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Everything posted by mattman578

  1. I have used Many different methods to communicate with my den. My Pack does have a Face-book page and that works great we also use a a program scouttrack and I have used cubscout tracker they are both great programs and have a calender function that will email your everybody involved and has calendar attachments. One thing that works great also is sending email messages to text messages it is really easy to do you add there phone number and service provider you can to to this web sight and find how to send the message http://www.emailtextmessages.com/ and if the parent wont give you there cell phone provider you can look it up here https://www.carrierlookup.com/ Then you can be really annoying and blast there email and phone at the same time LOL but at least they will know
  2. I am using the summer to prepare for my den meetings this fall and I am having some issues. Manly the Citizenship requirement is is so long I think it covers 3 den meetings and I am board with the curriculum does anybody have any ideas of how I can spice this up ? What worked for you when you did what did not work ? Thanks
  3. Hm like I read earlier hind sight is 20 20. I am a little upset that the BSA did not release this records until there was a court order but at the same time I can understand that they might have been worried about privacy concerns for all parties involved it is harder to sew somebody when they are following a court order. In the past organizations as a hole did not really know how to handle this sort of thing like the catholic church did in the past. The one good think I hope comes out of this is now that Parents the BSA and CO will figure out how to handle this sort of thing and stop it early
  4. I have a son with HFA he is 7 just revived his tiger badge and boy was he happy he sang as he walked across the bridge at graduation. I was his den leader this year and changed troops now I am not going to be his den leader I am taking on another den. I told his new den leader what was going on with Trevor and the look on her face never changed. I did not see the OMG what am I getting in to look at all. As I read these post I am always amazed how each leader on here has a scout that is in the same boat as my son and I thank all of you for working with them. My son really thrives in the scouting life it helps him come out of his shell and interact with other kids and lessen his screen time. And no body cares that he spends two hours playing with the flash light by him self on camping trips but they are all happy when he decides to join the group. I am trying to be and involved parent with my son's pack. I have made the decision to always be there on the camping trips at at least in the building during den meetings. I know the people working with him are volunteers and not trained or getting paid to deal with him so I always tell them I am with in shouting distance just in case. Please always talk with the parents I give the information on fixing issues with my son to his leaders right up front. His magic triggers are counting (by three he always stops what he is doing and starts doing what you want it is like magic) and the phrase "the rule is____" and the scout sing all stop him dead in his tracks. from what I hear and have read all HFA have magic thinks that they respond too find those and your life will be a lot easier. As for irrational fears he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner so that is not an issue on camping tips (or my house for that matter) Scouts is not for every kid ether disabled or not out Psychologist almost wrote us a prescription for Cub Scouts.
  5. scout nut and tampa turtle thanks for your input I am not going to be going on this trip until September or October. Thanks for point out the Nature Center as for the venomous reptiles we really only have two in our area Copper head and the Timber Rattler snake in my hole life of fishing I have only seen one copper head and never seen a rattler they are very hard to find. I like to plan a lot things like this and have no problem letting things slip to the way side and pick them up latter if the kids are not having fun I have two thoughts that always come to mind when planning and doing stuff "No battle plan ever survived first contact with the enemy" Field Marshall Helmuth Carl Bernard Graf von Moltke "plans are useless but planning is indispensable." Dwight D. Eisenhower So it would be really good to let the kids run the show so to speak and see if they want to do that stuff ?
  6. Hmm I am reading this thread and following it closely my daughter was a victim of bulling at school and there were no teeth in the no tolerance policy the situation has gotten better they are keeping them separate. So on a scouting note let me tell you what happen in my pack and how we handled it and get your thoughts. We had a camping trip and one of our new tigers and his little brother 1 year younger were involved in two physical altercations. I was his den leader I talked to the other den leaders and we all agree we do not want to have fighting of any kind. So all parties involved needed to write "I am sorry cards" to the other kids or they could not attend pack functions. The other kids mad there cards the Tiger and his little brother never mad the cards and we have not seen them since. In my mind it worked out fine the Mother (no father involved) told me she thought her kids were being singled out. I think she just did not understand what scouting was about and how we try to teach the kids what is acceptable and what is not how to behave. I think we really saved our selves a lot of head aches down the road. We nipped it in the bud I think. When a kids does something wrong I think you have a very limited time to correct the behaviour before they forget what they did. So if a scout makes a mistake it needs to be addressed ASAP. They need to know that there actions are not acceptable and that they need to be corrected
  7. Yea I think I took OWLS and bolo training I spent a weekend out a scout camp it was fun
  8. Here is what I was thinking of doing Friday night (I show up to set things up and take the night off) Saturday Morning Kids and Parents show up and we start with Den Meeting #2 Naturalist 1. We are in a state park forest so that counts as a nature centre 2. I will talk about fly ways and the migration should be starting I am planning on going on the fall 3. We plant the bug jars to make our insect zoo 4. Hike to Identify Different Trees in the park even a 350 year old holly tree that is there A. There is a lot of poison ivy around and some night shade ferns B. We will find examples of producer and consumer and decompose in the food chain C. Pointed out on the hike and in the bug jars when we get back D. Also on the Hike we will talk about human impact and pick up trash E. Identify six forest plants F. We will be camping on and island that has a small wetland around it so we can talk about those and how they clean the water Naturalist is done Forester started Lunch and then free time about 2 hours Parents and kids work if the parents want to stay between them selves Saturday evening Look at the bug zoo and see what is going on there let the bugs go can hunt night crawlers and worms and put them in a jar with the sand extra Sunday Morning wake up breakfast and break camp Den meeting (kind of) 2. Identify six forest plants 3. Describe both the benefits and the harm wildfires can cause in a forest ecosystem. With there adult partner they can complete the one more requirement for home work Forester is completed Am I aiming too high ? Worst come to worse if the kids are not in the mood at least they had a good camping tip I am willing to try and work these requirements in kind of hidden (Hay guys what kind of plant do you think that is) what kind of tree is this sort kind of like that
  9. It seems I have been promoted from Tiger den leader to Webelos I den leader I am so smart I skipped wolf and bear HAAAA. I am starting early taking my self thought the Webelos requirements and doing really well only had to be resuscitated one while trying to earn my athlete badge. Now to the Question The book mentions camping as a den I would like to do that with my den early like and include that Den Meetings Plans 2 and 3 if Naturalist and Forester requirements on the camping trip. Am I moving too fast expecting too much or is this a really good idea and a change for me to bond with my cubs and there parents ?
