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Everything posted by JasonG172

  1. Oh, well that was simple enough. Stosh is right, more cost effective buying new.
  2. what is Darn Socks? I know I could look it up, bit I will wait for an explanation.
  3. I have a lady in the pack that is fantastic at putting together and Arrow and plaque.
  4. I don't think so at all and never see ANY Charter Org wanting MORE restrictions than we already place on ourselves
  5. The youth vote on their uniform policy
  6. Summed up perfectly- Zero Tolerance takes THINKING off the table period.
  7. Dens are based solely off grade level (at least that's what I have been told) 4th Grade is a Bear 3rd Bear 2rd Wolf 1st Tiger If a 2nd grader was held back he still moves with his den to Bear when that time comes.
  8. This didn't occur at School
  9. 3/8 Manila Rope is what I was told is Ideal
  10. TY Stosh somehow I completely forgot about the AOL (why I have no clue because I am the Webelos Leader DUH) Also they Discontinued the AOL Knot many years ago.
  11. I hound a couple of my boys about socks. I am ok with any color (within reason ok) but white. Don't wear white socks to a COH or BOR !
  12. Welcome guys! Thank You for your service
  13. The only two items that can remain on the uniform is the Religious Knot and Recruiter.
  14. Its always been a District Level event, never unit level. thats here though,
  15. That cant always be the case especially IF they don't "have a dog in the hunt". Some unit don't allow volunteers unless they have a child active with the unit. In most cases some UC, ADC and DC are "old Scouters" looking to stay active in scouting in some shape or form and Commissioner Services fits the bill. Why should you expect an individual to help just you when he/she can help many. Selfish is what it sounds like to me. I have my Pack (ACM) I have my Troop (CC) I am on the Committee at another Troop and I am on the District Committee I am trying to help anyone and everyone that needs it
  16. I don't use this language much but I call BS. I am a DC myself and in my area I can't get 90% of my COR's Trained and most of them aren't even active with the unit. Sure if the COR has a prior scouting background maybe the unit can function with some assistance from Council or a UC or a DC for that matter. Everyone for the most part has questions and open to suggestions but when someone calls UC out at spys well that's just a POS statement. We have very dedicated people interested in helping the unit grow, meet JTE standard and create better programming. Your statement has callus throughout!
  17. Our Tigers meet Weekly, I do know some other units in the area only meet twice a month.
  18. Everyone has to do what they can, would I rather have a boy buy a shirt (BSA Class A) rather than a pair of switchbacks? Of course! If it meant him being in scouts or not I am ok with whatever blue pants he has (cubs) All of my scout pants have held up for many a camp outs and I wear them 3 out of 7 days of the week! They function very well and more affordable than (Columbia, North Face, OR, REI)
  19. I taught the LNT portion Friday night. Till not a fan of "dumbing down" training or shortening it.
  20. Shirt, Hat, necker and Socks is "official" uniform. I thought belt but it was actually Socks.
  21. Concentrated Juice- the metal ends? Little bit of ribbon and a sharpie and BAM! you have a medal for anything you wanna five a medal for.
  22. Great Job and thank you for Step up.....cough cough VOLENTOLD (Vol-en-Told) Its only 1 hr a week, if they didn't tell ya
  23. I found these at a Sam's Club in a 2 pack, work fine in my tent http://www.damngeeky.com/2013/02/21/9165/pop-up-2-way-led-lantern-for-home-use-and-camping-trips.html That was in response to Eagles question BTW I still enjoy my Coleman Northstar Lantern for Campsite
  24. Only half of our districts have a DE now (6) Districts 3 DE's
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