He "could" take his son. The CAN NOT take 2 boys, without another adult.
The leader was right in saying let him take a buddy, but if you are uncomfortable with him walking some distance....nm I will keep the rest to myself. lol
You can allow the Pack to supply food and charge 12 15 $ per camping trip OR you can feed yourself (bring food and prepare it) and pay $6.
Thats how we look at it.
Yes there are some really nice ones out there, really really nice with a LOFTY price (a Scout is Thrifty) I bought this one
waterproofed it a little more and it rolls up nice into my backpack. Weight 5lbs
Same situation I fell into with cubs
Naturalist - the Camp Signed off complete, I however asked the boys what was done (because I was there and I know what was done) and we all agreed that the camp was wrong and we would finish up what wasnt complete.
Yeap you're right and that's when I will be less hands on with only giving my input when asked, I have started that a little this year as he is a Webelos and I am not a Web Leader. Webs meet in the summer with my Pack and when its time for them to meet I am Dad and I dont wear my unifrom !! When he moves up I will gladly hand him over to the SM hoping I did everything I could to Prepare him for Boy Scouts.
Yes to what Stosh said, TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN.
My son is 10, so I have 4 or 5 years to get ready....I already quit smoking!
What ever we do we are going for the 50 Miler A Foot or A Float. I am excited.
You see I just dont understand it really !!!! In Cub Scouting you can assist your son more than you can in Boy Scouts. You do more in cub scouts (as a parent) than you do in Boy Scouts because of the Patrol Method. When my son moves up to Boy Scouts (2 years) I will remain in Cubs !!!
I got tired of Politics
After my Wood Badge course, I committed myself to refrain from Political Talk Radio, forums and TV. I realized there is NOTHING I can do about the way our country is ran other than voting.
YEAP, exactly right !!!! Texting is right there in their FACES ! I have a couple of parent that asked if I just text them the information but I told them some some of my emails are a little long. So for some of my parents I have to TEXT them to let them know I emailed them !! UGH
We use scout manage (now called youth manage) if you can get your parents to use it !!! I also use Facebook and I use Calling Post.
What I refuse to allow is someone NOT be informed. I also text
When its JUST me
Simple and inexpensive. Also I waterproofed it, and it rained the entire weekend of Kia Kima residence camp and nothing inside got wet.
Ill tell you the Coleman 8 Person Instant would be perfect for all of you. If you dont go that route go with the Coleman 4 man instant (2 of them)
Other than that I'd get personal tents for the Boys for sure