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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. I saw that this weekend....An apology bribe. Ridiculous
  2. Transitions (after "rank" I know it isn't rank) does not occur until they move up a grade or age change regardless of B&G. They are still a Tiger, Wolf or Bear.
  3. I have to agree with David on this one. Now I don't understand the voting part, at ours ALL parents vote and all Leaders vote maybe next time consider ALL parties voting. This is nothing new or any concern, we have new people all the time show up to Pinewood Derby and some have won.
  4. Tip on the canvas switch back. Always wash the legs with this pants so that the fading is constant. Also they shrink quiet a bit so when they hem them up hem them inside so you can let them out as he grows
  5. That's Awesome. You know a part of the Webelos "Building a better world" activities is connecting to a another brother scout somewhere else. Skype sounds like a good option here IF there wasn't a timing issue
  6. I have to agree, and the only way I would stick around is IF I knew leadership was close to turning over.
  7. Need to get your DC involved and help between Council and Eagle
  8. Thank You for your time and service!
  9. That is correct, ask away. Start another topic though. Would it blow your mind even more if I also said I was a DC?
  10. Its that troop with 30-40 boys, 3 or 4 patrols and wins majority of Camporee and no that does not always indicate boy led.
  11. Well I was in the same boat a year ago, my son chose to go to the unit he felt he would enjoy the most so we make that 20 min drive to the better troop. I am the committee chairman to the local troop, I am trying to get them better. Not going to sacrifice my sons scouting adventure while I work to improve the troop.
  12. No you are right, 2 rows. I see 3 rows and Its doesn't bother me that much but when I see 3 and 4 rows then there is a problem.
  13. Packing poo isn't always the case, just depends on where the trek is. Mountainous areas where there isn't 6" of topsoil dictates that, I am not packing my poo either.
  14. BTW I loved taking the LNT trainer course and one day hope to take the Master Educator Course hosted by either NOLS or LNT themselves.
  15. I am just referring to "service hours" not the award
  16. Let me add my .02 cents. I wouldn't have any problem opening up "Cub Scouts" to girls. I get so many girls wanting to join Cub Scouts its un real.
  17. DEPENDS on who they are instructing. If it isn't scout related and they are talking to a group of "kids" then its service.
  18. I agree that I wouldn't consider it service hours unless he was teaching the class.
  19. Go Provo! PERIOD VOTE to have the committee replaced
  20. Try MailChimp, I have started a news letter for my district and its real simple. If you know your way around a computer.
  21. I love Indian folk lore probably more than most which draws to ceremonies around the native American culture, for he record (not that any of it matters) I have Sioux background.
  22. thanks for everyone's insight on the matter, it cleared me up.
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