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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. 2 deep is understandable to me. Easy, always 2 registered leaders with YPT training.
  2. He "could" take his son. The CAN NOT take 2 boys, without another adult. The leader was right in saying let him take a buddy, but if you are uncomfortable with him walking some distance....nm I will keep the rest to myself. lol
  3. You can allow the Pack to supply food and charge 12 15 $ per camping trip OR you can feed yourself (bring food and prepare it) and pay $6. Thats how we look at it.
  4. I agree, I believe the CO is nicely trying to annoy ya'll and push ya'll out. Happened to us.
  5. Yes there are some really nice ones out there, really really nice with a LOFTY price (a Scout is Thrifty) I bought this one http://www.target.com/p/embark-red-2-person-dome-tent-4-6-x7-6-x48/-/A-13054998#prodSlot=_1_3 waterproofed it a little more and it rolls up nice into my backpack. Weight 5lbs
  6. Tigers can earn beltloops AWESOME job of the BB gun
  7. Same situation I fell into with cubs Naturalist - the Camp Signed off complete, I however asked the boys what was done (because I was there and I know what was done) and we all agreed that the camp was wrong and we would finish up what wasnt complete.
  8. we haven't had any issues either, for the most part the boys weed out the less than desirables.
  9. I follow whats being said, and I mean I will "give them more room".
  10. Yeap you're right and that's when I will be less hands on with only giving my input when asked, I have started that a little this year as he is a Webelos and I am not a Web Leader. Webs meet in the summer with my Pack and when its time for them to meet I am Dad and I dont wear my unifrom !! When he moves up I will gladly hand him over to the SM hoping I did everything I could to Prepare him for Boy Scouts.
  11. Yes to what Stosh said, TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN. My son is 10, so I have 4 or 5 years to get ready....I already quit smoking! What ever we do we are going for the 50 Miler A Foot or A Float. I am excited.
  12. You see I just dont understand it really !!!! In Cub Scouting you can assist your son more than you can in Boy Scouts. You do more in cub scouts (as a parent) than you do in Boy Scouts because of the Patrol Method. When my son moves up to Boy Scouts (2 years) I will remain in Cubs !!!
  13. I got tired of Politics After my Wood Badge course, I committed myself to refrain from Political Talk Radio, forums and TV. I realized there is NOTHING I can do about the way our country is ran other than voting.
  14. Its really nice, a lot better than a leaky raingutter lol. Blow it up and its golden
  15. YEAP, exactly right !!!! Texting is right there in their FACES ! I have a couple of parent that asked if I just text them the information but I told them some some of my emails are a little long. So for some of my parents I have to TEXT them to let them know I emailed them !! UGH
  16. We use scout manage (now called youth manage) if you can get your parents to use it !!! I also use Facebook and I use Calling Post. What I refuse to allow is someone NOT be informed. I also text
  17. When its JUST me http://www.target.com/p/embark-red-2-person-dome-tent-4-6-x7-6-x48/-/A-13054998#prodSlot=medium_1_4 Simple and inexpensive. Also I waterproofed it, and it rained the entire weekend of Kia Kima residence camp and nothing inside got wet.
  18. YES YES YES YES I cant express it anymore YES
  19. Always remember to waterproof your tent, It makes Sleeping in the rain much more BEARable lol
  20. Web leaders have a very VERY important role !!! they are preparing the boys for BoyScouts....Time to put up the crafts and get to work. Wish you luck
  21. Ill tell you the Coleman 8 Person Instant would be perfect for all of you. If you dont go that route go with the Coleman 4 man instant (2 of them) Other than that I'd get personal tents for the Boys for sure
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