Our COR raised an issue and claimed we could be in big trouble with the council. (We are self-chartered, but that's another issue which we are addressing) Here's the background:
Once a year (for the past 20+ years) we hold a recruitment campout, sort of a mini-camporee, and invite the two cub scout packs that are nearest to us. It is a Friday-Sunday event, family camping, with the intention of introducing the cubs and their parents to our troop. We rent the facitlity, rent port-a-potties and washing stations, provide some food, and have several stations the cubs rotate through such as fire building, knots, some sort of craft, etc. A committee is formed each year and takes care of the planning, budget, acquiring of the facilities and equipment. The committee decides on a cost per family. In the past we have lost money on this event, and sometimes we break even.
This year our expenses were lower than expected and we ended up with a few hundred dollars extra that was deposited into our troop account. The COR says this turned the event into a fundraiser without telling the cub and scout parents and that now the council could audit our books and pull our charter.
I've looked at the BSA policy on fundraisers and don't see where this would be in violation, other than we didn't get council approval, but then again, it wasn't our intent that it be a fundraiser. COR says we have to refund pro-rated money to the families.
Personally I don't see a problem with keeping the money, but I want to do the right thing, so any advice is appreciated. I would also like your feelings on whether or not you think the council would even care about this.