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SurfScouter06's Achievements

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  1. I am a wolf den leader, and am planning to have some ongoing activities with knots this year. Does anyone know of a link to "worksheets" which explain each (easy for now) knot in detail, that I can print out to give to my scouts to take home? Also, I got poly rope to cut up to give to them to use in class and take home, how do I secure the edges of the rope? Tape? Melt with a lighter/candle?
  2. Thanks for all the responses! I'm not super worried about it, and I am sure that I can do everything differently, so the scouts won't necessarily realize that they have already done some of it. The "unknown" of how recruiting will go makes it a bit harder to plan. If we get enough new wolves this year, my den will probably be split and we are planning to keep the current boys together, so it may not be much of an issue anyway. Thanks Again!
  3. I am a brand new Wolf Cub leader, and need some advice on how to handle advancement achievements after day camp. We currently have 8 scouts registered as Wolf's for this year, and 2 who are planning to join in the fall, and that is before our recruitment event. 6 of my current scouts attended day camp, and we did a lot of belt loop things, but we also covered a bunch of advancement things. Should I just redo the advancement activities that we did at camp for the whole group, even though most of my den has already completed them, or do I pull out the non-camper scout and new scouts to do them, while the camp group does something else. (Oh, and I do know that I need to do Bobcat with the brand new scouts.)
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