  10. Lenae For Cub Scout camping I went to Walmart and purchased the cheapest 4 man tent I could find with a rain fly and it has worked out great and did not cost me that much the kids are small and do not take up that much room and you might not all go sometimes. Do not worry about tent envy every time I see a better tent while camping I think about buying it until I see how much it cost LOL go cheap you are not going to be using in much to start out with and wont be in that much bad weather cubbys tend to cancel trips if the weather is bad. as you have the cheap tent work with you son to find out what you do not like about it so if he goes to boy scouts you can get him one that works better
  11. I also have a son that is on the spectrum he is a lot younger then yours (tiger) but he really enjoys scouting and the the time he gets to spend with me. I was his den leader this year and next year I am not going to be his den leader we changed packs and they already have a den leader I am waiting to see how that is going to work out. I am taking over a weblos den in this pack so I will be close by just in case. I hope you son works out well with the scouts my former pack master son was on the spectrum and he did really well life long scout. One thing I noticed with him was when he was done he was done he would walk off in pack meeting and go sit in the car. On camp outs when he was done in tent and to sleep he goes. You do need to tell his leaders and be there just in case the most important thing to tell the leaders is that what are the triggers for your child with mine it the phrase "The rule is" and what ever the behaviour that you want to stop and he stops also the scout sing he stops dead in his tracks when we sees that even at and amusement park it is quite funny
  12. Eagle when I took the youth protection training what I got out of it was always have a witness. Another adult or a another child in other words one side should always be out numbered. I have taken my kids friends places before and for overnights and always made sure that the one group was outnumbered or equal. My Daughter and her friend my son and his friend my wife and the other kid if there was an issue we. Always keep in eye sight when having privet conversions. As for the camping trip you laid out here I really do not see any issue with it the other father had a witness his son. Now the Hypothetical you stated Yes I see no problem with that as long as the kids parents do not have an issue with it. Now one thing I would like to point out here is that this is a very sensitive subject that could get somebody in a lot of trouble if handled wrong. I would practice CYA for any non parent staying with a child uncle grandpa dirty old man neighbour and send and email to the District Executive and ask them and follow with they say to the T I am sure they have had this issue come up before.
  13. This issue hit me right at home. I joined a pack with my son (Tiger) this fall and well it was not what I call scouting. The hole committee was the Pack Master and his wife his wife was really running the show. There was not any planning or organization. I had two choices Change packs or help this one. I tried to help this one became a Tiger Den leader brought new kids in to the pack started holding weekly den meetings with the Monthly pack meetings. The first monthly pack meeting was a joke they never pick up the badges said she did not have time. Did not ask any of the other adult leaders to pick up the rewards for that meeting also and there was no structure to the meetings at all they were just winging it. Then the Pack camp out same thing they just winged it I had made a schedule of events and they blew it off did their own thing. The last straw was when at the Den leaders round table witch the District had to tell me when and were it was they gave us the packet for the events that were planned and I wanted to take it home to look at and she was bound and determined to keep that information all to her self. It was at that moment that I realized why the pack was failing and there was nothing I could do to stop the ship from sinking so I jumped shipped found a new pack that is run correctly it has only been a few weeks but it has been a lot nicer and easier. Your CC and my CC might be the same person it sounds like. I would email your district let them know there is a issue. The scout that got hurt at the scouting event is a big one if she says it is not a scouting event and it was there is your ammo. They will try to work with CC and the rest of the parents to get things worked out my district was trying with this one but it was getting messy very messy so I changed packs I told them why should I fight when I there a really good program down the road I can lead a horse to water kind of thing.
  14. Hay what time should I be there and can I bring my own gun ? this sounds like a good time
  15. I know this is and old thread but I wanted to add a few things. My son is what what is now know as high functioning autistic in a nut shell aspergers. His educational psychologist has suggested that He will do great in planned social activity and more interaction with groups to me that says Cubs Scouts (fun with a purpose right) I am also his den leader witch makes its easier for everybody. He also has a buddy that has some of the same issues also in his den. The important thing to remember is that he is letting you in to his world on his terms they are very rigged. I am severely dyslexic my spell checker is my best friend if I have made any mistakes hear please forgive me as I was growing up the extra activities scouts sports extra was were I received my self esteem since I was struggling so hard just to get minor passing grades in school. As for the other parents just remind them that he is different and can really benefit the most from scouting and he does try I like the idea of a den chief to be his buddy
  16. Guys Thanks for all of your help I will keep try some of the suggestions and let you know how it works out
  17. Hi I am a new Tiger cub den leader. One of my Tigers Parents is a second guessing know it all. Why are we walking the trail that is muddy when the field is next to the trail is dry ? I do not need to set up and Axe. extra He is constantly interrupting with my way is better even if it is not. I am finding really hard to do my job with this and almost dreading every function that he is going to be in. Does any body have any hints on how I can handle this #$% #$%^ with out risking loosing or hurting his son ?
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