I've been Advancement chair for about 9 months but haven't had this job through a summer camp yet, so haven't encountered this problem before. My troop attended summer camp two weeks ago. When reviewing the blue cards, I find that a scout has a blue card for Fish and Wildlife Management completed. Problem is, there are requirements listed that could not have been completed during his time at camp. I also know that he didn't do his pre-work, it was discussed at the troop meeting before camp.
The following requirements are the ones that have me concerned:
5c. Design and implement a backyard wildlife habitat improvement project and report the results.
7d. Make a freshwater aquarium. Include at least four species of native plants and four species of animal life, such as whirligig beetles, freshwater shrimp, tadpoles, water snails, and golden shiners. After 60 days or observation, discuss with your counselor the life cycles, food chains, and management needs you have recognized. After completing requirement 7d to your counselor's satisfaction, with your counselor's assistance, check local laws to determine what you should do with the specimens you have collected.