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Everything posted by mattman578

  1. YPT some times reminds me of this game http://www.plastelina.net/examples/games/game2.html In the missionaries and cannibals problem, three missionaries and three cannibals must cross a river using a boat which can carry at most two people, under the constraint that, for both banks, if there are missionaries present on the bank, they cannot be outnumbered by cannibals (if they were, the cannibals would eat the missionaries). The boat cannot cross the river by itself with no people on board. And, in some variations, one of the cannibals has only one arm and cannot row.
  2. Old fart I think that is your age group
  3. Hay do you think I could the cub masters hike plan this sounds like fun
  4. I used to walk father then a mile when I was 9 or ten to buy cigarettes and go fishing what is this world coming to
  5. You shower at camp I did not know you could do that. and no I do not think you are breaking the rules or anything. When it comes to youth protection the parent is in charge not you
  6. just give this speech after the race "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "
  7. I am going to say that this forum is great I love the fact that I can ask a question and get honest answers and yes some of you have told me I am crazy but in a good way. everybody hear is nice
  8. I am with Tim I will never deny any scout the scouting experience !!!! Also any Gay leaders are welcome to my pack just because you are gay does not automatically make you a child molester!!! I am an over weight smoking recovering alcoholic. Who is in scouting to make sure my son has a good program. He really enjoys it and gets a lot of benefits also. Any adult that wants to help will get the chance any boy who wants to scout will get the chance. I do not ask if you are gay straight cross dresser document or not document alien. Hell if you were from mars and wanted to join scouting my reaction would most likely be man your green here is how to tie a square knot. As for the way this thread is going my thoughts are that the Constitution of the USA gives you the right of freedom or religion to practice or not. the separation of church and state gets taken way to far most of the time. One of the things I have found is that education teaches tolerance.
  9. Man do not scare me I am taking my Webelos on a non parent camping trip in a few weeks my god I hope they pick them up on time.
  10. I feel so lucky I am the assistant tiger den leader by actions not on paper son is a wolf same den leader and while the den leader was working with the boys I talked to the parents and said "As part of the tiger Program the parents need to help with the electives" and all of the parents singed up and are helping. Now for the real test will they show up when there time comes.
  11. I think you do need male on this trip just for the reason if the boys are messing around in the Men's room how are you going to go in there and tell them to stop.
  12. christineka as a parent of a son with a disability ASD I am going to tell you do now worry about it at all you do need to work with cub master and the den leaders to make sure his needs are meet. and they will just remember they are volunteers most den leaders have and idea of what they are going to do before hand way before hand so you will be able to work things out to help your son. things I will not worry about are the other kids making fun of him it is funny but that does not seem to happen in our pack with my son he looks normal he is just a little off and it if funny I almost cried when some of the kids on the camp out went and got him to play in the game by all means enroll your son in scouting by all means he will have fun and the other kids will be nice to him too and make sure you tell the den leader that you will be there to help with him.
  13. I bought a DO a lid lifter a Chimney starter and tongs I can not find the lid lifter have two pairs of gloves and the long Bar-B-Que tongs I find my self using the gloves and the tongs. Then I remember that when I worked at a resonant the chiefs would always use tongs and towels never used a scapula in the place
  14. I read this “For the Love of Cub Scouts: The unofficial guide for building a stronger pack-your Scouts will love-in only an hour a week†and it stuck home with me because it is close to what you have been saying “It is for the boys†this is a cub masters minute that he uses to recruit new volunteers. He clames he gets at least two volunteers every time he gives this speech “Start with a cash register tape that is very long-the longer the better. Use this tape to represent the lifeline of a Cub Scout in your pack-no need to name someone. Place highly visible marking at equal intervals across the tape, numbered from 0-90. Have a Scout hold on end of the tape and another Scout hold the other end so the entire tape is visible to your audience. You’re ready to deliver your message….†“Folks this tape represents the lifeline of one of our Scouts. I would like to spend a moment to a moment to explore the times in there lives when as adults; we can make the highest impact in their lives that they will remember†Walk from the low numbers to the high numbers of the tape, saying “At the far end of the tape-we can all acknowledge that it is out hope that as adults, our kids outlive usâ€Â. Tear off any of the tape beyond the number 65, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now hold the tape at the number 65 Walk back towards the low numbers on the tape and share, “of course-who among us can truly recall those early years when out parents fed us, changed our diapers and taught us how to talk?