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Everything posted by mattman578

  1. I have found that the scouts in my den really do not have time to complete the homework I ether skip the home work part or incorporate in to the den meeting or subsitute
  2. Hi everybody I am teaching the new iron chief requirement I know I am early to my Webelos scouts I am thinking of opening this up to the rest of the pack basically if you are new to camp cooking please come so that I can make sure you can eat and also do not get food poisoning. What I am asking is for you guys to give your favorite camp meal recipe. From just of the fire to Dutch oven to foil meal extra I do like to eat !!!!
  3. come on stosh a subenia that says qwazse on it would be funny as hell
  4. note nice to tease the deslexic have you heard of the Americans with Disablities act my lawyer has
  5. You know something this reminds me of and issue we had earlier this year our CC had the pack check book and his wife accedently wrote a check to pay for something out of the Pack check book (yes we did whip her with a wet noodel) but the funny part is the bank honered the check with one signuture I am not even sure if she is on the account to sing for checks so what is the diffrence between checks and a debt card ?
  6. I say we make them sing to unlock the thread
  7. This is a topic that hits home to me I was aksed to float a larg some of money to pay for an activity and I refused to be the finace compay for the pack. then I heard complates of people that wrote us checks wondering if we were ever going to cash them
  8. Stosh you were very bad and the Internet police are comming for you
  9. yea that sounds like fun I might get my dauthers troop to go
  10. packsaddle I have more important things to worry about thanks if you corrected any of my speeling I can not tell
  11. Ok I as reading Bryan on Scouting and he says you should not make scout sing for there lost items he says it is a form of bulling and humiliation. I do not think so I think it is just a fun thing to help reinforce a lesson please let me know what you think? http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/04/21/singing-for-a-lost-item/ buy the way if I lose and item and you make me sing for it you will be more punished then me
  12. This topic does not bother me I just hand the parents a work sheet at the begging of the year and say "You and your son need to complete this" and check that box
  13. This is a fun topic I was in one pack that charged a per person fee and they supplied all the food and the person always over bought to the point to were the other parents in the pack even me were starting to think that she was skimming not only money but food of the pack. I changed packs and now this pack they your feed yourself the pack does not provied food. but there is somthing that I am missing and that sitting around the campfire eating as a group so this year I am going to try and do a pack pot luck for dinner and see how that works out should be a happy medium
  14. Yea scoutergripper I agree with you there that is why I am asking I am going to suggest to the commite that we spend more money I am afraid that the fund raising will loose steam becuse we ask them to raise money then we ask them for money
  15. I have a basic question our Pack has $5000.00 in the bank account we use that money for awards and other den meeting supplies. We then have a fundraisers and at the pack meetings we charge for food. We ask our parents to pay for just about everything occasionally the pack will chip in part of the money but not enough to make a difference $10.00 or so. On camping trips you supply your own food the pack just picks up the camping fees. So my question is what does your pack pay for and how much money should we keep in the account for rainy day fund ?
  16. Looks like I will have to wait for this to come to Maryland they do allow schools to have epi pens
  17. If they wont let you help out in that troop come hear and help me with mine
  18. Last time I was target they had some really light weight track pants
  19. Anaphylactic shock really scares me and I have never understood why epi pens are so hard to get a hold of in the US. I man a bee sting or a missed placed peanut can cause major issues and make me have to make a phone call I never want to have to make. Has anybody had any experience with giving a kid going in to anaphylactic shock a hole bottle of Benadryl ?
  20. I use Permethrin (http://www.amazon.com/Permethrin-SFR-32-oz-Bottle/dp/B003IMO3I2/ref=pd_bia_nav_t_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0Q1HC40RPPRT6FNKA4YX)I dulute it to about .05% and spray that on my boats tent cot sleeping bag hat rain fly and soak my camping cloths in it for 2 hours let them line dry and then wash them on a gental cycle and since I have started doing that I have not seen a tick or mosquito on me or my famly. Sawyer makes a product you can buy witch is the same stuff dulutied for your (http://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Pack-Clothing-Repellent-Bottles/dp/B00CL5ZSFY/ref=sr_1_2?s=outdoor-recreation&ie=UTF8&qid=1428890666&sr=1-2&keywords=permethrin+treatment) I just like to play chemsit can treat mix my own stuff and it is a lot cheaper. My army buddy told me to that this is whay they use to tic and insect proof there cloths he also told me that flea and tick collors are a bad idea causes rashes.
  21. Hmmm I'm thinking of a man sized piñata that boys could raise, lower and pull in different directions using ropes. Another boy would "fight" the opponent and the opponent would be dropped to the ground when a good blow was struck. I'll have to think about that some more.... I know some people I would like to use as a pinata can I send them your way ?
  22. any thing that grows like a fruit or vegtables
  23. My son made a sward for his Knights of the Round table camp it was a wodden dowl rod with a pool noodle all taped togther with duct tape he has had it for two years and has only caused one bloddy nose with it (me)
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