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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. JasonG172


    Man that sucks ^^^ we have a fire ring, either a Web II or Boy Scout is in charge of the fire. If you step in that ring or put something in the fire, well it is upon. I have only had to address it once. We have a LNT meeting the first morning of our first camp out with the new kids/parents and we lay down the rules. Oh yea, we correct the children because you KNOW the parents dont
  2. JasonG172


    We are in Chickasaw Council (Memphis area) but we are in Arkansas. We have the Cub o Ree and then we have the summer camp at Kia Kima and our council is pretty good about putting on events for the council like sleeping at Red Birds stadium (minor leagues for the Cards) also 1 over night at Mud Island. MAN I would love to sleep at Yorktown and SeaWorld! When our Pack camps so does our Troop, the Troop is relatively small. So many people say that you will run the parents off when you do so much stuff and I say I want a Quality Unit !!! My son has no issues sleeping in 30 degree weather, and when he gets to Boy Scouts he'll be Prepared.
  3. I used to be a Beaver And a mean old Beaver too. I've eaten me an eagle, a fox and buffalo stew. I'm getting rather hungry, And I don't know what to do. So I'm going to catch a staffer if I can. Back to dinner, frying pan, I'm going to eat a staffer if I can.
  4. what are you waiting on? Do it. There wouldnt have been a second thought I jumped the gun on this. Yes speak with "SPL" also can you help. I do apologize
  5. JasonG172


    I agree. That being said when they see the kids lines up for the LNT march through the camping area they learn rather quickly there will be no trash left behind. So far I haven't had any real issues with parents. Really all they are to me is a vehicle to get my boys to a camp site, after that I could careless if I see most of them.
  6. I've seen it myself on several occasions. I was told that if this occurs (at our scout shop) the shirt can be returned for a new one
  7. JasonG172


    Out of curiosity why do parents need trained?
  8. JasonG172


    I am a Den Leader, avid camper. In recent discussions I have talked about the amount of camp outs me and my boys go one and I always hear the same thing over and over. "1 or 2 pack camp outs a year" WOW are you serious? My pack goes on a camp out every other month, we also do Polar Camp outs and last weekend I took them on a 5 mile hike. 6 tigers 2 wolves 2 bears 5 Webelos what gives ?
  9. Rained the last day of my Wood Badge course as well, and some moved to the Pavilions. However if they had pitched that tent properly and or waterproofed their tent all their stuff might have been dry. Prepared? I think not !
  10. I loved Wood Badge and it will be an experience I never forget and will Cherish. I also made a ton of new friends, just remember its up to you to make the experience worthwhile,
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