Sidney Porter, it is not about shaming the church. People say things when they are frustrated, it's how we deal with things. I shouldn't have made the comment and I apologize for it. I am not perfect and I make mistakes.
Trust me, I am fully aware of it being a "two-way street" but if we're the only ones driving on it, what does it matter? Perhaps I should elaborate on all of the ways that we have tried to communicate with the church so that you and others can fully understand the situation and give us your best advice.
We call the church almost every week. We speak with the secretary and she always tells us that the pastor is busy and we will have to leave a message, which we do, and we have yet to receive a call back after months of trying. We have randomly showed up on weekdays and asked politely to speak with someone...anyone. We are told that they are busy and to leave a message that is once again, never replied to.
As far as recruiting their youth, if we can never get a hold of anyone in charge, I am not sure how we would go about recruiting their youth? Same goes for service projects. If we can't get a hold of anyone to plan one, the only other way I know to go about this is to randomly show up but then we'd be treading in that "shaming the church" area that we're trying to avoid.
JC2008, we have also tried talking to the keyholder into giving us just a few minutes before and after and we were told that we just had to deal with his schedule.
I should also make sure it is noted that every leader that has tried to communicate with both the church and the keyholder has never in any way been anything but polite, so it isn't like we have given any of them any reason to have any animosity towards us. In fact, they have never even met the new Cubmaster. In the beginning, that was the first reason we contacted them. We just wanted to introduce the new Cubmaster and get to know our Charter better. This, of course, was written down in a message that was not responded to.
As a leader, I have tried to approach this in every way that I could think of. In the end though, this is not for the adults involved. The boys come first, plain and simple.