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Everything posted by armcomm

  1. After the close of Schiff William Bill Hillcourt did live in the basement of a small red house owned by Carson and Martha Buck on Route 173 in Manlius, NY, in his later years. At the time that was Hiawatha Council, now Longhouse Council. Green Bar Bill used to get his annual letter copied at my mother's store, Color Copy Center (a Kinko's before there were Kinko's) in Shoppingtown Mall, Dewitt. Hillcourt would schedule his appointment and my mom would always have me at the store when he came. Although he rarely would appear at small events, he did come to the Eagle Court of Nelson Rodman, a fellow Troop 515 Eagle Scout in Oran, NY. If you are ever in the area you should visit the William B. Hillcourt Scout Museum and Carson Buck Memorial Library at Camp Woodland, just 30 minutes outside of Syracuse. http://www.orgsites.com/ny/greenbarbill/
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