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Everything posted by uflgator99

  1. The Tiger Leader has been iffy all year, and his was the only Tiger in the Den. It was a bad recruiting year for sure. The Wolf Leader doesn't have a son in the pack as his previous crossed over and has stayed to help out because he enjoyes the program. Getting parents to be active and help out has been the biggest bane of the pack, and one of the reasons finding leaders, committee members, and a new CM was such a difficult task. I'm not sure why the new CM was chosen exactly. I will find more out when I speak with the CC.
  2. Last years Wolf DL doesn't have a son in the pack as his crossed over two years ago. He's been helping out as needed, and was slated to stay the wolf DL per the new CM. My ex-wife took the Tiger's over after March of this yea and will be the Tiger again next year with our youngest son. And yes, we've been keeping the drama and problems of the ex-wife / girlfriend situation out of the Pack and Scouting activities.... that is one of the reasons my GF and I are very aware of our
  3. Boys Scouts are the next level, and while I plan on volunteering as a merit badge counselor or something similar, I am not looking to take as active a role in my son's scouting experience at that point. We've been told throughout our time in Cub Scouts that it is a family experience, and we've enjoyed it as such. It seems to me that Boy Scouts is more about the boys and their growth, and I am good with stepping back to help that happen.
  4. I'm waiting for the CC to call me so we can talk more. When she and I understand what legs she has beneath her, then she will be taking up with the CC or COR as needed. I will only enter into those discussions as needed or requested by her or the CC/COR. She's got no problem talking about it with someone willing to talk. I'm just doing the research because I have a little more experience with this stuff. We've been on joint overnighters before without incident. We observe the rules of separate tents/sleeping arrangements, and keep public affection toned down greatly when at all Scouting events. We're both quite conscientious of issues that could raise, for reasons other than just the ones in this problem. I was going to step up as CM after my oldest crossed over, but that's not happening until next Spring. the CC found a person who was unhappy with the pack he and his children were involved in and recruited him to come to our pack as CM after a couple test excursions together. We didn't steal another Packs CM. I just couldn't devote the time to both that and being Web-2 DL and getting he boys through the Arrow of Light. And our Charter Org is a religious organization that is pretty hands-off.
  5. I want to speak with the CC again, but for now all we've been told is it was because of the lack of advancements that the Bear den completed since the Blue & Gold Banquet atthe end of Feb. That, in and of itself, seems like a ridiculous reason because if he's not happy with the way she ran her den this year, surely he won't be happy with next year's results when she has no child in her program and is being forced to do it.... I agree with your assessment and also suspect something shady going on in the background... In the 4 years of time I've been in Scouting, all of the den leaders had a son in their den... So while I can see how someone may be willing to work with ranks other than their son's, it doesn't seem to be the norm.
  6. Let me apologize first for having to go through such a large amount of background… Our pack recently had a new Cubmaster recruited from another pack when our previous CM, who was also the pack’s Webelos-2 Den Leader, stepped down following his Webelos’ Scouts crossing over into Boy Scouts. The new Cubmaster is very active with, and we’re pretty sure he’s a committee member for our District Committee. It should be noted that when he transferred into our pack, his two sons (a Bear and Tiger) already had their rank achievement badges, and several arrow points. As a result, they were repeating much of the content in the books as our pack’s dens caught up with them. I am the Webelos-1 leader (been the den leader since my son’s tiger year), and my girlfriend is the Bear leader (been the den leader since her son’s tiger year). We both have boys in our dens, and our participation with our boys in scouting is the reason we volunteered for the responsibility of being den leaders. We were already making plans for our joint Webelos den activities since the pack committee and leaders had just recently completed planning our year's calendar of event. Then, this Thursday we went to the June Leader's meeting and the new Cubmaster started the meeting by announcing that my girlfriend would not be moving up to the Webelos-1 Leader position, but instead would repeat the Bear program for a second year while her son moves into Webelos. There was no forewarning, no asking or requesting, no anything... to prepare anyone in the leader meeting for that bombshell. The announcement went basically like this: New CM-“Laurie will be the Tiger Leader. Warren will be the Wolf Leader. Amber will be the Bear Leader…†GF- “Uh, no I’m not…I’m moving up with my son†New CM-“Yes you are†GF-“No I’m not.†New CM-“YES… YOU ARE!†GF-“Then you won’t have me as a Leader†New CM-“That’s fine… we’ll get someone else.†He then proceeded to tell us he was placing another District Committee member in the Webelos-1 Den Leader position that he is taking from my girlfriend. We later found out that this person who he would make the new Web-1 leader doesn’t even have any kids currently in the program, and as a result has no vested interest in the quality of the program. At that point things blew up, with lots of yelling and whatnot. During the ensuing argument, one of the points he made was that his son was bored with the Cub Scouting. However, this was never mentioned to my GF during the last couple months when the CM’s son was bored. The Committee Chair was present during this debacle, and my GF and I spoke with him after we left the meeting. He wants us to speak with the new CM again after things have cooled down, but at the year end picnic on the following Saturday, the new CM didn’t speak to my GF at all, and only spoke to me when I asked him a question directly. Where does a CM’s authority end? I was under the impression that the Pack Committee and Committee Chairperson make all recommendations for signing den leader applications for their den leader positions and the Chartered Organization Rep makes it official when he signs off on the Adult Leader Application. Can a CM refuse to let a Den Leader progress through the ranks with their child? This is really hurting my GF because she’s losing something she valued very much. Both she and I have invested a large amount of our time, effort, and energy into this pack over our last 3 and 4 years (respectively). We would like to resolve this without it coming to our leaving the pack we and our sons have come to love. Ideas or comments?
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