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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. Thanks for the review, we just received our date for next year and I am now in GEAR MODE. Pretty much made up my mind on pack (Osprey 60) so its the other stuff I am thinking about. You mention your sleeping bag and I guess I didn't realize how much the temp dropped, I was just going to use my small compact summer bag but it sounds like I need to be looking for a 30 degree bag. Is that what you're telling me?
  2. Of course they won't, that's why sometimes I will provide them with a list of available options. BUT I dont give them list until I feel its needed
  3. There is no Earning Create a name for the Patrol, get them the Patrol Patch. I typically call in the Troop for this portion of the learning, if you have one available at the time
  4. 3 Currently and not looking to add CC for the pack SM for the Troop and DC shirt
  5. You are correct...however it is a standard the Troop set, yes ultimately the scouts could say "we don't want to wear neckers" however none have ever challenged the "Troops Standards"
  6. Depends on the SM in my opinion. If he grew up in scouting he'll probably prefer the way he wore it
  7. Sure it is, we have several scout parents that do this for their scout. Sorry to here that Thrifty, curious what is your Council ?
  8. No guest will receive beltloops, patches or awards unless they are a paid member of BSA.
  9. Most quality boots should be fine, Merrell, Keens, Vasque (personal Fav)
  10. My Colman fan! I have a hard time sleeping HOT. This one great for our Canvas tents at camp, it has a magnetic clip and I just position it over my head https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-Cool-Zephyr-Ceiling-Light/dp/B00168XMD2/ref=asc_df_B00168XMD2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167131408724&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6062650836623885653&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013543&hvtargid=pla-272554032220&psc=1
  11. I would simple state rules are rule....and if the scout wasn't present then the scout doesn't run period. I had the similar situation, however I was lucky enough that they did indeed make another car but that it "sucked" and they wanted to use last years car. Told them last year cars wont pass inspection.
  12. Hell I'd do it.... that's just me Wait nevermind, you only get this money once a year. How many times a year are you serving hotdogs? once a month? for 12 months ?
  13. NOW IF this is what the parent truly does then I 100% agree with what you're saying. If the OP wants to go do all the training and the fun adult stuff then yes GO and have fun....but don't be up your sons Butt watching over him and stopping him from having fun.
  14. I believe that's a Great Idea.... I am NOT my son's SM, he attends another Troop. I have learned to let him do his thing and he seems to enjoy when I am not looking over his shoulder. I do go on campouts with his troop from time to time. When I go to Summer Camp my troop and his troop stay on two totally separate sides of camp. From time to time I do find my way over there just to see what he's into.
  15. You guys are saying dues but you mean "Recharter" correct?
  16. I agree. I have been tolerant of the past couple of decision, I 100% with the addition of girls but if we were to take away the religious element I believe I would hang it up for good.
  17. What did you do? I cant imagine anyone just picking up the phone and screaming at someone for no apparent reason. Come finish the story
  18. Do the FAT CAT'S get a reduction in Pay? That's where it needs to start.
  19. We kinda knew it was coming down the pipe, just received the news myself. Sucks for Sure...Wish someone would listen to the youth.
  20. Time to have an election. Talk with other scouts that feel the same way and have someone you guys can depend on run and vote accordingly
  21. Thank You for stepping up and Leading !
  22. One step at a time. I know its easy to say "Don't sweat the small stuff" but my wife has anxiety issues as well. How do you eat an Elephant? one bite at a time. Put one step in front of the other. I am sure youre the perfect fit for the job.
  23. LOL most gyms are Air Conditioned, I guess yours is not haha
  24. If the CO is a church is there a gym that can be used to show a movie and have an overnighter ?
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