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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. We in Chickasaw Council and Kia Kima (KKSR) have a Summer Camp program called TrailBlazers. This program is a 3 hr program (not in a stinking room) designed primarily for scouts who are new to scouting and are coming to camp for the first time. The purpose of the program is to give new scouts a jump start by teaching them the basic outdoor skills needed throughout their scouting career with a focus on working up to the requirements of First Class.
  2. I am a HUGE Bear Grylls fan...one day watching one of his episodes I notice the World scouting patch on some random jacket...at that time I had no idea he was a Scout. I wish we had someone like Bear here in the states for publicity. I wish we could borrow him for a while.
  3. WOW, sorry late to the game here. My mind is BLOWN! I see where our money problem is. This is unforgivable...the Fleecing of America
  4. I enjoy IOLS a little more, Baloo IMO is geared a little more toward Cubs and IOL for BS Leaders
  5. I'm a SM now and one of our traditions when awarding completed MB is having the scout talk about 1 MB and when he learned...I had one bone head say (I don't know, I slept through it) it was First Aid....Well guess what! he doesn't have that MB and is now retaking it lol
  6. I agree with this and I fight with an AC that believe simply attending a MB class constitutes competition. When the topic came up on her son's cooking MB I asked where did you hike to complete the meal prep while backpacking.....CRICKETS Tired of seeing lame excuses for MB Classes.
  7. So most of us are aware of just how useful their COR is right ! Well they are the ones that have to sign off on these Online Apps and well waiting on them is like waiting on Gabriel to blow his trumpet.
  8. You know I've heard of Parent Orientation but never Den Leader Orientation
  9. Agreed with Eagle, no "stand alone" ceremony for Webelos. However I love this site http://www.boyscouttrail.com/webelos/webelos-scout-ceremonies.asp
  10. Only the leader (scout) Cubs as well. Hold the "Leader Stick" and the leaders of the hike (for that portion) and he change throughout the hike.. But yes they all misuse the walking stick
  11. I HAVE A script, lol it was just emailed to me when I purchased the kit Ceremonial-Script.pdf
  12. Wow you got paid to work Day Camp? That's awesome. This is the sad part for 16 & 17 year old, jobs they use to have access to are now being done by adults. Need to find what's best for you.
  13. ScoutMasters Benediction recited by a scout And now may the Great ScoutMaster of the Universe be with us and guide us until we meet again. Amen
  14. This is AWESOME because I am a Dos Equis follower
  15. Yea, hence why my son and I wont be going to World 2019
  16. Sounds like patches as well to me, so we should get rid of them as well. NEVERMIND someone beat me to he punch, sorry
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