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Everything posted by Loomans

  1. I've been Advancement chair for about 9 months but haven't had this job through a summer camp yet, so haven't encountered this problem before. My troop attended summer camp two weeks ago. When reviewing the blue cards, I find that a scout has a blue card for Fish and Wildlife Management completed. Problem is, there are requirements listed that could not have been completed during his time at camp. I also know that he didn't do his pre-work, it was discussed at the troop meeting before camp. The following requirements are the ones that have me concerned: 5c. Design and implement a backyard wildlife habitat improvement project and report the results. 7d. Make a freshwater aquarium. Include at least four species of native plants and four species of animal life, such as whirligig beetles, freshwater shrimp, tadpoles, water snails, and golden shiners. After 60 days or observation, discuss with your counselor the life cycles, food chains, and management needs you have recognized. After completing requirement 7d to your counselor's satisfaction, with your counselor's assistance, check local laws to determine what you should do with the specimens you have collected. Advice?
  2. Yep, websites are becoming almost obsolete. People expect information to come to them, not to have to go to the information. Websites are good for basic information about a unit and about scouting, not so much for events and other time-sensitive information. The issue we've run into is in keeping all the information streams synchronized. It's the main reason we dropped our pack website.
  3. I like the inflatable rain gutter regatta track as it is easier to transport than the track made of rain gutters we used before. The downside is that they require a couple of tables or other waterproof support for the entire length of the track. I was also worried about durability but it has held up through several races. We use it for recruitment as well as pack activities. Fehler, our scouts have enjoyed using recyclable materials to make their own boat designs. We've also used pool noodles as the base. Cheaper and more creative than the scout shop kits.
  4. We ask parents to drive if there are not enough seats in the vehicles driven by the leaders who will be camping. Even with trips as far as 4 hours away, it hasn't been a problem. I think it is all about expectations. Driving scouts for trips is one way that parents who cannot serve in other roles can volunteer to support the troop. And if a parent does want to stay and camp with the troop, they are more than welcome to stay with the adult leader patrol and watch boy-led patrols in action from afar.
  5. I like the idea of wearing pack t-shirts under the scout shirt. My sons always wear a t-shirt under their uniform anyway, might as well make it count!
  6. I like the idea of wearing pack t-shirts under the scout shirt. My sons always wear a t-shirt under their uniform anyway, might as well make it count!
  7. We've committed to selling popcorn (Trails End, fwiw) again this year for the pack. I'm always interested in ways to sell more popcorn while minimizing the headaches. For example, one unit I know does take-orders only for the first 4 weeks of the popcorn sale starting in August, submits the take-orders as pre-orders, and has the whole fundraiser wrapped up by mid-September while the rest of us struggle through until December. Smart! What does your unit do to sell popcorn as simply and effectively as possible? Tricks and tips?
  8. I can understand why your GF is upset. The new CM did not handle the situation well at all. I would resign as a leader and sit back and watch the 'show' as the new leaders take over. Or find a new unit, but only if it fits the needs of my scout. Recruiting den leaders from the parents of a den is an obvious choice when looking for leaders. Those parents are the adults already in the room, so to speak. It especially makes sense when dens meet on different nights. I personally would not be willing to lead a den other than my son's den if it meant that I would be attending meetings twice a week, once for my son's den and once for my own. My pack does switch den leaders around but we all meet at the same time and place each week. I think the idea that women cannot be good Webelos leaders is asinine. I have worked with great Webelos leaders who are male and great leaders who are female. I've also worked with male and female leaders who are well-intentioned but not good leaders. It is best to look at what each PERSON brings to the table as a leader if your unit is lucky to have more than one candidate for each leadership position.
  9. Thanks for the welcome! Hello, saundramanns, good to meet you!
  10. Our minutes are for committee members only or as needed and don't include personal info or scout names if discipline issues are discussed. We post a newsletter for the parents, most don't seem to want to wade through the minutiae of the meeting minutes for information.
  11. I'm only sort of new. I had a log in here a while ago, don't remember the username and figured I'd start fresh. I am Committee Chair for our pack and Training Chair for our troop. With three boys in scouting, we've been dividing our time between the units for the last 4 years or so. My youngest is a Web II and I'm looking forward to working with just one unit again soon. Glad you guys are still around for my questions and hope I can contribute a thought or two.
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