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Everything posted by MerryMarshGS

  1. I know it was last school year since you posted and I hope all has worked out. Your post is NOT how Girl Scouts is everywhere, Not how I experience it and not how I am going to have it be for my girl. I was a Girl Scout Brownies all the way through college and now have taken on as leader for my Brownie in MD. My mother took over as a troop leader for me because my troop was failing, although we girls didn't know it, we were just having fun. My mother was a girly-girl, and all about the crafts. Her first parent meeting she had and told the parents up front this is who she is and if they want the troop to do out-of-doors she would support it. I was lucky enough to have a family in the troop who stepped up and who were park rangers and army out-of-doors people. Some of my best Girl Scout experiences were with them. The combination of indoor work with my mom along with my amazing out-of-door experiences made me who I am today. I have a troop that wants it all with only a couple of parents stepping up. I wish I had you in my troop! I would suggest trying to just have them agree to a couple of events that you can set up. If you have tried and it hasn't worked I would talk with the council (oversees the troops) and see if they have a better troop fit and she can always do any council event on her own (or if there are two or a few of them interested just they could do the event). Also she could be a Juliette (although that is a GS on her own and the group experience is what we like so much). The Girl Scout programs that they have now (I'm getting used to and becoming a fan) are pretty good for the young ones and as I see the upper levels as pretty amazing. I worked an environmental education camp for six months and occasionally we would split the regular classes up by gender. It was amazing the difference I would experience with the girls speaking up more and stepping up more without their boy classmates there. Whether it was the girls not doing science as confidently or embarrassment or early puberty and wanted to impress. I do think there is a benefit to an all single gender experience in Girl Scouts. I hope it works out for you two.
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