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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. Class A's are to be worn to ALL meetings, Here is what I tell my parents. " Assume you are wearing your Class A's unless I tell you different" No need in asking unless I tell you other wise. Drive me nuts parents always asking do we wear class A's. We are going to a Memorial service, what do you think? An Hour or as long as the meeting isnt boring is a good amount of time
  2. I am one and got one. Sorry, I like crafts just as much as the next fellow but more the merrier is NOT the case for Webelos..ugh This is why I feel my Troop is suffering
  3. This is my opnion and totally mine. I rather parents NOT work in the same Den as their child, just my opinion. Vested interest? My son is not in my Den does that mean I dont have a "vested" interest? When he moves up to Boy Scouts and I remain in Cubs what is my vested interest? The boys are MY VESTED interest.
  4. WOW did someone steal my account and post this question !!!!! all kidding aside, I bit my lip a lot FOR NOW. Didnt want to start up a committee because, well WE are the committee yadyadyad and this is why the TROOP is suffering. During the Summer we'll have 1 pack meeting a month Field day where we'' play kickball, flag football and soccer end it with RainGutter Regata.
  5. In our Pack Webelos are allowed to go on camp outs without parents. All they so is sign a permission slip
  6. I have this one http://woodbadgestore.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=662 http://woodbadgestore.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=934 They are on velcro so I can change them out
  7. I get enough whinney parents about "They cant do that, they are to young" Example a 5 mile hike we took a month ago...Boys had a BLAST, parents huffin it. The boys did fine, it is YOU that can't do it. I dont need the added pressure of finding things girls CAN or CAN NOT do.
  8. LOL ^ I am not a vet. I do have a very old Cub Scout ring that my GrandDad gave me when I was a kid. He found it one day with his metal detector,
  9. No other scout is will to sleep without mom or dad. Dont mind me asking, but why? DISREGARD !!!! I read all I needed to read about this subject. Never knew there were issues. Dont want to Derail the Whittling Chip
  10. Understood, our Webes don't go without everyone else. So far the Webes I have run across cant sleep without mom or dad !!! Whats up with all this wussafaction? My sons a Web this year, we are going to going to summer camp, he will have his own tent.
  11. What's an actual Camp out and why aren't the Tigers, Wolves and Bears involved?
  12. I can find brown FDL buttons and navy FDL buttons, but black is a problem.
  13. I wish there was Parades around here !!! Only Parade we see is the Christmas Parade
  14. well if the pic wont work here's the link http://www.scoutstuff.org/bsa/uniforms-insignia/mens/shirts/centennial-boy-scouttm-male-leader-long-sleeve-supplex-nylon-uniform-shirt.html
  15. Here is that they look like
  16. Just waiting for the plot twist !!!
  17. Do any of you change out your buttons on your shirt? I notice a lot of people have black buttons (they appear to be black) but the shirts in the store are normal beige color.
  18. which is completely opposite for my pack, they wear their belts so they can wear their loops
  19. Sign up is $25-$30. Dues are $5 month Thats it. Most camp outs people chip in 10$ for food. Youth are responsible for their own uni
  20. Conflict resolution needs to occur and quickly with ALL LEADERS - Bring in water and lock the DOORS
  21. Cubs with their Dens. Parents sit in the back. We had issues when I first started with the pack and since we have done this it has been so much better.
  22. I am so frustrated with these groups, if it isnt the Gay LBGT then its the Atheist Groups
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