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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. I completely don't understand it at all....I email and email and email...Do they not even look at emails anymore?
  2. My COR is one of my Leaders and a very active person in my CO. I have already put a word in that I would like to sit down with her and the IH before we start the 2017 fall recruitment just to be sure we are all on the same page.
  3. I will tell you what I see. I am a CM and I go to my 3 schools during school hours and recruit. When I walk into the room in my uniform and start talking about cub scout I tend to see more attention from the girls than the boys. Sure there are boys highly interested but its the girls that sigh and say "ohh man" I tell them what we do, where we go and what over opportunities there are. I wont change my spill. When I mention Girl Scout to the girls that are really interested I hear the same story "its boring, all we do is sell cookies"
  4. I am finding out this process is dragging and dragging. I noticed on my BeAScout page the option of Boy or Boy/Girl and so when I approached the council about it ( I am a DC) they said they aren't activating any units yet. They are testing one and only one for now. I know in September when I go and do my recruiting for Cub Scouts I am going to have some bites from girls.
  5. What would give you the Idea Venturing is going away?
  6. Ive used Kiwi spray on some of my larger tents. Great stuff. Let it sit up for a couple of days (garage) to air out before you store it back up
  7. My Webelos sleep with their buddy. Mom and Dad doesn't have to attend if they don't want to. #WebelosTransition
  8. Wow that's interesting! Never knew that.
  9. YES ScoutBook use to really only be Iphone friendly when it first came out. Very Very mobile friendly now. Matter of fact we use it for on the fly advancement. Trust me I have been though my share of software, this is far superior.
  10. CubTrails.... never heard of it. make with the switch to ScoutBook. You will enjoy it
  11. Ha guys finally after calling stores (with rather rude responses from some) I finally acquired this yesterday on Ebay with a price I could stomach. There is also this option I stumbled across the other day. Huge Marmot fan. https://www.marmot.com/stilson-ls/44930.html
  12. I have to agree on this camping in a cabin isn't camping
  13. I don't approve of any "spoofs" but one day I do wish to acquire the "Untrainable" patch
  14. Let not assume the scout store didn't UP SELL this gentleman and told him he needed that patch. Its happened in front of my eyes. "Have you taken some training" this could be YPT, oh then here is a TRAINED PATCH
  15. He is a committee member and paid his $33.00 to serve your unit. Have you guided him down the path of training? As much as well all need more help, don't let someone that is eager to hit the ground running slip through your fingers
  16. Here in Chickasaw there is a branding co that we have aligned ourselves with which makes these shirts for $5 each. Now they are ALL identical with the Oath and law on them and you choose the color but they place the Pack or Troop number on them. This has helped a lot.
  17. Advantage Emblems is who I use most of the time for District Patches
  18. Took Baloo many years ago. Told my Pack CC he needed to take Baloo so he did. Came back with a patch and my mind was Blown, I am a patch guy and I want that patch lol.
  19. OH wow...thanks for the Heads up on that...Heading there now
  20. UGH yes for now and seem to be the focal point for now. For the most part its leaderships fault for allowing a pushy mom to "run the show" slowly working my way in to work this behavior out. I have no issue with doing a MB and here is the formula that I have seen work. MB covers 3 months, 1 meeting a month focuses on said MB.
  21. I am waiting until spring recruitment for my inclusion of girls, only makes sense. B&G is a month away and there is no sense in rushing them through.
  22. Oh come on Dad... it wasn't that far out there. I didn't "really" enjoy it but it entertained me. I hate that ole Shia LaBeouf went bat sh@t crazy, would have loved to see him take over the role.
  23. I wonder what JJ thought after watching the entire UNDOING of TFA? I am glad JJ has the next one. Sure there were parts that I loved but there were MORE parts I hated! Huge Star Wars fan here
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