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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. I have this patch at home, when my DE went to Irving she brought it back for me.
  2. Yea the co-ed not just leaders but also staff (crews) kind of hinder some of the boys running around shirtless. Picked up my son Sunday from camp and when I got there was glad to see him walking around camp with just his shorts and shoes on.
  3. Cows and obviously hurricane were also named only after women, until the Feminist movement made Hurricane Research Center start using male names as well.
  4. LOL your are correct about the Ticks! IF you stay at Cherokee then you're right there at the Water Front.
  5. I believe my camp is the best with the best staff. Couple of unique courses like L.O.S.T and mountain man and a few others. (Yea I am bias) Two styles of camping 1. Primitive - Cherokee side of camp (cook your own food) 2. Amenities - Osage Side (dine in our world class newly renovated Dining hall) http://www.kiakima.net/
  6. You and I agree 100% on this which is why its so important to get it right the first time. That is exactly what the MB program is about!
  7. Awesome video and demonstrations. I am not against Jetboil, I have one myself but $300+ for this device is a bit of the ballpark for camp stoves. We'll be sticking with the traditional Coleman, might take a little longer so we will fill that time with fellowship. On a side note I am extremely interested in the Camp Chef Rainer stove for my personal use.
  8. I have seen Parents running their kid from one Merit Badge College to another, I have seen Merit Badge Class where the instructors have fallen asleep while youth just fill out paperwork. So while your concerns are legitimate, our concern Is what the youth take away from a MB. We don't just pass them out like Tic Tac's around here. I might just be a parent (as I chose) in this situation.... For the most part I am a DC
  9. Then if the scout and or Parents don't like the troops Policy they can find another troop (like the poster did) Let me go on record and state I do not have a "formal" position with my son's Troop. I am just a parent.
  10. Like I mentioned before "To each their own" The troop puts qualified people in place so that a scout doesn't need to attend a MB college.
  11. isn't the first step in the merit badge process getting a blue card from Advancement Chair or SM.
  12. Simply don't go. Our troop doesn't promote it or even acknowledge its existence. The Troop Committee finds qualified individuals to run such MB. Fishing Merit Badge - Mark Rose (just an example) Lawyers, Flight Simulator designer and Pilot for FedEx (Aviation MB) Exec from Sedgwick for Personal Management. Put the right people in place and there isn't any need for Eagle Required MB to be taken at a MB College. Remember I am only speaking about Eagle Required MB's.
  13. Some troops are just really strict on WHO does these MB classes. My son's troop is very much on top of providing "Quality" MD Councilors for the boys. This is NOT a race to see how many one can receive right? Rules at our troop, no Eagle required MB (except for Swimming) are allowed by anyone under 1st class. Troop also looks down on Merit Badge colleges (puppy mills if you will) To ea there on.
  14. I would not be totally against girls in CubScouts! we all have those sibling (girls) wanting to participate. Why not Pick up the slack from Girl Scouts!
  15. I would love to leave my cell phone home for a weekend!
  16. WoodBadge sure gets a bad rep! Staffing my first time around starting next Thursday
  17. would love to get my hands on a Green one
  18. Mentioned this to my SE and he was not aware of any of this. Provided links and his statement was "I guess tour plans are going away" DUH!!!! is there no one you could call and ask?
  19. Why should they have to? Our former Prez didn't have to.
  20. Might have to watch this one. I still wish they'd bring back "Are you Tougher than a Boy Scout " I enjoyed that show
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