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Calico pen should be shot
Looking for help on a Wood Badge Ticket Goal
mattman578 replied to Eagle2b110102's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I have found the cub grub cook book to have some good stuff in them my dutch oven came with a cook book. I have used this in the past also http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/dinner/planning/foil-pack-dinners.aspx -
Since I am new to scouting and not sure what the Patrol Method was I bought a book that really seemed to open my eyes to how well the Patrol method can work and there are some leadership yarns in it that seem to help you learn from other peoples mistakes and a really good quote from Will Rodgers "There are three kinds of men; the ones that learn by reading: The few who learn by observation; The rest of us have to pee on the electric fence and find out for ourselves" I told this to my Webelos parents as we were starting to implement the patrol method with them to help the transition and they got the point. I also marked the good leadership yarns that I read to the parents every now and then when they start to intervene I have included a copy to the link of the book I got http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0041O9PUM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
enjoy the ride it is fun
guys thanks for all the input I talked to cub master his son is also in my den and he up for it. I am thinking I am going to let the kids divide them selves in to patrols and have them elect a patrol leader who will tell me what they want to work on I am going to suggest that they work on webelos and aol requirements first then go for the fun stuff I even want to give the kids a chance to lead some of the den meetings I think this is ether going to be fun or blow up in my face not sure witch thanks for your help
Stosh thanks for the input I so I should let them pick there patrols I am new to this pack I am thinking will just try it and see if it does not work
I have and idea I want to run by you guys please feel free to call me crazy or tell me I am just wrong or a nut job that is what I love about these forms nobody is within arms reach. This year I am taking over the WEBLOS Den both one and two and I am thinking of using the patrol method. and this how I am going to implement it Divide the kids up in to two patrols making sure to distribute the WEBLOS 2 guys I only have two. Have them elect a patrol leader Have the patrol leader pic and assistant patrol leader The Patrol leader is going to work with his patrol to tell me what elective badges they want to earn the Patrol leader is going to be in charge on the camp-out of his patrol The only thing that has me really worried is the parents I need them to back off and let there kids fail Your thoughts ?
May a male scout or venturer assist in GSUSA activities?
mattman578 replied to qwazse's topic in Girl Scouting
The Girl scouts in my area do not want male leaders or god for bid a male to go on the camping trip unless they are fully registered and background checked. And then they complain that Dad's do not spend any time with there daughters drives me nuts -
DenLeaderScouter thanks for being a Den Leader your son will love it. As for combining dens it sounds like a great idea to me yes you put a lot time and energy in to making your den work. it sounds like you have two issues your house is not big enuff and you have too much stuff to carry. I personally use a den box a cheep plastic box that I put all that stuff in to that way I can just throw what I need in the box and pic up the box to go were the den meeting is. I would also break the kids in to smaller groups for the activities portion. I would also see if your CO has a space for you to meet with a closet that way you can just leave the stuff there
Lenea welcome to the Tiger den I was a Tiger den leader last year with my son and it was a blast I had more fun then they did. The best thing I did was got the Tiger cub Den meeting Plans you can get them here http://www.scouting.org/Home/CubScouts/Leaders/DenLeaderResources/DenandPackMeetingResourceGuide/TigerDenPlans.aspx another really good resource for games is the den chiefs handbook witch you can get here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxgyGhfwmpSpWlp6VUJwaTBZRk0/edit?pli=1 On for my first den meeting and all den meetings was a simple plan boring stuff followed buy fun stuff then more boring stuff then more fun stuff Keep it Simple keep it fun. the game we played at the first den meeting was called name name wrong just like duck duck goose but with the names of the scouts if you got the name wrong you were chased around. I also made sure I had a bunch of picnic type games and birthday party games egg relay races extra and we never keep score This booked helped a lot http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1550465058/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 as a suggestion do not keep score for games were there is a winner they all win because they tried there best
For my First Weboles only camping trip I am going to work on team building skills trust falls playing light as a feather stiff as a board with a different name I want them to start working together as a team and those games are always fun. We are even going to do Cross the Alligator river they kids have to build and a frame out of sticks and ropes then get there friend across but also let them play in the mud that is always fun
Den leader attendance for planning meetings incentives
mattman578 replied to Simpkinsboys's topic in Cub Scouts
free beer -
Food for camping trips question cub scouts
mattman578 replied to mattman578's topic in Camping & High Adventure
Well I came back from the trip and it was nice to know that I was eating every day and sure that it was something I would like. I did miss the family atmosphere of trying to choke down a meal together. Some of the younger kids did not eat that much because there friends had hot dogs and were playing and there parents were serving something complicated. So it looks like I might offer to cook for the camp on the next trip to get what I like never complain or you get a new job lol -
yea i am with you on the bed wetting and parents not preparing the scout to handle that himself. I am always shocked by the amount of parents that think scouts are day car or paid professionals that are equipped to handle anything that gets thrown at us. My son is cub with special needs and I try to let him explore and be on his own to learn to be independent and handle situations but I am always around the corner to rescue the leader if things get harry
I have a question regarding food for camping trips. The last pack I was in they supplied all the food and the dens prepared the meals. My new pack I am responsible for feeding my family. I have mixed feelings on both. With the pack supplied food there was always a chance that I would not like what they served it was mostly over cooked chicken. This trip I know I will like the food. but I think I am going to miss everybody sitting around the campfire sharing a meal. So my question is how does your pack handle food on camping trips ? What works for you ? What really did not work ?