†Tear off any of the tape before the age of 6, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now holds the tape up at the number 7. Next say “Once our kids reach college age-they tent to move out for school or careers. We really don’t get to see them nearly as often from this point on-as we do now†Tear off an of the tape beyond the number 18, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now holds the tape at the number 18. “In some families, once kids reach their teenage years-it can be challenging to find ways to stay connected with our kids. They develop relationships out of the home, explore new interests-in short, it may no longer be as cool to hang with mom or dad or the family.†Tear off any of the tape beyond the number 12, take both ends of the remaining tape from the scouts and raise it up for the audience to see. “As you can see-it turns out that that years your son is in Cub Scouts are the ones that they will be the most receptive for you to make and impact in their lives that they will remember. Out pack can use your help on a task or two to make this experience memorable and impactful for all out kids. Please see us right after the meeting and we can tell you how “ Link to the purchase the book http://www.amazon.com/For-Love-Cub-Scouts-love/dp/1491805404
  15. Ok I used to do a lot of back country camping in high school and this is how we did it. We would take groups of about 16 to 20 carry one or two backpacking stoves and fuel and they split us up in to too groups tent mates with two man tents one kid would carry the tent the other one would carry the poles. We would boil the water for purification. it worked out really well. Everybody wanted to be my tent mate because I carried the tent the poles a stove fuel and food if I got lost I wanted them to have to find me. as far as back packs go this one has been recommended to me http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KBYPIG/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  16. This is and interesting topic and a lot of fun. But for me brings up a question. I was recently at a conceal event and as I was walking around the tents groups I noticed that some of the parents had beer in there camping cups I did not say anything because the only reason I could tell they were drinking was the beer in there cups they were keeping there composure and were not stumbling or whooping it up. Now I am a recovering alcoholic so my judgment might be a bit off did I do the right thing by not saying anything ?
  17. something they beat in to my head at my webelos training "If you are not having fun the kids are not having fun" yes do it worst case they lol at you but hey they are LOL and having fun right
  18. Yes ScoutNut has it get the cub master and CC involved now and remove the boy you are not being paid
  19. If you wife has every said "I can not be the only adult in the house " you could be a den leader When you show up to chaperone a school field trip and the teacher assigns you a chaperone you could be a den leader please add you own I am thinking of giving it as speech to get new den leaders
  20. Hmm this sounds like a big misunderstanding that can be cleared up easily I think last year all of our webelos when to a different boy scout troop then our CO this caused some issues between the CO and our scout master told the CO the truth "the troop leader worked a lot with the boys and the CO did not work with them that much" work with the webelos den leader attend the some den meetings help the leader out if the boys know you they will be more likely to come and play with you.
  21. I read this “For the Love of Cub Scouts: The unofficial guide for building a stronger pack-your Scouts will love-in only an hour a week†and it stuck home with me because it is close to what you have been saying “It is for the boys†this is a cub masters minute that he uses to recruit new volunteers. He clames he gets at least two volunteers every time he gives this speech “Start with a cash register tape that is very long-the longer the better. Use this tape to represent the lifeline of a Cub Scout in your pack-no need to name someone. Place highly visible marking at equal intervals across the tape, numbered from 0-90. Have a Scout hold on end of the tape and another Scout hold the other end so the entire tape is visible to your audience. You’re ready to deliver your message….†“Folks this tape represents the lifeline of one of our Scouts. I would like to spend a moment to a moment to explore the times in there lives when as adults; we can make the highest impact in their lives that they will remember†Walk from the low numbers to the high numbers of the tape, saying “At the far end of the tape-we can all acknowledge that it is out hope that as adults, our kids outlive usâ€Â. Tear off any of the tape beyond the number 65, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now hold the tape at the number 65 Walk back towards the low numbers on the tape and share, “of course-who among us can truly recall those early years when out parents fed us, changed our diapers and taught us how to talk?†Tear off any of the tape before the age of 6, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now holds the tape up at the number 7. Next say “Once our kids reach college age-they tent to move out for school or careers. We really don’t get to see them nearly as often from this point on-as we do now†Tear off an of the tape beyond the number 18, and allow the scout to let it drop to the floor as he now holds the tape at the number 18. “In some families, once kids reach their teenage years-it can be challenging to find ways to stay connected with our kids. They develop relationships out of the home, explore new interests-in short, it may no longer be as cool to hang with mom or dad or the family.†Tear off any of the tape beyond the number 12, take both ends of the remaining tape from the scouts and raise it up for the audience to see. “As you can see-it turns out that that years your son is in Cub Scouts are the ones that they will be the most receptive for you to make and impact in their lives that they will remember. Out pack can use your help on a task or two to make this experience memorable and impactful for all out kids. Please see us right after the meeting and we can tell you how “ Just thought you might like to read this
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