meeting was called to discuss an "incident" that happened at summer camp. One night (mid-week) the SM got up and announced he was quitting. What he said and how he said it was a shock to all, especially the boys. The adults talked to him the next day and he ended up apologizing to the boys and everyone else that next night. However, there was and still is a lot of confusion about the event.
The adult leaders and parents present at camp were at the Cmte meeting to share what happened (all but one who had a work conflict). Cmte members were told SM has personal & work issues, stress with being SM, etc. SM has asked for leave of absence, and based on what was related to Cmte members about what happened, we agreed it would be best thing, with ASM taking over for a few months and then another review.
I later find out from leader who was present at camp but not at meeting that alcohol was involved. Apparently SM took alcohol to camp in a metal water container and had been drinking most of the day. He was drunk when he had the meltdown in front of the kids.
The question I have is what to do with this knowledge? I know there is a NO alcohol policy that applies to Scouts and especially the adult leaders. I don't think he should be SM, as it showed a lack of character and leadership. I think the Cmte may have made another decision if they'd had ALL the facts. The leader who wasn't present at the meeting thought that the other adults were going to share all the pertinent information. I am disappointed in those that were at camp that they didn't share the complete story.
Is this something that Council needs to know about?