This topic hits me right at home at a young age about 13 or 14 I went to a boarding school for high school and homesickness was very tough for me. I had spent a lot of time away from my parents as a kid but this was for three months at at time with a bunch of strangers and this is what the school did for me and all the other kids there as well. they worked our butts off the first few weeks we were doing something just about every minute of the day. They kept our minds off of home. This scout does sound like he has more issues then are normal and he does need help a lot of it is way above your pay grade and how do you tell a parent that the kids need to see a professional ?
dcimmons that is close enough
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Now you get extra points if you tell me who said it and were it was said
It this was in the Program manual there would be a waiting list for camp
MattR OMG what a great response number one I like the fact that you are asking the son to stand on his own two feet and call you. I like the fact that you are willing to work with him and turn this in to a chance for learning to making good decisions. and that you are giving him a second chance. Now as a recovering alcoholic and yes I did dabble in drugs a little bit. I think it is really important to help this kid emotionally my issues were a result of Depression I was trying to escape from my problems. It turns out there was a lot of stuff I was not taking care of emotionally. When I had a relapse a few years back it was because I was not letting my self handle my Grandmothers illness I was too busy trying to fix it and take care of my mom. Not sure if you want to take on the roll of shrink but he needs to open up to somebody and find out what is bothering him. This is one thing we seem to forget when working with drug and alcohol related issues. Him taking a risk like that is a cry for help he wanted to get caught subconsciously of course. Hopefully the court will get him in a program that will help with that.
This is a tuff one really. He does need to admin it openly to you. I would start with tell me what happened at camp ? and how do you think you can make it better ?
Scouts with severe food allergies
mattman578 replied to RandyPrice's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Randy you are sacrificing the others they will adjust good idea having mom come along -
I was just reading and Story on scoutingmagazine.org the link to the story is hear (http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/02/25/tuesday-talkback-how-do-you-get-more-dads-involved-in-cub-scouting/) As I was reading the comments a very smart person by the name of Mr Don posted this " How do you identify talent to be a leader. Simple. So simple I will share you the most successful trick into finding the right people to help you. I should trademark this…but I can’t. So here it goes… I call it the Oreo Test. Pre-Step: I am the COR. I speak with the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, etc and see who they may think would be a great help or asset to the Pack or Troop. Then… I get my game face on… Step 1: Walk up to a person who shows interest in helping out. Chit chat with them. I used to be a special investigator for the USG, so… you learn a lot about people in a simple conversation (micro twitches and all), but I digress. Step 2: I’m very personable and I love telling jokes…so I’ll admit, I am a bit of a clown and I get them laughing about some of the fun anecdotes of Scouting (1 hour a week and all, that one time at Scout camp where Rickey the Raccoon at the Nutter Butters, waking up each Saturday to the forest and smell of burnt pork butt, etc). Step 3: After a little chit chat, I ask them to do a simple favor for me. I ask them if next week they would bring in a pack of Oreo cookies to share as a snack (for the kids, leaders meeting, etc.). Step 4: I let the test begin.. So why this simple task? I can tell you that 100% of the perspective leaders in our Pack/Troop have been asked to bring in Oreo cookies. They look at me puzzled and I politely say, “See you next week.†You are probably thinking I’m losing it…especially if you have spoken to my wife lately. By now you are probably wondering why Oreo cookies right? So I’ll explain… 1. If they come back next week without them… they will probably have an excuse. I have no use for excuses, I only need solutions. We all work, go to school, have disabilities, have sick kids, etc. Adapt, overcome, find a way…just like all the other dedicated adults in the pack that on top of life remember the craft, or the Scoutmaster who stays two hours after the meeting helping Scouts and he still has to get up for work at 4-5 am. 2. If they come back with the snack size two cookie pack, they did what was asked, but the bare minimum. Bare minimum does not = good leader quality. Who wants to work with folks who do the bare minimum? It’s only a matter of time that their work ethic will be dipping into that less than the bare minimum and the program will suffer which means the boys will suffer. 