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  1. I LOVE the belt loop program and have implemented it alongside rank requirements. It works well and ensures that all boys get several recognitions at ceremonies - I am very sad to hear the belt loop program may be going away, and I will try to do as many belt loops as possible next year as a pack and individually with my two boys. I have a son who will be eligible for scouts in 2015, so I guess he'll never be able to do the belt loop program unless I buy them ahead of time ... perhaps an idea?
  2. My Philmont Training Center information arrived today and they are doing training for the new cub scout program starting this summer, so I doubt things will be changing too much before then ... I am really disappointed to see the belt loops go away. I like the Academics and Sports program. I am also a leader for Girl Scouts and will tell you that what is described for the cub scout program doesn't sound that close to the girl scout program. Girls choose one of three "journeys" to complete in a year .. and each journey takes 10 sessions. This doesn't sound the same ...
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