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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. I have seen healthy number of scouts at the last two Eagle Projects I dropped my son off at but at both it was mentioned my help could be used (sorry I already had plans, but here is my son) but I also see a healthy number of adults very dirty and very sweaty. Again I could be looking at this completely wrong....I just want to make sure they are learning from what they are doing. I was proud thought when I went to pick up my son and he was filthy from head to toe and asked if it was too early for him to start thinking about his project.
  2. Cleaning up an old community garden and building new raised flower beds or digging a trench for run off isn't something that I believe required adults doing it. I understand building a new building and such
  3. Background of myself. I do not have a lot of experience at the troop level but I am around a lot of troops. I have been to 3 Eagle Projects and they have left me scratching my head, so please correct me and or tell me the proper way. I see all the adults doing the project! is that the correct way?
  4. Before some jump of the deep end this isn't sexist! Mom's are my biggest Challenge...Where are all the DADS!!!!!!! I want my son to go up for PL, ASPL yadda yadda yadda...."john what would you like to run for this time? Scribe!" Why isn't he already 1st class....he just joined 6 months ago! "Where is your change of sock? I don't know mom packed my bag" ugh
  5. Same here, follow them on Facebook
  6. Ironic http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2016/02/12/a-parent-helped-build-that-pinewood-derby-car-yes-thats-the-whole-point/
  7. We tell some of our parents that if you don't have access to ban saws and no carpentry skill at all Hobby Lobby sells BSA PWD kits, all you do is snap on the wheels and paint them up but that they'd have to work out the weight.
  8. Its no big surprise that MOST cars are "owned" by dad with the child's assistance (paint) but it also allows bonding time with dad and son.
  9. Got to use the bag this weekend and I was more than impressed with the room I had and comfort. I stayed warm and it was easy getting in and out of, well worth the $60 I paid! Remember, this is NOT a backpacking sleeping bag!
  10. I agree with this! They have shortened the agenda so the people that BELLY ach about having to go to a weekend long training would shut up. Now they will have a different reason to complain.
  11. Think of this as an opportunity to network and meet others in the scouting community! Have fun! Be serious, BUT not too serious! Don't be THAT guy! Have FUN!
  12. I used painters canvas drop cloth for ours.
  13. Not all CO can do that! Sure that would be nice
  14. I have an over night scheduled with my Webelos this weekend so I will report that comforts but it looks like we'll have a warm up this weekend so I wont be able to see how it does in the cold.
  15. I'll do just that! It is a nice heave bag so I would hate to discard it.
  16. Here you go 92" long 39" wide 7.5 lbs lol WON'T fit in your normal backpack!
  17. Here is how our troop does it. No Dues Recharter is $50.00 OA Dues (if applicable) $10.00 Family FOS $10.00 So December of every year $70.00 The boys (and numbers) determine cost for each campout, and other things play a factor in that cost as well. Next week they are going on a Ski Trip in St.Louis area obviously this will be a little higher because of the Lodging Fees and rentals. 125.00 per person but if we can get 15 to go its 100.00 ea. Our annual shooting trip which consist of 12g and .22 runs about $40 ea scout due to cost of ammo and clays. They pay for summer camp/winter camp but I believe we assist in some way with NYLT.
  18. The order of opening of our meetings Pledge (scout salute) Oath (signs) Law (signs) Outdoor Code (signs)
  19. So I had to break down and buy another sleeping bag after my cold weather bag zipper jumped track on my at Winter Camp last week. It was a large 20 degree Bass Pro flannel lined bag and it was rectangular. I have tried the mummy bags and I even have a zero degree mummy bag but I just don't sleep comfortable in it. So I went on a search for a zero degree rectangular bag and came across this 15 degree bag made my Coleman. This thing is HUGE and great for "front country" camping (car Camping) I don't sleep on my back, I either sleep on my side or stomach. http://www.target.com/p/coleman-big-basin-sleeping-bag/-/A-12241501 I was hoping to post a pic of it but got an error every time. Can't wait to try it out next weekend.
  20. We have Troop Competitions at Kia Kima Boat Float to name one. Build something that will float and paddle it to victory. Kia Kima There are two sides to Kia Kima, Osage and Cherokee and the difference is on the Osage side you are fed by our great staff is our brand new Dining Hall and on the Cherokee side you cook your own meals. http://www.kiakima.net/ Just left Winter Camp! BTW we have (that I know of) 3 troops that come from Texas every year for Summer Camp. There is also a Program called L.O.S.T, page 35 of the leaders guide...Its really cool
  21. All other unit in my District are amazed that we camp as much as we do, some units don't even go to Resident Camp which blows my mind. My pack camp atleast 6 times a year that's about 4 campout outs more than the other units in my District. My Webs (I am the Web Den Leader will have 2 additional camp outs other then these 6)
  22. Use to be a place called ScoutsDirect now its called HikersDirect and they have a lot of Discounted quality products Here you go I found the link https://hikerdirect.com/hd/login?r=order
  23. My son gets the "You're just showing out" Bragging. 6th grade though, so I am sure that will change before 9th grade. I was a floater in school, had many friends on the A list and some on the C list. I was an athlete by nature and a typical "Steve Stiffler" from American Pie. I always thought things through before doing them, especially if it was something that I could get in trouble for. Never snuck out because I knew I'd get caught! I was the typical class clown and breezed through with C's
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