3. If they come back with a thing of Oreo cookies that is the normal pack…they have followed directions, met the challenge, and sacrificed $3.50 of their own money and time shopping to get it. They might just be worth the leader conversation. 4. If they come back with Double Stuff…now we are talking potential… They exceeded expectations. They get the leader conversation that night. Usually these folks walk in with a smile holding them up. You get a laugh, they get a laugh, we all get a cookie! Steven Covey would be proud with the Win-Win-Win! 5. If they show up with Nutter Butters… I’ll make them a Scoutmaster or Cubmaster only if they were paying attention to the anecdotes from Step 1. I always joke 2 things: 1.) It’s not a campout without burnt pork butt involved (Scouts burning bacon) and 2.) It’s not a campout without Nutter Butters.. Don’t really know why the second…but they always make the backpack trips. More than not…the folks never show up again. They self eliminate the time I have to spend with them as a leader and more than not… the folks that come back the next week with Oreo cookies bring more than one pack…which is the final test. See if they bring back cookies to me, who cares… If they thought it through to make sure each and every boy in the Pack or Troop has a cookie, their heart is in the right place from the word go. See I can train you in Scouting… you either have the right heart or you don’t. I surround myself with leadership who has their heart in the game for the boys. The boys come first always… See a simple test of Oreo cookies gets me quality leaders who have the right heart, stay the longest in the organization, attract like minded others, parents, and Scouts. Who would have thought all that from a cookie? End of the day… I don’t care if you are Dad Eagle Super Scout… or brand new single Mom, just bring in Oreo cookies next week… and lets see where this goes. Plus, you can see the entire room smile that next week when someone walks in with Oreo cookies because no one but the leaders ever know why, and the kids will eat anything chocolate! So … win-win…again!" When I first started cub scouting last year with my son my head was in the wrong place I was looking of something my son could do to help him socialize the pack I was in was not really doing a good job of delivering the cub scout program I do not think they ever opened the book our meetings were two hours of freeze tag that was about it. Unhappy with that I was ether going to leave the pack and join a new one. Then I mad a fatal mistake I stated to read the book and read the scout law and thought well I do not like program they are providing let me try and fix it. So I become my sons den leader(Tigers) and boy did I have fun. The pack still has issues and I ended up changing pack anyway they needed help they lost a WEBLOS den leader (not sure why) but I stepped up to the job because I am so great full to be in this well organized pack that is how I got hooked. So I have a Three part question How did they trick(LOL) you in to getting involved ? What was the most fun for you as a leader ? How do you trick new people to give up an hour (LOL) a week ? So the question is how do you guys get the parents involved in the Cub Scouting experience
King Ding Dong I want to go on your campouts that sounds like a lot of fun
Scouts with severe food allergies
mattman578 replied to RandyPrice's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Randy, I agree with DeanRx my son has HFA and I or his mother go on all outings just in case I think the kids parents should be in charge of the kids food and cooking if you charge of camp outs charge him less and let him and his parents deal with the food prep and cooking it is a great life skill that helps you get women. I find it hard to believe that these parents are putting such and important role in your hands in the fist place. That just seems so wrong to me. If you child has needs that are that serous it is so wrong to ask untrained volunteer(not counting Scout training) to make sure my son is safe. I tell all my sons Den leaders that he has HFA and things to say and do that stop his undesirable behaviour and I make sure I am close by just in case because I know they do not have any training in how to deal with someone in his case. So if he acts up they just need to speak loudly and I am there we do the same for Sunday school. Long story short the parents and the child need to figure this out you are aware of the situation and yes banning peanuts might be a good idea but rules are also made to be broken. This brings up a good point I might start a new thread about. Do you think that Cub scout and boy scout packs should be able to get epi pens for there first aid kits they such a life saving tool?