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Everything posted by aarong

  1. Well its over. Lol. Out of 68 Scouts and 10 Dens we had 30 Scouts and 7 Dens attend the cake auction/pack meeting. The 3 Dens that didnt attend oddly enough didnt have any awards for this month. The turn out was disappointing but we raised $1650 with 26 cakes! Last year we raised $1025. So I am very happy with how it all turned out. Looks like we can get new Pack T-Shirts and flat top camp griddle now. We are also selling camp cards. Of 68 kids 8 are selling them. 2 of which are my boys. How do I get people involved? We even offered to refund any dues paid if they sold that amount in camp cards. Does anyone have any tips?
  2. Wow. Our District Cub Scout day camp this year is knights of the roundtable themed. They are encouraging the Webelos from each pack to build a trebuchet. We start work on ours next month.
  3. I checked with my DE. He couldn't find anything from Council stating its a "rule" he like I thinks its a good idea. With the complete lack of parent participation the Pack has I dont know how to present it. If I make it an option maybe 4 parents will do it, out of 69 Scouts. Its going to be hard enough requiring health forms for all the boys. If they filled them out in Sept nobody has them now. I will have forms at the campout with me. If they dont have them or fill them out I am not going to allow them to stay. Is that too much?
  4. Makes complete sense. Thank you everyone. Well off to send off a Pack wide email.
  5. A couple weeks ago I attended Baloo training. Ugh.. Anyway. While there the trainer mentioned Youth Protection Training. She said All adults attending a campout must have YPT. Even if they are doing m thing more than hanging out. Is this accurate? If this is true, I think my attendance numbers are going to drop.
  6. I have been involved with the Pack for a year. I am in charge of the rocket launch, pinewood derby, and the popcorn kernel. I am now also the Cubmaster. I am doing as mich training as possible and know what direction I want to see the Pack go. Im just here for some tips and tricks. The Pack is pretty large (60 Boys) so this is a challenge sometimes.
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