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Everything posted by JC'sMom

  1. Thanks all for your comments. I will try to answer the questions asked. In regard to more hours, he was told to go back through all his notes and see if he could find more hours. The total service hours for the project is 153. The project was for a flagpole installed with landscaping (stone pavers, flower beds, landscape timbers, mulch) at a middle school. The only change from the proposal was the beneficiary (school principal) changed the location from one side of the walk to the other. Which of course, he listed this change on the Final Plan. So, no, the project was really no different than what was submitted and signed off on. His Troop does not use an Eagle Advisor or a Project Coach. And the SM said it may be 4-5 weeks of having him change wording to get it the way they want it. My argument with the SM last night was that this is the Scouts book and should not have to be changed to the SM's wording.
  2. Question about the process of completing the Eagle Project Workbook. My son finished the labor part of his Eagle Project in March. He has been working on the workbook but seems to be at a stand-still with a few of his Troop Leaders trying to progress through that process. He has worked on the workbook himself answering each question, listing all supplies, materials, etc., hours worked, etc. etc. I did look at it when he was finished to be sure that he had answered each question and listed all items in the workbook. The response he has gotten from the leaders is that "it is not good enough" and the workbook is the "not the way Troop 74 does it". So he was sent home last night and told to re-write most of the answers, change the way the supplies are listed, and changes need to be made to the Proposal Section. The proposal was signed by the Scout Master, Committee Chair, District Executive, and the Beneficiary months ago. Also, he was told that he needs more work hours. I feel that it is unreasonable to ask him to make changes to the proposal now after the work is completed. I agree that there are a few answers that could be worded a little differently but they are his answers. I was told by one leader that this reviewing and making changes at Troop meetings could go on for another 4-5 weeks before they are satisfied that it is done correctly. Is this process the norm? I expected the workbook process to be somewhat daunting but this seems like a bit much.
  3. qwazse, Good advice. Thanks. I just hope that this situation is not the standard or will become the standard with Lodge 560. If so, it is a sad day for the OA.
  4. Clearly the ASM should not have gotten involved and signed the registration form for this boy and his mother should not have acted the way she did. But I feel like the Lodge is responsible for some of this mess as well. The SM was told on Friday that she was on the way to Ordeal with her son and he at that point said that the Lodge would turn her away. But that did not happen.
  5. Yes there was a Call Out Ceremony at Camporee a couple weeks ago. After that is when this mom realized that her son was not voted in. She was told that the documentation from the election had been turned in and her son was not voted in and therefore he could not attend Ordeal. I was there for this conversation when she was told he could not go. The form said "pre-registration" and to be returned with medical releases, identifying information, date attending Ordeal, etc. There was a place at the bottom for "Unit Leader's Signature". I have not seen the ASM that signed this form for her. He was not at the Troop meeting this week. And when I say it has caused a conflict in the Troop, I mean a HUGE conflict. I do not know what the SM has done or who he has talked with. I feel like the Lodge needs to understand what they have done... the trouble this has caused.
  6. Right. It is not really my fight as my son's OA election and Ordeal was handled the correct way. I just hate that it overshadowed the experience for him and the other boys.
  7. It is a bad situation. And you are right, what's done is done. I haven't contacted the lodge yet because there is nothing that can be done at this point to make it right for anyone. Guess I am more just really disgusted that this "honor society" which has rules in place for elections did not follow their own rules. I don't see the "honor" in it anymore.
  8. My son was elected to OA recently and attended Ordeal this past weekend. Another boy in his Troop was not elected and his mother was VERY upset about it. So she had one of the ASM sign an Ordeal registration form for her son. She took him to Ordeal on Friday with the signed form and registration money and the OA staff allowed him to stay and complete Ordeal. So I can tell you that I know being voted in by your peers is not the only way in...at least at this lodge. I would not recommend this route as it has caused a conflict in the Troop and the boys who were honestly voted in feel like they have been slighted. And I feel like it took something away from their experience. I have considered contacting OA staff for the lodge and discuss my concerns but at this point I can't decide. What do you all think?
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